Another cheater

this game just now Mod Edit: Replay code removed

cheater on enemy team named Mod Edit: Character name removed


caused my team to become extremely toxic towards me and accused me of throwing because i literally kept getting instantly killed by him (was stood still at the end trying to talk to them but ofc got nowhere because of this childish community)

P.S if you don’t think he’s cheating, im sorry but you are blind, and the reason why there are so many cheaters free to do as they please in this game

Mod Edit: Naming and shaming is against our Forum Code of Conduct. Please report cheaters using the in-game tools available.

Wait, he never tracked anyone through a wall.

He could hear Reaper’s super loud foot steps from across the map and just went hunting.

I watched the whole thing. There was nothing weird at all in this game from his POV.

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Public service announcement here:



Just report them to Blizzard Hacks with the replay code and let them take care of it in the next ban wave.

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they don’t though, naming and shaming is the only way we’re going to fix this, regardless of blizzards wishes

I didn’t see anything suspicious from Junkrat’s POV.

Foot steps can be heard on good surround sound head sets.
Some head sets have a good crossfade that gives the listener a “sense” of where the foot steps are coming from.

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another cheater denyer…

Did you even watch the replay in Junkrat’s POV?

You are just upset you got outplayed.

What ever happened to good sportsmanship in this game?

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This guy is a well known kid on the EU forums who can’t accept the fact that some people are just better than him:
(this is just a glimpse, there’s way more)

His account has been banned before (probably because of toxicity) and he never gets higher than lvl 1 endorsement. A real asset to the Overwatch community you can say. His other account is named Imposter.


But you’re causing more harm. What if someone reads this topic and see a person with the name you’re pointing out here. Chance that it’s the same person will be slim. You’re literally going to make innocent people who wasn’t even in a game with you get harassed.

Stop what you’re doing. Also enjoy your forums silence because you’re breaking more rules than the people you’re pointing fingers at.

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i know cheaters, how it works, and how subtle they can be made to look

i know because ive used cheats in other games

believe what you like, but denying it only allows them to proliferate more

unfortunately, at this point, because blizzard refuse to stop it, its better than doing nothing

firstly, im not a kid, secondly, in my rank people shouldn’t be “That much better” than me, as per the entire point of the ranking system, thirdly, posting all of those links in an attempt to discredit me is harassment and bullying which is also against the ToS (which i am sure many people here will conveniently ignore in an attempt to demonize
me) but whatever

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I’m bullying you with your own silly threads? Wow that’s a good one. But sure, report my post if you think it’s against ToS.


you could respond to this thread, instead of trying to persuade others to not and corral them into your view point in an attempt to force my silence through mass flags which is bullying and harrassment

so yes

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Ok np buddy, whatever you like :slight_smile:

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lol how sad

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