Answer for handling with the queue-time issue: 2-3-2

Queue time is a tough challenge that can’t be brushed aside. The distribution of the player base across roles should be considered: 2-3-2 could be an answer.
Feel free to experiment.

The issue with that is they just literally said that even going back to 6v6 will take a lot of time to optimize the performance for lower end PCs, and 7v7 would be even more strain on people’s hardware


Hmm. There are numerous workshop games in OW2 where far more than 14 players can play together without any problems. In Blizzard’s WoW, 40 vs 40 players fight against each other in the PVP instances. Anyway - I don’t want to say that it isn’t a challenge - on the other hand, it is 2024… and the hardware is also evolving.

What does that have to do with OW looooool

Totally different engines with different graphical constraints. Totally different number of polys on the charaacters. Totally different quality of VFX

Just because many people can play in custom game modes doesn’t mean Blizz wants to force that kind of performance strain on everyone in their base gameplay mode. It’s the same principle for why everyone isn’t forced to play on High Graphics.

As someone who just graduated with a 3D Animation/VFX/Art degree and Game Development degree, I know, lol. But OW2 is essentially a new engine from OW1 so if they say it needs time for adjustments I can see why.

Thank you for your answer and the explanations.
But I’m missing the constructive, solution-oriented part of your statement. Simply naming problems - that’s not my spirit.
In Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® II, teams of 32 players each can compete against each other and the graphics are breathtaking. The graphics engine belongs to Blizzard. I’m not saying that OW2 can be rebuilt in 2 weeks - but the game designers and developers can and will set goals.

At the moment, OW2 is not fun enough for many players (also according to A. Keller). That’s a problem. Because then the monetization doesn’t work either. Then you can’t pay good developers like you properly. And then the game gets stuck.

I think that the game is too fast for many people at the moment. Small inaccuracies and small errors have a big impact straight away. That spoils the fun for many - you often win the battle effortlessly (=boring) or you feel overwhelmed and have no chance (=no fun).
That’s not a good business case. The average player won’t buy a $30 skin for that.

It’s also not enough to design a game for the top 500 players - they can’t finance the costs on their own.

And now we’re back to the part where you should look constructively for good solutions…

I’m convinced that the game should be slowed down a bit. And Aron Keller’s team seems to be thinking about that too. If you’re thinking about changing the team composition, it might be worth thinking a little further.

What is your constructive approach?

Best regards from Auxi

I am personally an advocate of 2-4-3

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The original XBone and PS4 are expected to run Overwatch, despite being weak when they debuted eleven years ago.


“I am personally an advocate of 2-4-3”
Yes - that might reflect the distribution of the community of role clusters even better.
As I wrote above - I think a lot of things can be mapped out technically (clearly not overnight).

Don’t forget that this game is on the Switch too :rofl:


And that the Switch 2 is supposed to be on par with the original XBone and PS4, despite releasing at least twelve years after.

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40v40 no limits or bust.

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People were already complaining about 6v6 being chaotic so I’m not sure if 7v7 is a good idea. Although 2-3-2 does fit the role distribution of what’s required better than 2-2-2. But bigger team also means bigger maps being necessary.

So the game is going to require more CPU power to run on average, the maps will need to get bigger, and the game is going to become even more chaotic. All for what? Faster DPS queue time? I’m not sure if that’s worth it.

Theoretically, if hardware compatibility wasn’t a concern, I could see 2-3-2 being “fun” though. But again, the devs has to think about how accessible the game is to the average player. The game potentially becoming even a tiny bit more chaotic and hard to keep track of for new players might not be good for player retention.

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I think that’s exactly the ingredient we need here. A little unpredictability brings excitement and variety. (Please don’t misunderstand - I don’t mean total chaos) I refer to the scientific approaches of game theory.

I think 2-2-2 was the perfect mix of the two. Not too chaotic but chaotic enough to make the game very exciting when you get into a good match. We rarely get those now in OW2. Overtime doesn’t last as long so we don’t see as much comebacks. Plus, if one of the tank dies, the team fight is pretty much over.

But again, the only issue with 2-2-2 was the long DPS queue time. It’s a shame the devs had to resort to making the game slightly worse (IMO) in order to fix the DPS queue time. I wish there was a better way, without making the gameplay worse.

Because overtime lasted so long in OW1, they even composed amazing music for it which I still can’t stop listening to this day:

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