I typically play hitscan support or DPS like ana and soldier but even 5 years after launch I’m useless at 1v1ing genji
Play near your supports or near your other support(if you’re playing ana.)
in a 1v1 genji’s have habits
either they deflect and dash to over commit, or they immediately dash
if you inflict a lot of damage to them they will prob animation cancel deflect, and make sure to look out for the second jump, at the apex of it they will fall in a very linear pattern so if you have abilities like helix or sleep, thats the best time to aim it
for soldier, drop the heal station, you need to use it early, as an poke damage a genji sends at you helps him get closer to break points, he has better burst then you, so try to strafe and do the soldier dance if you are in danger as it can be hard to hit a sprinting spinning soldier
if he deflects and you have helix, aim at the ground near him to pretty much secure the duel, its your best way to burst him down
if you see him getting close, to try to leg it out, if you can keep your distance he will have a hard time really punishing you
with ana, I find my best way of fighting the genji if he comes for you is to save your cooldowns, this is a mostly 50/50 duel, your nade relives pressure since you only need to land 2 shots + nade while he needs to chew down your nade heal and your health, and your hitbox is also pretty hard for genji to hit
make sure you strafe and crouch when you want to land nade, you don’t need to aim as much when you throw nade so the genji will be put on tons of pressure
watch the deflect, if you panic sleep you will get read like a book
there is nothing you can do, unless you’re a god like aimer, who would put an aimbot to shame, the only thing you can do is hope you survive long enough for him to exhaust his cooldowns and take 5hp of damage and then he will retreat like the coward he is
so… best way of dealing with him? try to run away
You don’t need to have god aim to track is double jump.
yeah you do, because of his tiny hitbox and speed… he double jumps all over you, not infront of you
you can’t change the mind of someone who doesn’t live in reality
i do live in reality, genji doesn’t have a counter, so you can’t do anything about him
He moves in an arc and has a medium sized hitbox for a squishy. I have no problem playing against him as cree, hanzo, and tracer.
He’s countered by decent awareness.
Genji’s hitbox is bigger than Mei’s.
and he jumps all over you, so its not an arc, its an up 180 down, then he’s jumped again, deflecting ect ect
no he has one of the smallest hitboxes in the game, and with his speed its also janky
good for you, either you have an aimbot, or are masters rank or higher, at which point your advise doesn’t apply to the majority
no he’s not counterd by decent awareness, i am always aware of a genji on the enemy team, yet still can’t counter him no matter what hero i use, and my team can’t either
no its not
If you play hitscan, mccree is an easy way to deal with genji tbh.
20 characters…
Play brig or mccree, shield bash genji to stun him out of deflect and beat him to death.
When playing mccree try and throw the flash bang above his head or at his feet when genji is deflecting. You could also play beam characters like moira or sym to counter genji.
brig hasn’t countered him since her first nerf
and he has deflect so flashbang doesn’t work
Sounds like a you issue. He moves in arc he’s super easy to hit when he uses it.
I’m gold lmao
Sounds like a you issue
It does work if you abuse the hitbox and throw it above his head. Brig has a good shot at beating genji in a 1v1 if he gets in close. I’m telling you this as someone who occasionally plays mccree in masters and brig in plat, good luck trying to pull out the “that doesn’t apply to my rank” card when my support is in plat
Wait, did you just say that brig doesn’t counter genji? That’s how I know not to take your opinion seriously.
as ana if he gets near you just grenade bomb him by just dropping it on the floor then hope to hipfire shoot him to death if his health is low enough.
otherwise you have to depend on your sleep dart to hipfire shot to grenade to melee combo. of course you cant miss with the sleep dart otherwise genji will have the upper hand
personally i dont win much genji duels as ana unless im lucky or he already used all his cd’s or is low health.