Anti-GOATs patch next PTR?

Obviously, the Devs were hoping that rebalancing Brigitte would solve GOATs on its own without having to change any of the other heroes that are mainstays in the comp.

And obviously, that hasn’t worked too well because there’s more at play in our lastest multi-tank meta than just Brigitte. So I’m fully expecting that they’ll look at heroes like Zarya, DVa and Lucio for some balance changes and probably leave Brigitte alone.

Brig is in a pretty good place right now and the majority of the community thinks her kit is balanced at this point although her design is problematic (the Devs have said they avoid reworks at all costs so don’t get hold your breath)

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Probably. Maybe not.

But I hope they just go the prudent route and limit Healers per team to 2.

Instead of shredding tank/healer balance to ribbons.


This same thread is still on the first page. It’s very active.


I hope so.

if the next balance patch was anti-goats then symmetra would get buffed, which I highly hope she does.

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If Sym gets buffed… maybe along with Reaper, then yeah we will have some anti-goats.


Honestly i wish to see more dps buffs than tank nerfs.

If we had anti-armor abilities and kits, or even excessive amounts of damage it might actually push goats away.

I mean I think it’d be easier to just rebalance the tanks to all do less Damage than rework the Damage roster.

Well i’m not saying to rework the damage roster. I think reworking the roster would be a god awful idea.

However, its interesting to suggest that dva and zarya need nerfs.

I can see a case for dva, however how much do you want to nerf zarya’s damage? I feel like if you change zarya’s damage too much it could lead to disasterous outcomes.

I, for one, miss zarya and her quicker charge decay.
It put a lot more emphasis on using bubbles in the correct way and with it was reverted back.

I want Zarya’s bubbles to be 400 HP instead of 200 HP and have a 1 second shorter cooldown. In exchange, however, she only receives 10 charge per 100 damage blocked instead of the current 20.

Same damage potential but much harder to achieve it in exchange for better defensive capabilities

Why would sym get buffed? Because she’s part of that while TP Bastion/Orisa comp?

She’s certainly not a Tankbuster, I don’t know where people keep coming up with this theory that it’s her job to take out tanks.

I personally think Brigitte is near useless outside of goats. She’s not balanced. You almost have to run triple support with brig.

i couldn’t care less about Goats because i don’t play comp. I wish the patch is to nerf genji widow and hanzo so that i can finally enjoy QP.

Um tank busting isnt her role, if you knew how Symmetra contributed you would know that it is her job at death balling and giving non mobile heroes, like Orisa and Bastion, access to mobility and high ground. Goats struggle against that because of the lack of mobility.

I rather see some nerfs than buffs.

Don’t get me wrong though. Symmetra and Reaper could use some buffs, but I just think that the game is more in need of nerfs than buffs.

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If they wanna remove goats both brig and dva will need nerfs. Nothing else really

Just look at this logically. Before Brig came out, GOATs still existed. It was not a problem, because it was a very specific comp that could be countered, and was used situationally, as comps should be. At the time, the triple support was typically Lucio, Zen, Moira. It was not an overbearing comp. It could take a team by surprise on a quick offense because ti was overwhelming. And so, on certain maps, it was a good choice to take Point A quickly. A popular enough option if the team only needed to get point A quickly, but also coutnerable if predicted or had the time to swap. That is the concept of Overwatch. That was fair.

Then Brig came out. Now GOATs is overbearing. Now the only counter to GOATs is GOATs. Other options exist, but are clearly not reliable enough to be used. That is why Contenders is almost all GOATs at the moment, even with the recent Brig nerfs. The problem still lies in Brig.

Lucio, and Zarya are, imo, perfectly fine balanced. I do think DVa needs slight, small tweaking so she is not so useful in all situations, but that is not the problem with GOATs. The problem is still Brigitte. Nothing needs to be changed about Lucio or Zarya. If they were nerfed (and Lucio just had to recieve a buff a few months ago because his ult was such garbage), they would have no play outside GOATs. That is not balance. Look at Zarya in OWL; the only times she has been reliably used are during Hanzo meta (specifically just for her ult combo), and now during GOATs. That’s because professional players -the best playerpool in the world- are very good at not shooting Zarya’s bubble, so it is hard for Zarya to retain charge. In GOATs that is out the window, because the entire match is a brawl on points. You can’t miss her. If she was nerfed I doubt it would do much for GOATs, tbh, as I have seen it run just fine without Zarya, but she would be a trash-pick in any other situation as well.

The solution is that Brig still needs minor tweaking downwards, particularly in her self-sustain. A support should not have that much self-sustain. The devs said it themselves when they first reworked Lucio and specifically nerfed his self-sustain. That, in addition to looking at the heros that should theoretically counter GOATs (Reaper, Hog, Pharah) would help put it back to a situational comp.

The problem lies in that if you buff those counter-heros to counter GOATs better, a different fire may well be started in that they could be too strong in general elsewhere.

I would nerf armor on Rein and D.Va.

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Hope so. It’d be best if they killed GOATS before OW season 2 starts. GOATS is boring af to watch.

Dva and Lucio are fine.

How I would nerf goats:

Nerf zaryas charge time. The charge buff they gave her was excessive and she just holds onto that massive dmg for too long now.

Nerf brig to hell. Sorry but it is my opinion that brig was just a mistake and she enables goats more than any other hero. In fact I really don’t even think brig is able to be balanced with her kit. She’s either going to be useless or op with her kit and she needs a rework but I don’t think bliz has the time to do that before owl season 2. You can’t create a cross role hero designed to counter an entire team composition that gets huge value just for existing and expect it to be balanced.

With these two heroes nerfed, deathball should still be viable because of Lucio and Ana but with brig useless it should allow enough room to also make dive viable.

The best anti is enforce on the OWL and OWC 2/2/2 to avoid the pros use idiotic quad tank metas or 3/3