Anyone else feel like supports

Just ignore you and their team?

If a single sliver of health was missing like dozens fo seasons ago you always heard that healing sound on you almost immediately.

Now thsoe were good support players.

There days I feel like I’m waiting 10 seconds to even get a smidge of health back.

Do you know how many times over you can die within that huge window?!

A lot of times, let’s just say that.

I get it a flex support is stronger then a healbot but the amount of time everyone is waiting for any sustain is kinda nuts right now.

And no the dps passive is not a reason to excuse the fact that there’s no team sustain. In fact its actually more of a reason for lore sustain.

Its the only reason supports are gettinf heal buffs.


“I’m to old, to tired and to blind to explain why”


Just because the devs want to break the formula of the holy trinity does not give any valid excuse to forget your role’s duties.


Are you spamming heals? Because if you are then I am ignoring you.


I’m getting plenty of attention from my supports, even on Sombra. The peel is greatly appreciated. :orange_heart:


Supports aren’t just healers. But I do agree that having to deal more damage doesn’t mean having to do less healing.

The very day DPS got health regen I’ve started feeling FAR more neglected by the supports.

Ive been lucky to have the opposite experience lately :pray:

Although, there was a Lucío yesterday who would just not heal at all for the whole match. That was a rarity thou.


Sometimes one support is getting attacked and another one is helping the first support etc.


They’re probably too busy dealing with dive. This is one of the consequences of it being meta.


It literally does.

Supports are not only incentivized and required to do more damage now, but they spend more time fending off flankers.

Think of it like a pie chart.

If one piece of the pie gets bigger, the other pieces have to get smaller.


Ever since the DPS passive was introduced and especially, when they buffed it back to 20%, most of the supports cant keep you alive anymore and HAVE to DPS to kill the enemy faster, than they can kill you.
Not only that, but its hard as hell to survive currently as support. Dive is meta and heroes like Sombra, will force the supports to duel halve the game and ignore the frontline, because they would otherwise die.


There’s a lot of flaws to what you just said.

If a fight is breaking out yes get some cheeky damage in, but as soon as someone gets hurt you sustain them.

This is all pre-healing or known as preventative healing. As the support is expecting a large burst to come out at the same rate as your sustain is on a pocket.

Plus…testing has already ruled sustaining a dps over dealing your own is always better in every scenario outside of dueling.

Constant sustain in a fight even beats out damage boost.

If my suppoty is honestly trying to kill to prevent damage, then you’re failing already.

You need the tank alive to contest the obj. You need dps to survive to apply more of their passive.

As a support getting any other kill thay isn’y free, a clean up, or just takes way tpp long is more of a burden against your team.

Yes do damage. But Jesus dude…supports are the only ones who can sustain a team.

Priorities. Prioritize. Learm to juggle back and forth that is how high rank players do it.

More often then not the supports that actually heal more win more.

No I don’t want a healbot. But I would love an actual support who undetstand tyat NUMBERS win the match.

You keep three out of four of your teammates alive and guess what they can do work.

You need to force that numbers advantage.

You almost literally don’t even count in this conversation. That top 500 sticker is sort of a giveaway that you have supports that already know what they’re doing.

You’re so far away from average players that you can’t fathom the struggles because its in your past on another world entirely.

You’re so right. I don’t know why I even bothered to grace you with my presence. :joy:

Brother. You gotta know icons don’t mean anything. Diamond has been my comfy home for ages and my teams are very average.


Same…so you should know better by now how expetiences differ and where the majprity of players lay.

I aboslutely agree that experiences can differ. The part of your post that I was responding to felt very absolutist though, so I wanted to share my (differing) experience. I genuinely believe most support players I get are trying their best and want to keep me alive.


By not telling them that we play in higher ranks and have actual supports?

That’s very dishonest and derails the issue we’re conversing about.

You’re honestly telling me that you haven’t noticed the drastic dip in teamwork and match experience?

Sorry for the ego check but dude. You’re just speaking positives without explaining it entitely.

What? It’s not as though you put rank disclosure in your OP either. And I don’t understand your complaint if you’re saying we do get actual supports in Diamond, but the OP is about not having good supports?

Between this season and the last? Not really.

I explained it clearly. When I play, my supports generally pay attention to me. This is true even in QP outside of rank, uh, reverse shaming? Lol.


Rank Reverence

20 fake T500s


Lets put ranks aside and just realize we’re at a point in the game where the match wuality has dwindled.

Why? Idk. This is a theory thread. If anything explain why to your opinions on why the game and this season feels empty or very lackluster.

Because I’m about 97% sure its not Juno’s release nor the cosmetics.

It’s always about the community affecting the community.