Any thoughts on speeding up Venture's abilities?

Venture is already crazy strong doesnt need anything


Let’s just ignore Widow’s abysmal stats in every rank besides GM as well as, you know, experience that can tell you that uh, not GM Widow players? Not popping off all too often

Widow is only, and I do mean only, doing well in the highest ranks because she is not easy to do well with while also being easy to deal with if she’s not being played well. If Widow is not killing you in one shot, she’s not doing anything for her team. Lower ranked players tend to have worse accuracy.

Meanwhile Widow counters are much easier to play because they don’t need as high of an accuracy to deal with her. Winston is the number 1 example. If there’s an enemy monkey and you aren’t cracked on Widow, you’re shut down from match start.

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I mean, I’ve played OW since release. Practiced widow for a decent amount of hours. Still can’t land headshots for crap.

I think if you are some blessed aim god that effortlessly one shots anything in your path and it’s yawnfully boring then you are definitely in the minority of players.

For most people it’s difficult to be effective on widow.

I also don’t think you know what objectively means. Subjectively, it’s easy to get kills and be effective on widow for you. Subjectively, for me, it’s very hard. Usually would be better off just lobbing junkrat bombs into a crowd.

You’re trying to explain the game to someone whose knowledge of the game doesn’t extend beyond gold and the overwatch wiki.

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sniper glint + fortunate son starts playing if she has sightlines on you


Then it could be a hardware / software problem, it certainly was for me. Take a look at this thread for ways to fix that :

But if not, then it could be you’re just bad at aiming with hitscan. The game should be balanced primarily around people who are good at aiming with hitscan, however, as not doing that is how you get characters like Sniper and Widow that suck to play against and are gigabusted because they don’t really belong in the games they are present in.

I am quite sure that I know what words I am typing and what they mean. Go back and read again please.

please show me the Gold Widows that miss every shot, i’d love to play against them in my QP games instead of hyper-adderall aimbot smurfs that I always get.

Mechanical skill is not the only skill that should be rewarded in Overwatch.

The fact that she requires a 5v5 gigatank to contest her should be ringing alarm bells in the balance team HQ, but nought is heard but the clinking of coin in their money-purses as the revenue from the Widow Mythic endlessly slide into their bottomless coffers.

Interesting statement that you just said there, I think that ends the argument because you’ve just conclusively proven you’re an absolute idiot who has no idea what they’re talking about. We’re done here. Enjoy a block and maybe you’ll be more intelligent the next time you stumble over yourself trying to justify such a myopic mindset. Oh, who am I kidding, of course you won’t, idiots like you never learn, and it’s pointless to preach to deaf ears.

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It’s tough to say. I’d appreciate some Venture buffs, after all they do have a very low pickrate and I can’t imagine that’s without reason, but playing Venture it does feel like when I’m doing well I’m a burst-damage flanker/disruptor to be reckoned with, so I’m unsure where they really stand balance wise.

The shield nerf revert would be nice, though. It feels like I’m forced to use an escape cooldown earlier than I’d like, and without an escape it feels risky to do much more than just poke with primary from a flank, to varying degrees of success. Some more health would help with that.

Honestly I’ve not had much issue with it. From my experience, since it requires Venture to use both their cooldowns IIRC, it leaves them super open if they all in for a one-shot combo. Sure, it’s a bit annoying to get bursted out of nowhere, and watch your killer die right afterwards - feels like “Okay, what was the point here?” - but it’s not the end of the world.


Honestly I think they are fine as they are. A bit overtuned to be honest. But to be honest I really don’t see the point in giving them shield on ability. like I feel like they would do fine without it

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Venture require a little quality life, in my opinion. for example I would give a different cooldown to speed between when they damage enemies (standard) and when they use it without doing damage to anyone (reduced cooldown). it would be a big help in the movements for this hero so dependent on short range action.

I would not speed up the burrow, having cleanse properties. but it could help to see them clean the negative effects already from the beginning of the burrow even if they are not yet underground. in this way the healers who support them can cast a last effective healing.

I would help the ultimate instead: it is too clumsy in timing between action and reaction, I would slightly increase the landing speed OR I would increase the speed at which the wave that is emitted travels.

It’s likely to aid in damage mitigation as they harass the enemy team. Since they’ve got a larger hitbox compared to other flankers, and their abilities are all short-ranged, the shields are a great boon for survivability. Kinda like Doom’s passive in a way - I’ve heard Venture often compared to DPS Doomfist.

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I guess that makes sense. They are a close range attacker. Still I wonder what would happen if they removed the passive but just increased their base health

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Try burning Drill Dash during Burrow to speed it up.

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I like using DD early during Burrow to boop, and it comes off cooldown as an escape if I wait to pop out, but that leaves this awkward wait time during which whoever i hit with the dash would get healed up anyways. I’m still learning the hero and have no real clue what the best way to start an engagement is.

Play fast and loose. Don’t stay stuck on a specific pattern or approach, mix it up, and use the abilities when you feel you need them. Drill Dashing while burrowed into an enemy to force them into a corner can lead to some great kills and difficult to escape setups, but you don’t always have to fully charge your eruption.

Keep the enemy guessing, just like you would playing Tracer or any mobility focused hero. If you get predictable and die, that’s more on you than your team. Venture’s got a lot of depth and flexibility to their CQC. Don’t feel like you have to use Drill Dash to make a kill, or limit yourself to horizontal movements. You can angle it in any direction just like Swiftstrike and use it as an escape tool when you need it.

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