Another Creator Experimental card is coming!

i wonder if we will have some copypasta of the last one like mei ice skates, pharah pushing crouch for rapid deceleration downwards, most of the supports getting nerfs, fade cleanse again, etc…

or will it be totally brand new

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As long as they don’t hurt Dva in anyway, it’ll be a good experimental lol.

Honestly, no one wants to see any of their characters they play nerfed for an experimental. That’s why mercy mains were rightfully mad when they got flat nerfs but everyone else gets to have fun.


I do trust jake though, I would like to super with it do, I think they are examples of players who not only excel as content creators but obviously as pros as well. there is a fine line between fun/crazy and balanced

I just want character debuffs for not switching ever. Is it so hard to put in a serious change?

When is Blizzard going to realize that the majority of the playerbase don’t care about streamers/pros? One or more of the execs must be absolutely obsessed with them for this to keep happening. The biggest issue is that their changes are still fairly biased on some level and the past 2 cards like this have had a few changes still go through to live despite Blizzard saying they wouldn’t. The argument that they know best because they’re the top players is completely meaningless if they’re just going to buff their mains that are already meta and nerf C-tier heroes. I’ve never seen a streamer/pro even remotely suggest nerfing their main, no matter how overtuned they may be at a given moment. So the fact that biased changes could potentially go through is concerning.

Maybe it will be a pleasant surprise but I don’t think it’s unreasonable to be skeptical of this.


And he’s not the only one making the patch. It’s not a “pro player patch” it’s a content creator patch. Sorry if I offended you by calling some guy you never met a streamer (which he is) instead of a pro, but I’m not wrong so there is no need for a correction.

He’s a pro, he’s a caster, he’s a coach, he’s a streamer. It’s not a caster patch. It’s not a coach patch. It’s a content creator patch. No need to cry over someone calling the patch the same thing the devs call it.

Also, he was not chosen based on his skill level anyway, but based on his viewer count and public visibility.

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I press CTRL instinctively and am very disappointed when I slow fall in the air while being pelted by 20 damage hitscan bullets until I eventually die. :upside_down_face:

Yep, I started doing it in anticipation of them putting it in the actual game so that it would become muscle memory, and so now I do it every time I hear a tac visor/deadeye/bob, but of course I just fall like a gently floating snowflake down to the ground.


When are people like you going to realize that Streamers and Pros are the only one making this game relevant.

Without Content Creators… there is no community.

Better than no content at all.


Woah the balance team is now the pro players confirmed

Probably better ngl.

The balance team has to be full of plats.

(no offense) lol

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May I remind you the owl experimental card? Lul

A silver was influencing the balance changes they did.

Expect failure.


Hey don’t worry I was memeing anyway, last experimental was fun (McCree shouldn’t roll mid air but anyway)

Hope this one’s fun as well

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30 meter defense matrix :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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500 armor dva :man_shrugging:t4:

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It’s either gonna be nerfing projectile DPS so hitscan gets picked more, or projectiles breaks shields twice as fast, because tanks need more nerfs…

As in queue for hitscan DPS or queue for projectile DPS? Is that’s what’s happening in this experimental?

I believe they mean specific people are working on changes for each of the subsections in the DPS roster because there are so many.

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