You have won 20 games this season according to your profile. You’re blatantly lying. Focus on improving your gameplay instead of blaming the game and/or everyone else around you and you’ll climb.
Well that is the problem, no other people have the same skill level as you =]
Go play another game instead of complaining
Wrong, I still deserve a fair match vs. people at or near my skill level. They exist. Instead, the other team is pro-level gods who are super-coordinated, etc. EVERY game and my team never is. I’m not complaining about my team, I just expect the other team to be EQUAL. They shouldn’t exhibit such skill and coordination if their team is EQUAL to mine in skill level. PERIOD. Anyone who does not see this CLEAR logic is willfully ignorant.
which means u never learn, or just focusing on “oh enemy team is better than mine”, or you’re just a forum troll. like Abdullah9000 said, either case, go play other games
suspect troll, just report him
suspected troll, just report him
I find it very hard to take this post seriously… You would have to be a serious ummm… what term can I use and not get banned here… brick? to lose 3000 games in a row.
Troll much?
Lol that video is epic man
Prove it by recording a VOD of your matches, currently in my eyes you are either a troll or just a kid complaining and not wanting to improve while blaming everyone other than yourself
just report em, time is not wasted by then
Catfish#3420 send a vod of you losing a game but trying your best
Sure, here’s EVERY arcade game EVER:
But I’ve shown this before, and it’s not about my performance in a game (I already know I suck). People just keep trying to make it about me because they either can’t comprehend what I’m saying or just want to castigate anyone with proof the matchmaking system is broken because it conflicts with their own narrative.
This is about the pattern of EXTREMELY POOR matchmaking and my repeated asking for even ONE actually fair match, where my side ACTUALLY has a chance to win.
I’ve played thousands and thousands of supposedly bronze games – WAY more than anyone else posting here, or even more than Blizzard itself. And I’m telling you the pattern is ALWAYS the same – they put the best players on one team, the worst players on the other. Their sole purpose is ensuring a complete and utter stomp that’s not even close.
All I’m asking for is to BALANCE those two teams so they both have an equal chance of winning. And if they can’t/won’t do that, then I’ve made many other recommendations for fixing bronze.
For starters, bronze needs to be split into at least two groups – maybe call them bronze and copper. This is because, by THEIR OWN DEFINITION, a ~500 SR player is THREE TIMES WORSE than a 1499 SR player. That MASSIVE disparity doesn’t exist in any of the other rankings.
Or how about reducing the SR difference between competitors to 100 or 200 instead of 1000 or 1500 or whatever it is now? At least that way people who have NO chance of getting above bronze can at least compete WITHIN bronze.
There are many other ways to improve the bronze play experience. The company just has to care.
Uh-huh. Keep dreaming, pal. They will never care about this place.
If that happened you would be b500, are you saying that sometimes it is your team and other times it is the other team [getting stomped] equally split around 50/50? Litterally every game I have played with competitive and matchmaking has had losing streaks when I wasn’t impacting the game enough.
1st push on brig you flanked without your team and went into the enemy team of 4-5, I am suprised you didn’t die earlier? 2nd you jumped into the enemy team on monkey and you didn’t sheild. When you were invis playing sombra there were some kills you could have gotten if you had walked up closer and THEN hacked because sombra’s weapon is very short range, and then on your last sombra death you switched off with 86% ult? Not only that, but you could have tp’d away to the health pack and still killed rein because you are fast enough to catch up to him. 1st death on rein you charged into enemy team without asking for any kind of backup or bubble, and you didn’t see zarya use her bubble so you should have suspected she would use it on rein, that is alot of charge you gave to zarya. 1st death on widow you went behind their team. I would write more but its 6:20 and I gotta gtg so i’ll respond later today. Also I watched some of your mcree vid and you need to headshot flashed people if they aren’t in your effective range for fan the hammer, because fan is useless at a certain range but you kept doing it over n over and at 4:10 of Twitch you saw the reaper tp in (I hope) but chose to ignore him? You should be looking out for his ult since you are the one with a stun.
That already exists. It’s called drawing with crayons
if he plays like/nearly like one of them, he deserves to lose and stay bronze. don’t rank up and mess up other player’s game