Another leaver ... Tittle must be as long as my

if someone leaves in comp, our rank shouldn’t go down however the winning team should still receive SR.

Erm, no.

Else, it would be exploitable. Leavers would suddenly exponentially increase.

Didn’t think this one through for very long did we.

I think the pathetic little ban they put on leavers means nothing. If you dc or leave, tuff. You should get the ban for the day and so on.

No. If someone leave a comp match, the match should automatically end, regardless of when they left the game, be it at the start, halfways through or at the end, and no one should be penalized for it, except of course those who leave.

we have been asking for this since ow1.

and there is a reason it hasnt been implemented…

It should be. let people exploit it. After 3 leavings, permaban

How is it expoitable though? I genuinely don’t understand

If someone left a game, received a penalty and got banned for 15/30/45 mins etc, meanwhile everyone else in the game just had no change… Whos benefitting?

Nice tittle

20 tittles

I hope one day Bliz decides to STOP giving the trolls all the agency in this game. It’s just getting more and more annoying.