And you put the Sigma change live anyway

Well, I’m done playing Tank. I’ll just add to the DPS queue full-time. It was a bad change and everyone told you it was, but you just didn’t listen. Can’t say I’m surprised.

If you need me, I’ll be clogging that Damage queue.

Sincerely, a former Sigma player.


While I hate the nerf, I do hope it means more Winston and dva play


Sigma was way too op; however, I think this change just makes him clunky and unfun.
Great job blizzard.


Exactly. They really needed to just rework him. All they did was make him feel like garbage.

It’s Brigitte all over again.


Literally just buff shield hp and cooldown, make the shield recover health after 3 seconds of being recalled, nerf grasp duration and make KG shield HP go to shield HP instead of his HP pool and he would be more balanced


Should have done 1.5 or 2 sec along with an extra 100 hp. But no, we can’t have any good ideas here.

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I couldn’t say if this is the most oblivious they’ve been with a change in regards to how the community feels, but it’s certainly up there


Yup. It’s not like the tank mains and DPS mains disagreed. Literally NO ONE wanted the change. I think a robot does the balance changes. There’s no way there’s a human doing these.


Nooooo, now Roadhog is going to be more broken than he already is ;-;

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Sigma may have been overtuned but nerfing a barrier cooldown for a barrier tank that practically has a shield remotely buffs hitscans even more.

Now only Rein and Ball remained the two not clunky tanks and the mob has turned against Ball. Great…



Like, I’m usually skeptical about the whole “creator’s discord” or whatever influencing things, but this change going through feels so disconnected from the community that it can only feel like some backroom deals are going on

Either that, or they really are just trying to desperately force Sigma out of the meta for the League

Regardless, I’m truly disappointed. I’m not typically disappointed in the direction this game is going and haven’t complained about any of the Sigma nerfs prior, so this is just feeling no good to me.


Last I checked the people on the discord were against the nerf and Hanzo buff.

I just don’t think they paid attention to any feed back


What Blizzard doesn’t realize is that they don’t need to nerf the concept of shields; they need to nerf the reason we keep using them.

Damage creep has been a noticeable issue for years, and as the DPS category has been slowly buffed over time, tanks have been needing to switch roles from making space to mitigating damage.

Not to say that making space isn’t still a critical job. However the act of creating space used to mean that you are taking up that space yourself. Whereas now, there are so many DPS heroes that can 1v1 a tank that trying to take their space usually results in your death.

But you still need to take up that space somehow. The only difference now is that you need to choose between controlling that space and most likely dying, versus denying that space by putting a shield there. As a tank player, the choice is pretty clear.

I truly think the game would benefit greatly from a universal 10-15% damage nerf. Keep health and resistances the same, but drop everyone’s damage (pending evaluation and testing) down a tick to give your space-makers and supports a chance to do their jobs.


They do. The developers just ignore it when they think the community is wrong.

I just started playing Sigma after watching a lot of pro-Sigma videos. If he really was overpowered, I didn’t see it. But I guess I didn’t know what to look for. Against Sigma, I just unloaded on his barrier until it broke. /shrug


A horrible change, that makes Sigma forced to use his shield like an Orisa.
Deploy once and juke around it, until you need to recharge it again.

Makes the hero extremely clunky to play, like you are playing with a delay or something.


Adding myself to the people wondering why the heck they did this.

Now Rein is the only tank that can instantly redeploy shield. They could’ve (for example) nerfed Sig’s shield regen or health instead of cooldown if they thought it was a problem. Sig was always behind Rein and Zarya in terms of pickrate.

So many DPS counter him, but DPS one tricks won’t swap to counters and then whine about how no one is dealing with X tank on the enemy team. (Been in so many of those games myself as a tank.) And comments about why shields are so “necessary” in the game right now are spot on. Blizz why.


Alright, then yeah that leaves the League as what it feels like they are changing this for

It feels like a desperation deal rather than something with actual thought put into it.

Either that, or they just aren’t checking community feedback at all


Exactly, and Orisa gets a 100% fresh shield when her cooldown ends, sigma needs to recall his shield and wait for it to recharge (which is even worse since they nerfed the recharge start time and rate)


Devils advocate here, but what DPS actually countered him that Sigma himself does not have an answer for?

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Yep they took no feedback per usual.