Ok ok. Look. This is not a serious topic. Blizz would most likely never put anime skins in this game. But it is always fun to talk about this stuff. So here it is:
Give OW heroes some anime skins.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure:
- Mista/Hol Horse - McCree
- Yoshikage Kira - Junkrat
— Junkrat Mines - Sheer Heart Attack
- Star Platinum - Doomfist
- Silver Chariot - Genji
- Dio - Moira
- Giorno Giovana + Golden Experience - Ashe and Bob
Neon Genesis Eva-
- Askua + Eva Unit-02 - D.Va
- Gendo - Soldier 76
- Ritsuko - Mercy
Rising of the Shield Hero-
Sailor Moon-
- Sailor Moon/ Usagi - Roadhog (Yes… I went there)
Aggretsuko -
- Director Ton - Roadhog (Same Voice Actor)
Come up with some more. I will add some here and there if this topic is still kicking after i am done with work.
"Anime" I’d rather not reveal the title of-
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Uhm clearly we already have a Sailor Moon skin, it’s the Pink mercy skin >=)
it may be why I bought it
it also may be why I bought her gold weapon
Revy skin for Tracer
ok now i want to know, tell me
You can’t fool me that easily.
It was just a bad joke about Zen and tentacles.
Im guessing that was supposed to be anime related XD
I want a Sailor Squad stat
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Mara - Orisa
(ok, so I don’t know if Mara from various SMT/Persona games is actually in any of the anime adaptations, but owell!)
Edit: Pless don’t google it (or, you’re googling at your own risk)!!! D;
Maybe I shoulda put a “Don’t Google”-warning for those who aren’t in the know? D;
Faye Valentine - Roadhog (Man-Faye rises again)
Air Gear - Lucio
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Oh i knew who Mara was. It didn’t make it less disturbing.
Mercy Pink cough
Regret not buying it cough cough
Akemi Homura for Tracer, but she’d also need a different voice actor and swap her guns for two Glock 18s.