Another pro coming patch will feel bad for casuals

It does it’s kinda like genji dash reset, if we find the right value it can be satisfying.
My main reasoning for it is to prevent hide and seek strategies

If you know you have regen you can do a lot.of empty engages and resets without commiting

It also solves the problem of snipers getting regen.

For flankers too cause you heal only if you got the kill.

I think it’s a more engaging solution for dps and tanks.

Self regen works for support playstyle.

Are you saying that Reaper won’t be trash in GM anymore? Maybe I will login back to play some more

I’m sorry man, my miracle bucket is empty.

I would if I could.

Cmon, you said that Moira will be adjusted in similar fashion as Tracer will, so probably harder to aim with but more damage?

I want some changes for my boy too, make him less abusive for poor gold brother but give me some power in my high elo games. GM is infested by one shotting you Sojourns

Nah, just that they are going to give her more survival in the lower ranks, and likely pull some of her kit off her which the higher ranks make more use of.

They are reworking Reaper, and likely giving him a right click, so I really don’t know what is going to happen there.

Reaper is absolutely going to change, but I have no idea if he will be viable in high ranks or not.

Don’t get me wrong, I hope he is.

I don’t see the problem with Flankers or Snipers getting regen with this approach.

Also, if the goal is to “REDUCE MIDCOMBAT SUSTAIN”.

Then you don’t wanna be adding Midcombat sustain.
You wanna be moving that sustain Out of the Midcombat.

Wow, actually meaningful change for once? Sheesh, can’t wait to see it

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It will be different that is for sure.

I’m glad they are pushing boundaries. They were tip toeing around issues for years and game suffered major L’s one after another. Big shifts of power are what this game truly needs so the fact that at least some of that are getting worked on is optimistic. I’m sooooo done with nothing-burgers patches.

Add map reworks and Overwatch is back xd

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I don’t think mid combat sustain is bad in itself, it’s the staple of overwatch that allows play making, the issue is the way in which it’s given and the way it’s dependent on your support, like bap aoe regen is a prime example he can aoe heal himself and teammates in a instant for nothing from critical while not being locked to healing like mercy.
Now i hope they nerf sustain hard before any type of regen.

Also tanks won’t benefit from cover based healing as much apart from ball maybe.

At worst it will make sigma more painful to deal with.

But with action based regen you bring out the madara uchiha in rain more play making, hog can rush in be glory killing doom or perish.

That’s my thought process on it, I’m not saying your take is bad it’s most probably better than what they are going to put in.

But i kinda want to see something this way
I feel it may click

I am totally with you there. I worry the dumping a bunch of their devs will have an effect on the game, but… I guess we will have to see.

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What the failed bunch running away after ruining halo…

Like it’s really a competition of who ruined halo franchise more ms or netflix

Well that’s another aspect, the way I’m suggesting is mostly useful for Metal rank players, and not that useful for High ELO players.

Because it’s difficult for the devs to have enough overall durability in Metal ranks, without having too much durability at high ELO.

So if you can be the ratio of Lethality/Durability be more similar between ELOs, then the balance issues become more similar. Making it easier to balance across multiple ELOs simultaneously.

Then add in how to will somehow be reducing headshot damage. That also makes middle/low ELOs and high ELOs more similar to each other.

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Netflix didn’t do anything with Halo.

I would rather make them broke the game to the core and rebuild it like Phoenix from ashes rather than keep beating the dead horse forever to squeeze loyal fanbase just a bit more. There is no “one simple nerf and game is fixed”. It’s lots and lots of major powershifting to bring the cast back on track.

I don’t know what to think about UNIVERSAL support passive for everyone. It feels like some heroes will get to use it far more than others. The less likely you are to get hit, the more you will gain from it. Snipers will duck in cover and get health back, flankers will grab a mini instead of mega to regain full hp before reengaging but tanks without shields pretty much have no benefit from this.

My bad I don’t know which ott platform ruins which game series nowadays mixed it up ya Netflix ruined witcher

Oh yeah, but that was always the problem with passives.

Ask the Hanzo mains about the reload passive :wink:

I’m not sure it can be done. Like… the games format has issues which can’t be solved.

You have different roles. Some of the roles are based around cooperation, like support.

They will be naturally stronger in ranks where there is better cooperation between team mates, and there isn’t really a good way to solve it, without them stopping being supports.

So, how do you balance it in a way where people will play them in the lower ranks (where they won’t be anything like as strong) with the higher ranks (where the nature of their kits means they are stronger)

Someone is going to get a bad set of balancing, and it isn’t Blizzard fault, it is in the format of the game.

I don’t know how you fix it, and I have a sneaking suspicion there is no fix to the problem.

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Dps have passive Nani?:hugs:

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That is a fair call. It isn’t like the DPS passive is really a thing even on other DPS.

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Yeah, I’m not a fan of global passives. If something needs a passive it should get one. Reaper has a lifesteal, not every hero after all.

Yes, I think this is inevitable too unless you make all heroes scale well with skill and you vastly reduce the gains from just picking the hero on very basic level. Game then could feel weird for new players because it would be a bunch of headless chickens where no one makes plays as everything is kinda difficult xD. But the more time you put in the more you get to have fun.

If you have heroes with vastly different skill to reward ratios and different requirements to achieve value then yeah, it’s inevitable that some will be better in low ranks and some in high ranks. I don’t think things need to be perfectly balanced. I just want the top dog to be in the same reality of the bottom dog. Like 60-40% odds. Not current “I can’t do anything to you if you play well”

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