Any other Support > Brigitte

After these Brig Nerfs, I don’t see many reasons to play her since her healing still feels weak and is unreliable


I’ve got 2 reasons.

  1. Genji will still leave you alone
  2. She’s not Mercy

People never picked Brig for her healing anyway; she was always terrible in 2 support comps.


Healing ≠ supporting

I’m sure by your logic Lucio is pointless and Zenyatta is almost a throw pick


So she isn’t good at healing and she is in the support class competing for a support slot.

She isn’t a good pick for the support class anymore.

Lucio and Zen are both reliable healers who both pump out more healing than Brig and both have better defensive ults.

Yes. It does. After moving Sym out of support class, yes it does.


Okay, but why not Moira? Better Genji counter, more healing, more active than Mercy.


And yet, neither are played because of their healing :thinking:

If it were really just about heals, Ana and Moira would be the only ones ever played. With Mercy sometimes.


Lucio and Zen are both played for the heals AND utility they bring.
Lucio has great team sustain and Zen is an amazing flanker/tank healer

Because she’s a “tank-hybrid”

No, Zen is a terrible tank healer lol. Orbs best value is on helping your DPS win 1v1s really. 95% of Zenyatta’s utility comes from his ult’s defensive use, and from discord orb and damage. Nobody is ever picking Zen for harmony orb.

Lucio’s passive healing is good for chip damage at best, and top tier lucios rarely amp healing unless their ana hits the team with a nade first. Speed boost is so horrifically underused despite how powerful it is. That’s really where Lucio’s strength lies. That’s why he used to be a must-pick before.

The only reason I play Zen is for Harmony orb. Otherwise, I would just pick DPS.

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Did you miss this part?

Heals and Utility

Zen and Lucio have both.

They are nerfing Brig and then not buffing her healing. The main reason Brig was picked was for her utility. Now, that is all she brings and when she is competing for a support slot up against other heroes like Lucio or Zen, there isn’t much reason to pick her now because her healing is so terrible.

Also side note… Zen is not a terrible tank healer. Sure, the healing is slow but leaving an orb on DVa while she does DVa things is very very strong. Especially when the DVa knows how to play DVa

Then take it from a Zen main, you are absolutely playing him wrong.


That isn’t true

Oh, I know, I barely even play him. But when I do, it is because of his heal.

She will still be powerful after the nerfs. Her healing, however, is her main weakness compared to the other supports.

They surely need to buff her healing abilities a bit more if they want to convert her as a more viable support role. Decreasing the CD of her Repair Kit a bit and buffing a bit more her healing passive will help.
After the actual pre-planned nerfs, i dont see her being reliable as a secondary support having another better alternatives like Moira or Ana tbh.


Obviously, there are effective and not effective ways to play a hero. That being said, there are nuances to play styles on heroes. If you play Zen and you are more defensive/healing based, there is nothing wrong with that and you can be just as effective as another Zen player who like to focus more on DPS.

Personally, my Zen playstyle will change depending on team comps. Sometimes I just sit in the back and snipe with alt fire with healing my main focus and I can even end up with gold healing over other supports like Ana or Moira, other times I play SUPER aggressive and I am front like DPS with my tanks.

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The problem I’ve always had with her design is that she works better as an off-tank than an off-support. Now when they have made her less of a brawler/duellist she is a less viable off-tank pick.

An increase to her healing of 0.67 hps only when she is actually already in a fight will not make her a more viable off-support.


This has always been the issue with Brig. She has always fit better with the tanks or the DPS. She always struggled to be considered a healer.

Its like calling 76 a support because he has a heal pod. Same thing.

Brig has always needed to be reworked into a support first and foremost and THEN add some minor tank survivability/utility to her kit. Its been backwards since she was launched.

She was a mess from day 1 and now we are in this clusterduck

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