Any way to end an infinite ultimate?

I have an infinite Ult setup through the Hero menu. However, I would like to disable the ultimate on a button press while using the ultimate.

I put together a simple script which basically says if the hero is using their ultimate and a button is pressed: Do the thing.

I tried setting the ult to disabled but it didn’t work, I tried changing current ult charge: Still nothing. The only “ugly” way to do this I managed to find was force a hero swap and back to the original hero. However the swap is visible and also it resets hero health. (Along with telling everyone via chat that this happened.)

Any way to ideally properly end an ultimate with the animation and all if the ultimate is setup to be infinite?

I do realize that a very, very high timer for the ultimate might be a good idea and then just setting the timer to 1 or 0 on the button press might work but I don’t want the timer to be in the player’s face that entire time.

“cancel primary action” usually can cancel anything (no ending animation), but if that doesn’t work the only other ways I know to stop ultimate’s is to kill and resurrect the player/hero swap (as you already know).

the killing method is quite bad because its in the kill feed, but for the hero swap you can save stats then load them. I use functions like that more than once in my 100 effect chaos mode its quite effective (feel free to copy those actions from the mode, code: 3123G), it can even swap player team and once they pick a hero it’ll load their previous hero in the previous location before the swap and their previous stats.

(by stats I mean, health, cooldowns, charges, resources, etc)

Disable ultimate doesn’t work because that only locks the ultimate charge at 0% and disables the input.

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Thank you but sadly Cancel primary action didn’t work for this.
It seems that an infinite ultimate will always overwrite anything that tries to disable it.

Hero swapping is too “dirty” for what I’d like it to be so I scrapped the entire idea for now. (Maybe they’ll change something in the future to make this possible.)

Try apply a one-tick stun (0.016 sec)

I don’t think any ultimate’s that can be edited to be infinite, get cancelled by stuns, its mostly just transform ultimate’s like Genji, Winston, Ramattra, etc…

with a few others like Doomfist, Bastion, Symmetra, Junkrat, etc… also have infinite ultimate options but they also don’t cancel on stun, doomfist cant even be stunned during his. (not counting casting phase for junkrat)

So while stunning would work for channelling ultimate’s like Reaper, Pharah, Sigma, Cassidy, etc… I don’t think it would work with what they looking for.

However of course this is just speculation since they haven’t mentioned what hero there are doing this for.

I could have sworn I mentioned it but guess I didn’t. This was regarding Genji’s ultimate in specific.

I’ve already tried hacking and stunning before even making this post so stunning doesn’t do anything to the ultimate itself.

One caveat @Spiderman318: I also tried making Bastion’s Ultimate unlimited with an increased ammo count but it always locks you into the 8 seconds and 3 shots, it’s impossible to alter from what I’ve tested.

I knew there was an option for bastion’s ultimate for infinite, never used it though so I didn’t know about that.

however there is no option for his ultimate shots (I just looked). meaning you was using the Weapons Tab, but that doesn’t work on abilities or ultimate’s

(unless you were using the workshop to set ammo but the only valid options are 0 & 1 for weapon primary and weapon secondary, so it still wouldn’t work)