And you put the Sigma change live anyway

Bruh what is it with people in forums telling everything to be REWORKED like if it as easy task.

Or maybe his counters needed buffs?
This change he got certainly lowered the fun of playing him. And on my ranks Rein was already better than Sigma.

Buffing everyone isn’t the answer, it leads to more power creep.

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Sigma main from tank role, and I can say almost for certain

He has so many defensive options that in order to buff his counters you’d have to cause a whole mountain of power creep, going back up the mountain we just came down partially.

Does he still have the worse shield regen comparing other tanks?

I don’t get why they keep nerfing the tanking of tanks. Not their damage, not their offensive utility, their tanking. It’s so weird, as if the developers themselves no longer enjoy the roles being around.

Correct me if I forgot one, but he has two:

  • His shield. Which is smaller, regenerates slower, deploys slower and has a longer regen delay than other shields. I haven’t calculated it in a while bit before they touched Orisa he had the lowest shield/second of all the tanks, even very marginally below Winston. He might no longer be bottom after the slew of tank nerfs since then, but it won’t be stellar either.
  • His absorb, which is, granted, extremely strong since with his giant hitbox he can cover people behind him with it.

But that’s it? Beyond that he has two offensive tools - one of them his ult - and of course his attack has no defensive component either.

Dude, you are a saint, I just gave up arguing with that guy, anyone that thinks dva, orisa, winston and roadhog are in a good position for tank (at best they are decent dps), doesn’t deserve an answer from me.

but if his shield is supposed to be locked in place all the time, it should get a massive amount, he has less than half Rein’s shield amount, and not even Rein can keep his shield up for a long period.

Bruh what is it with Blizzard making heroes who can do everything.

Guys, stop thinking old school. Stop thinking tactics and teamwork protection by barriers. This game is not about long and tedious combats which are hard to watch by children. This game is about promoting rapid DPS and demolishing opponents very fast using headshots.

We need to embrace the evolution in an era where children consume games extremely fast, while developers try to make money fast.

Other tanks should have been buffed to sigma and ball levels not vice versa

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That’s how it should have been from the very beginning.

You give a new tank a secondary hook blocking, ult eating grasp that also gives him health as a reactionary ability(something which Rein does not have) but then also give him a shield he can deploy and recall instantly with 1500hp at his launch(not to mention the disruption he has through his rock and that he can do damage while having his shield out) Of course you are going to have problems with his balance in the game

Things are better now obviously but he still didn’t have enough openings between the two abilities.

His shield was not the problem. The real issue is he can do everything. He has TOO MUCH in his kit as well. Compare him with Rein as far as kits go. THAT is the problem, not shield cooldown.

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Some things are dealt with so poorly, Sigma was instantly problematic, for an entire year they’ve tried to fit the roster around him rather than take him out actually fixing him in a way that remains healthy for the character and the game, instead they’d rather let him control the game for a year, make Dva completely pointless, push a problematic meta, absolutely gut tanks as a role because of him, Doomfist got gutted because he countered sigma and double shield, and then they try to kill sigma off, along with other tanks in the worst way.

All of my mains feel awful now, because they have no idea what to balance, even though the only thing they ever change is variables, they still somehow get it wrong, every single one of my mains feels sluggish and unfun to play; Doomfist, Mei, Phara, Roadhog, Orisa, Sigma, they’re absolutely clueless, hanzo getting the buff that he got? and sigma getting the nerf he got? Now i’m not against sig being nerfed or well… hanzo being buffed… sure, but the they go about doing these things is absolutely laughable.

Your fault for maining a hero with an obviously bloated kit.
Blizzard ruined another hero release the instant they showed us his abilities, because it was obvious hed be the best tank in the game and left to get nerfed to the dirt due to blizzards poor design.

Well maybe blizzard should learn how to make hero kits then

I only liked him for his barrier and primary mostly, the rest was whatever

Id sure like it too. Its funny to me how Ana has been the only permanent fixture in this game, and every other released character has been nerfed to dirt tier due to poorly designed kits that make balance impossible. Ball and Ashe will get there, just give it time. And personally cant wait for Hammond to hit the “unplayable” stage so I never have to see him again.

I really don’t get why people demanded Moira nerfs. Like what about her was too strong lol.

I wouldn’t wish the “unplayable” curse on anyone. As someone who has firsthand experience (Bastion main) it’s horrific and I’m frankly glad most characters are at least viable.

Moira is so nonexistent that I honestly forgot she existed. Shes… fine I guess? So I guess add her to the list with Ana.

I hate it too, but when half of the entire dev team thought he was a bad idea, there really is no recourse, since Blizzard went “wahh no more reworks!!” for some dumb reason. The character is absurd and actively degrades my match quality, and doesnt even have anything to show for it. The only happiness I get from his existence is right clicking him to death as McCree and tea bagging him.

Also this forum is a ****show please someone perma ban me from it, the word “tea bagging” when you remove the space is a censored word. WHY. Absolute joke.

The development team was questioning adding Ball because they thought a hamster was too ridiculous. Not anything to do with his abilities.

I never had an issue with him because he’s easy to shut down and make obsolete.

Edit: I mean the act of doing that to someone has an alternate meaning from what people do in games…

Yeah, like if he truly is too strong then nerf him but, for the love of god, don’t ruin how the hero feels. Now they have basically destroyed everything what made Sigma fun/unique in the first place. For me, clunky is the worst a hero can be, regardless of their power level (i.e. I won’t enjoy even a strong hero if they feel clunky). The 1 sec cd never felt that good either but I did learn to live with it. Coupled with how his other abilities work, this new cd takes clunkiness to a whole new level. Sigma and Zarya were the only two tanks I still liked to play but now it’s just Zarya. Awesome.
