And... we only get a DPS hero in OW2 Beta

What killed OW1 is just the weird refusal to nerf problematic heroes, then making weird compromise until we end up in this weird situation of 2/2/2 where balance is shot to heck repeatedly.

Frankly, even bringing back Tanks/Supports prob isn’t going to be enough. Might as well just cut them off entirely and focus on the remaining players by making heroes in different roles appeal to them (I.E, more killing stuff.).

Could you be careful you are tracking straw everywhere?

Good is a relative term. I would have a better gameplay experience as a Tank if Orisa did not exist and that is less content not more. To that end I would probably also have a better experience if Mei and Brigg did not exist but again that is less content not more (and Blizzard is solving all 3 of those issues).

Meanwhile considering that when the content actually launches we know we are getting multiple Tanks and Healers we can assume that maximizing diversity is not the goal and instead the goal is making sure everyone has some fresh content which was the entire reason they kept the balanced release cycle going with their content release schedule so I am glad we at least agree on that.

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So correct me if I’m wrong…

But when did they announce another OW2 besides Sojourn?

Methinks that they would announce new heroes first before including them into the beta, since that’s what they did in the past in the first Overwatch betas.

To put this into example; was first announced BEFORE she was placed into the beta. Same with Genji, same with Mei.

So I think, before you all uppity, you should probably consider what Blizzard had done in the past here and consider that lack of new character announcements first before screaming that Blizzard doesn’t love you for some reason or other.


Aaron Keller said that they will have more than 1 beta throughout the year. Undoubtedly there will be more heroes. Aaron said himself there will be new heroes in the latest Dev Update.

Yes and instead they decided to nerf and nerfwork heroes that made the game ‘‘uncompetitive’’ in the eyes of loud CoD fanboys and corporate obsessed with finding that sweet e-sports gold.

‘‘Lets not admit this direction was wrong, I am sure we can attract new players to our half butchered hero shooter if we butcher it even more’’.

Butchering more than half the heroes in the game in the altar of silly e-sports fantasies and hitscanwatch isnt going to solve anything. This game is at its core still a hero shooter with classes and Blizz doesnt have the manpower or state to change that, and that will always turn away ‘‘hardcore’’ FPS players from OW.


Hey, at least they’re butchering it with an idea in mind. Focusing on their core audiences, while making it smaller, will still ensures that it’s stable at least before it might slowly grows back.

Besides, the way I see it, the ‘hardcore’ FPS players aren’t what Blizz is aiming for, it’s the casuals to scrubs. They’re the ones who comes for it again and again.

I still think that fully committing to 5v5 by announcing it before they even figured out how they are going to make it work was a terrible mistake :woman_shrugging:

They cornered themselves and now they might screw it up because of that…


Forums - Hey, where is the content and news about the game? Why have you abandoned us?

Also Forums as soon as they get content and news - WAAAAAA A HERO IS A DPS HERO AND NOT SUPPORT OR TANK WE’RE SO OPPRESSED

Like c’mon, no wonder they don’t like giving us news because everytime they do people complain that it isn’t how they envisioned it



The beta isn’t even here yet. They will add more tanks and supports eventually. When will you people realize that adding these 2 types of heroes breaks the game in general and is generally much harder to do successfully than not. Every DPS hero release was basically fine and did not break the game. Where every support and tank addition broke the game horrendously. Not hard to see this really.

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Because every time they add a tank or support, the entire game changes

But moving to 5v5 clearly won’t change the game at all /s.

The argument “they didn’t add a tank/support because it’s too disruptive” makes 0 sense. They are already disrupting the crap out of the game.


Eventually there will be new tanks and supports. I just hope they are original design and not copy pasted from current tanks.

I am glad some news was shared. Of course I am more keenly focused on tanks and supports.

Its funny people don’t comment on the slow additions of tanks in OW1 when they were still releasing heroes.

They havent already made all the characters I was expecting like 5 new characters on launch I thought that was one of the things they was working on for like the past 5 years.

Mmmmm delicious copium. With a side of italics!


Just because they aren’t listed on the rework menu doesn’t mean they haven’t gotten massive changes we know for a fact they’ve completely replaced Flashbang, yet cassidy isn’t on the list.

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Weren’t they saying those words last time, too?


Yes which makes me skeptical, but they would be shooting themselves in the foot if they release OW2 with no new tanks and supports.

Since they didn’t release one in beta, I am not holding my hopes. Sounds like yet another “we do not have enough tank/support players” is about to happen.

New DPS hero will attract DPS players, that’s certain. But those DPS also need tank and supports in their matches, which new DPS hero will not attract.


ALL new heroes should be DPS heroes

It is just a single thread dude, lol.

Also he is right. Nothing in the game will change much in a long run if the lack of tank and healer heroes persists.