And... we only get a DPS hero in OW2 Beta

Sojourn has probably been finished for year(s) at this point and the 5v5 environment was built with her in it already

so with closed alpha they just wanna make sure 5v5 + the kit reworks are all working well

before they start adding new heroes to the mix

It doesn’t show them in good light, however, as it seems like they repeat their “DPS first” mistake.

Before attracting DPS players, don’t they have to be sure, that those players would have tank and supports in their games? Ideally actual tank and actual supports, rather than some queue dodgers.


OW2 is releasing with multiple new supports and tanks so I don’t see a problem

Sojourn just happened to be dps and she has already been revealed for a long time now.

She’s also integral to the story, she’s a founding OW member, and as far as we know she’s also the only new OW2 hero in OW1 (she’s your operator/guide during Storm Rising pve event)

Interested with this. As a former Orisa main (well someone who was forced onto her every match by 5 people instalocking DPS and refusing to swap) who stopped playing her because she got drop kicked into irrelevancy, I hope it brings her back to the forefront.

Story is one thing, but they picked wrong order of things, it seems.

If OW2 beta had at least 1 new hero per role, it would be right moment to demonstrate, that they learnt from their past mistakes. But having only one hero, and on DPS, kind of sends wrong message.


That’s probably the plan for the public beta later this year, as Aaron stated they will have more™ heroes for that 2nd beta

This 1st beta, again, is probably just to ensure 5v5 and kit reworks are good to go. And sojourn is being thrown in because she’s probably already been fully finished for years now

But they aren’t right. Many things can change in this game without the addition of more tanks and supports. We will be getter more so don’t worry, but to say that this game hinges on that is asinine at best

And to complain that “we only get a DPS hero in the OW2 Beta” is also extremely asinine and shortsighted because

  1. This is the only hero we’ve known about so why should you be surprised
  2. It makes more sense for the initial thing to involve a DPS since DPS is the most popular role so it will attract more people
  3. There are going to be more beta tests involving more heroes
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That would be pretty sad if there isn’t any new characters in the same state given the amount of time they’ve had.

What a mess.


Who knows, maybe developers have “work on DPS first, work on other roles, if time/resources left” schedule.


We have to wait and see about that. So far it is getting only the stuff that has been already shown.

But we don’t need to wait and see about there being more heroes because they have said they have been working on multiple tanks and healers.

You could say “Oh, but the only hero they’ve shown is a DPS”. Though that is one hero and it’s realistically a good idea to have the first hero that is shown be apart of the most popular role so you get more attention to it.

They have literally never directly said this.

They’ve frequently said “we have multiple supports and tanks in the works” but they’ve said that since 2018. They have never once verified that more than 1 tank and support will be released with OW2.

I’m happy to be proven wrong by an actual source, but EVERY time I ask for one, no one can provide it.

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Well let’s look at Jeff’s direct quote, he was on TimTheTatMan’s stream when he said it:

“I know a lot of people are going to be like, ‘Oh my gosh, she (echo) should’ve been a support.’ Um…We have multiple tanks and supports in development, so, um, we know that more tanks and supports are needed and we wanna deliver on those too.”

You can take a Logical-extreme pessimism stance and think OW2 will release with ONLY Sojourn, or ONLY a bunch of new DPS heroes if you want,

but it’s very clear to me they already understand people want more tank/support and they aren’t stupid enough to launch OW2 with a singular dps hero, or launch OW2 with ONLY new dps heroes. Give the OW team a little credit, they’re not dumb enough to do that :slight_smile:

I think you are misunderstanding the quote. being in development isn’t the same as releasing on launch or all at once.

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Do you mean the direct quote from 2 years ago from a guy that doesn’t even work on the OW team anymore that doesn’t talk at all about OW2 and doesn’t give any sort of confirmation about new heroes actually being released?

That is a far cry from confirming anything.

Which is why the last OW1 hero was a DPS and the first OW2 hero was also a DPS?

You can see why I don’t trust them to actually release tanks/supports, right?

You can say “they know people want tanks/supports” but, I mean, I don’t have any solid evidence that they’re actually going to do anything about that.


The first wave of the beta gets one new DPS hero. He already confirmed there will be more in future beta builds. They can’t add everything they’ve worked on into one build; it would defocus the testing process. Imagine if we had 12 new maps and 8 new heroes; they would get a very wide range of data from testers.

The way they are rolling it out is smart. It allows for a direct stream of feedback from playtesters. Be worried if we get to the actual launch with one hero.

Then they should’ve released a support first. It’s been more than 3 years since supports got a new hero, and supports have had almost no OW2 news other than nerfed healing output. Supports also didn’t get a single remake in the new build.

Or at the very least, they should’ve coupled with a hero reveal to let other roles know they’re not getting totally left out.

Or even just confirmed, in the text, ANYTHING about new tanks/supports being released.


Why? This is not the live game version. Release cadence means nothing in a beta.

This is all irrelevant. It is a beta. Not the live game; they have priorities on what needs to be tested first. Support updates will come in future builds. If it was a live hero launch I would agree with you, but it is not. It is a beta TEST; not a live game update.

check the community update on this site. They say that they’re going to be posting more updates for the beta between now and when it goes live. I’d say it’s pretty likely that there is going to be at least one more hero that will be available in the beta. Especially with the testing and the feedback that they’re bound to get from the closed Alpha.

It’s the only new content the game is getting until the actual release itself.

It’s the only thing people can hype about, write about, talk about, and look forward to.

It very much matters the order they do this in.