You have surprised me with all these changes. Many changes were player requests that existed since the very beginnings of OW. You implemented the Heroes of the Storm system to your game, great idea.
Now, I have been listening to Athena for years now and StarCraft 2 had a solution for that. You have very talented voice actors and actresses there, you can add more variety to the game if you add announcer packs to Overwatch.
I would love having D.VA dropping some gamer slang into my kills, deaths and play of the game, just as she did back in StarCraft. Charge 10$ per announcer pack and if you want to get even more crafty, add announcer packs from Mythic skins as they are supposed to be a different persona from the base character, like Thorhardt narrating the game while speaking about Norse mythology into it or Genji with his cyberpunk / cyberdemon voice. You can get more creative and give each announcer pack a proper Overtime, point captured, payload about to arrive to final destination, start of match and end of match soundtracks. If that’s too much, reserve it to the Mythic skins announcer packs then, you can even have your own devs do these announcer packs for the funsies and connect more with your community.
You already did all of these great things, I believe you are cappable of doing it.
This is my very first post, despite playing since 2017. I have been waiting you guys to implement it to OW, it is the sole reason I made this post, since I didn’t even see it in your roadmap.
Thank you for reading this suggestion, Blizzard.