Look, there’s a ton of posts in the forums about this already, just here to add my experience.
I started this season by placing into silver 3. Breezed through my placements pretty easily. Then I actually get into non placement games and it’s all gone downhill. Of the last 20 games I played I’ve won five. 9 of the losses were complete and total stomps where we couldn’t even so much as complete a single objective/push/etc while the enemy 3-0’d us.
What is going on with the matchmaking in this game? Why am i consistently being put on teams with players that don’t even know the basic fundamentals of how to play. Here’s some examples of player’s I’ve played with recently:
- Players who will completely abandon the payload and just try and fish for kills, sometimes even in overtime.
- Players who stand in Sojourn disruptor shot and then get mad when they die because “oMg No HeAlSSSS!!!1111”
- Players who full send Zarya bubble charging her to the point where she cuts through our team like a hot knife with butter.
- Players who stand still to try and fight a Bastion in turret form.
- Players who completely ignore sym and Torbjorn turrets and then get mad at me that they died.
It’s awful. Some of these games our team doesn’t even get so much as a single kill. I understand there are just awful players in this game, and eventually you’re going to get matched with some and you’re going to lose. But really? 5 wins out of 20? With 9 of them being complete stomps??? How is this even remotely fair.
Blizzard tries to tout a supposed target of a “50/50” chance of winning a game. That means not only am I not hitting that, I’m a statistical improbability (1.58% chance of my stats with a “50%” chance.) I guess I need to play the lottery.
What am I supposed to do in this situation? Genuinely, I’m asking. How do I climb when every game is just abysmal? For reference, I play support. I play Kirko, Mercy, Zen, Ana and Moira. Usually switching when the situation demands it. Most of the time I am number 1 in heals by almost two times the second place support.
This isn’t fun. This doesn’t make me want to grind. It makes me want to stop playing all together because what is the point? Why play comp when my rank is just in a free fall?
I know a lot of you are inevitably going to be like “Matchmaking is fine, I’ve had no problems. You’re just bad.”
Cool, happy that you’re having a good experience but for me (and many others on this forum) this is genuinely miserable.