Any good comebacks to toxic players?

I’m having trouble dealing with offensive A**holes in almost every game, does anyone know any good responses or comebacks that will make their mouths zip? Thanks <3

Yup. Mute, report, move on with your life.


I always loved this saying. I heard an older dude at my job say this to a guy “ya daddy should have just went fishing”

ive done that many times

Tell them about the new feature they added last patch.

Typing “/log” will show more detailed stats.


dont know what your phrase really means but i love fishing xD

Ignoring the “mute, avoid, block” option, I get that sometimes you really need to give that toxic person what for…

I’ve started using the phrase “get over yourself”. Makes the person look unhinged.

This is 100% the only correct answer. There is no comeback you can give a toxic person that will shut them up or shame them into apologizing or make them look worse to your teammates than they already do. Engaging in the argument is not worth it—it fixes nothing, it usually generates more toxicity from that person and it risks tilting your entire team.

I usually say nice things back and that usually shuts them down but I get the funniest responses sometimes.

  1. Toxic Player: I HATE YOU MEI! ^&* YOU!
    Me: It’s OK, we love you too.
    Toxic Player: … thanks

  2. Toxic Player: ^&* YOU MEI! SKILLESS OP PLAYER!
    Me: It’s OK, have a nice day to you too.
    Toxic Player: …


so just kill them with kindness?

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Maybe you need to remove yourself and pkay another game

It’s a counter wheel that you should memorize.

you spelled play wrong and i appeciate your kindness.

unfortunately nothing you say will make “someone’s mouth zip” like you’re in a movie, it’s best to just tell them “ok boomer” before muting them and moving on

Im confused right now.

The classic, “mute them and ask if the team is still listening to their obnoxious garbage” XD