Another aimbot in silver

TL:DR please don’t show the world how terrible blizzard is at stopping smurfs and cheaters, we can’t handle the bad press right now in our already horrific public image.

PS how’s the strike going for ya?


In all fairness OP isn’t asking the community to do anything about it, they’re trying to point out the existence & frequency of cheaters. I don’t really care for what they’re trying to prove or believe in the “cause” they make think they’re a part of, but if that’s the reasoning you’re giving then why tell them not to do it all all?

Also, these get posted all the time, it’s kinda odd this is the post you put 3 replies into.


“Witch hunting” – that term does not mean what you think it means. It’s applicable to WoW because of guilds and such, where someone’s reputation means something… but in every other Blizzard game this term does not apply. If everyone thinks I am a cheater on the forums, nothing bad happens to me. I don’t get kicked out of my guild or blacklisted on my server. Nothing happens to me.

Considering the substantial FUD / disinformation campaign by the major cheat providers, it actually is useful for real players to discuss cheating on these forums. I know that you are not an employee and you don’t make the rules, but don’t be a stooge. More people need to know what cheating is so that Blizzard can get more accurate reports.


another blatant aimbot in silver.
Witchhunting? No recoil snaps on target every single time, whole team is calling him aimbot.

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I have seen multiple green posts (not sure if they were all yours) telling others this, but you are not employed by Blizzard and people can post reply codes if they want. If an actual Blizzard employee mod feels these are against to ToS then they can let people know that is against the rules. Calling it a “witch-hunt” is ridiculous also.


mic drop The only reason the greens are here is to protect the blizzard façade that they still actually care about the community.


There’s should be nothing wrong with reposting a replay code. It gives people a better idea of what to look for in an aimbot. And let’s be honest. RARELY does anything happen to these individuals UNLESS there’s a replay code or they have about 100 reports of cheating.


I dont care for WM and tired of his post responses as well. I remember when he was just a White Poster and not Green.

Also again, Replay Codes regardless of what they are posted for are not Against the ToS / CoC per Jeff Kaplan as long as you DO NOT put in the users name of the accused or in question. Not that the name should even matter because i.e. if the players Battle Tag name was “John Doe”, there is more than likely thousands of John Doe named players. What matters is the BattleTag Number after the name, then you are specifically targetting a single player.

I have already had multiple Cheater Topics of my own closed and hidden by 2 specific moderators on here because they bend the CoC to their liberal liking. Then when you go to appeal the Game Masters just go “Oh no, you violated the CoC even though we gave you the ability to post replay codes how you want as long as you dont name and shame”.

Its an honest joke with this game and their community moderators.


Nope. Good aim but that doesn’t mean he’s cheating.

This one wasn’t cheating either.
In fact I find it baffling that anyone would even suspect the second guy. He misses vast majority of his shots and every time he appears in the kill feed it’s because he lands a few shots on a low hp enemy by pure luck. I remember one kill where he actually solo killed someone without visor.
You only lost because your team played horrendously against his severely out of position bastion, taking stationary 1v1s like it’s a western movie duel or something.
I’d understand you suspecting the first guy since he’s most likely a higher ranked player or just has good aim from other games but the second case is just bizarre, did you even watch the replay?
Human memory is a notoriously unreliable source of information.

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I think it’s sad when I’m in a diamond/masters game and someone will be aimbotting. I always call them out and say you gotta be silver/gold if you’re only diamond with an aimbot. You can usually tell by their awful positioning.

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So blizz doesn’t follow their own rules of play nice, play fair. They should be banning bots faster than anyone can make one.

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