Another Suggestions List

Good evening! or Morning. Depending on when youre reading this! As no one really saw, I created a previous thread MONTHS ago (when Workshop first released to live) Link of previous outdated post: What I think should be added/fixed on Workshop - #3 by SpaceJester-11380

Normal Overwatch ideas:

  • Matchmaking Preferences
    Some games have them and I think itll really work well on this game. Some players can choose on Quickplay or anything besides Comp (or with comp depending on how people view this idea)
    But anyways, allow players to choose what maps, modes, etc they prefer when queuing, this will give players the motivation to enjoy playing! (or competitively but I usually play everything casually).

  • Crossplay
    I know some people might yell at me for this but I think this will be quite fun. And to make buying the game on other platforms less useless! Obviously there could be a choice in-game for when you want to queue up with people across platforms or only on your own platform. (Like the latest COD)

  • Custom Game Filters
    I know this one is added but it restarts everytime which makes finding a custom game during queuing an even more pain than normal. Maybe add a SAVE PRESET function or have the settings save so everytime you try to filter it loads it up.

Overwatch Workshop Ideas

  • Popular Workshop Mode
    Add a mode in Arcade where it features a new Workshop game daily created by the community. Or on its own section.

  • Swap Teams Fix
    This is more of a bug but the Swap Teams dont work when it comes to Workshop.

  • Auto Dummy Bot AI
    Gives the bot at least some sort of AI precreated. This one is the lowest but would be neat to have. This could be different modes like walk only, or auto aim any character, etc.

  • Allow the use of the Archives maps
    Since you guys have the other events as avaliable maps why not the Archives? I mean it would be neat to perform a James Bond type of attack on the Retribution map lol

  • Dummy AI Skins
    Would be kinda cool to allow the Dummy Bots have skins. This would be nice to spread more creativity such as creating a team of Talons with the Talon skins.

  • More slots for Dummys?
    I know going far on the slots would crash the custom game but maybe possible to have a bit of extra slots JUST for the Dummy Bots? Since they really dont do much besides follow the code?

  • Music
    Add Triggerable music like PLAY SONG or something. It would make tense games even more tense with the music playing. Making things more interesting

ANYWAYS Thats all I have for this. Have any statements or more ideas? Let us know on the comments! Please keep these comments positive since theres like no reason for them!

Cross play is a bad idea and CoD isn’t the best example for that. The amount of verbal abuse and toxicity that would occur between Xbox and PS4 players would be ridiculous.

I mean your not wrong but it would be nice to have at least the data cross so we can keep our skins and cosmetics.

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