Any other Support > Brigitte

The only reason I play Zen is for Harmony orb. Otherwise, I would just pick DPS.

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Did you miss this part?

Heals and Utility

Zen and Lucio have both.

They are nerfing Brig and then not buffing her healing. The main reason Brig was picked was for her utility. Now, that is all she brings and when she is competing for a support slot up against other heroes like Lucio or Zen, there isn’t much reason to pick her now because her healing is so terrible.

Also side note… Zen is not a terrible tank healer. Sure, the healing is slow but leaving an orb on DVa while she does DVa things is very very strong. Especially when the DVa knows how to play DVa

Then take it from a Zen main, you are absolutely playing him wrong.


That isn’t true

Oh, I know, I barely even play him. But when I do, it is because of his heal.

She will still be powerful after the nerfs. Her healing, however, is her main weakness compared to the other supports.

They surely need to buff her healing abilities a bit more if they want to convert her as a more viable support role. Decreasing the CD of her Repair Kit a bit and buffing a bit more her healing passive will help.
After the actual pre-planned nerfs, i dont see her being reliable as a secondary support having another better alternatives like Moira or Ana tbh.


Obviously, there are effective and not effective ways to play a hero. That being said, there are nuances to play styles on heroes. If you play Zen and you are more defensive/healing based, there is nothing wrong with that and you can be just as effective as another Zen player who like to focus more on DPS.

Personally, my Zen playstyle will change depending on team comps. Sometimes I just sit in the back and snipe with alt fire with healing my main focus and I can even end up with gold healing over other supports like Ana or Moira, other times I play SUPER aggressive and I am front like DPS with my tanks.

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The problem I’ve always had with her design is that she works better as an off-tank than an off-support. Now when they have made her less of a brawler/duellist she is a less viable off-tank pick.

An increase to her healing of 0.67 hps only when she is actually already in a fight will not make her a more viable off-support.


This has always been the issue with Brig. She has always fit better with the tanks or the DPS. She always struggled to be considered a healer.

Its like calling 76 a support because he has a heal pod. Same thing.

Brig has always needed to be reworked into a support first and foremost and THEN add some minor tank survivability/utility to her kit. Its been backwards since she was launched.

She was a mess from day 1 and now we are in this clusterduck

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A think they should try a small decrease to the cooldown of her repair pack. Then she can fulfil her role as an anti-dive support by offering temporary bonus health and a stun to break the tempo of the Dive, instead of killing the Dive DPS with her former combo.


Right. I think you would need to nerf the heal to be about 100 HP per pack, but have it on a 4 second cooldown.

This would allow her to really fit into her role as a support hybrid and like you said it would break the tempo of the dive.

I agree 100%

I also think that the Inspire heal should be 100 HP but over 5 seconds so its 20HPS and that Inspire should also trigger when you land a Repair Pack.

This would give Brig more control over when she can activate Inspire and then I would be 100% okay with the DPS nerf to SB


You have to sacrifice something for durability and CC. Being full-fledged off-tank while keeping healing power must come with a price.

Reducing the cooldown of repair pack to 5 seconds would be the easiest change to compensate for the nerfs. It would increase the theoretical healing of repair pack from 25hps to 30hps, the same as Zenyatta.

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She never was. Brig was always best run in the DPS slot.

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She already has. Go read all the other Brig nerfs like Shield health and cooldown increases on top of SB not going through shields, armor reduction, etc.

You can’t forget the 7+ previous nerfs to her kit already.

Yes, I agree that a nerf to the healing of her repair pack is probably warranted if you decrease the cooldown.

I think they should only start with that change, and take baby steps from here.


I think you underestimate her passive healing, and the power of armor pack. The buff the passive will get is meaningless, but the ability in general is pretty strong.

The problem with her Inspire has never really been the healing numbers (even though it’s among the lowest HPS in the game, but her tankiness and CC compensates for that).

The problem has in my eyes always been the situational activation of it. It makes Brigitte an okay healer first when she is fightning in melee. If you can’t brawl you are not healing at all, except an occasional Repair pack.

To be honest, I think they should just have left her Inspire as it is and instead decrease the cooldown of Repair pack with a second or two (and perhaps nerf the healing it provides to compensate).


Wut? Both heal decent, obviously not like a main healer but they’re not bad at all if we look at their healing ._.

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