Anniversary questions

i heard somewhere that this anniversary we will be able to get any skin from any event. is that true?
also, which skins will be 1000 credits and which will be 3000?

Yes, and the general consensus i think is all from last year are 1k and this year are still 3k

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Last year Anniversary skins will cost 1000, all new ones and ones from other events will cost x3 the price

cant they make it like all 100 exept the new anniversary ones? (venom soldier 76 ect)

All event skins from 2018 and the new ones from 2017 will be 3000 still.

The ones from 2016 are still 1k.

They can, but they didn’t. There’s that. If you don’t like it, you can always get the other event skins when their respective event comes and get it at normal price

like rime sombra or junkenstein?

Junkenstein will be 1k, Rime Sombra came with 2017 Winter Wonderland, so it will be 3k.

i guess so, but im still dissapointed.

Also the new events that came out in 2017 but got added to in 2018, are 1k as well. For example the Uprising skins will still be 1k but the new skins added in 2018 will be 3k, same with Lunar New Year and Anniversary skins.

im also kind of not up to date, so what about these skins (if they are 1k or 3k tell plz)

junkensteins monster roadhog
witch mercy
dragon symmetra
lifeguard mcree
tulum sombra
sports tracer skins / zarya skins

thx soz i am a bit tied up with another thread too

junkensteins monster roadhog - 1k
witch mercy - 1k
beachrat - 3k
dragon symmetra - 3k
lifeguard mcree - 3k
tulum sombra - 3k
sports tracer skins / zarya skins - 1k (assuming these are from Summer Games?)

Until summer games comes around again this year, the skins from last year will be 3k

isnt the summer games last years skins the time point that things will be 1k?
(example the lifeguard mcree was added lastyear summer games)

Think of it like a cycle; all the event skins that lead into Anniversary 2017 will be 1k, and all the new skins that we got during the repeat leading to Anniversary 2018 will be 3k.

didnt jeff say the cycle point was summer games? link me his statement, if you can

Yes, every summer games is when the cycle repeats lower the skin prices of the ones from the year before. So it would be better to wait until summer games to get the lifeguard McCree and Beachrat for the 1k coin.

2016 summer games 1k

2017 summer games 3k

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Yes its true, And skins that are over a year old are 1000 credits. New ones are 3000.

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Blue post said all skins starting from years summer games (2017) up to the last event are 3k.

Wait, so will the Summer Games skins from 2017 be 1 or 3 k? :thinking: