And so ends stage 3, 2-2-2 incoming

An announcement on a Thursday when PTR updates are mostly on Fridays? :thinking:

Same. I’ve been trying to learn main tank to fill in the mean time and I’m trash lol.

Or just change the roles to:

  1. Damage (Put in here those heroes that are more damage dedicated)
  2. Supports (Put in here those heroes that are dedicated to provide team utility)
  3. Hybrids (provide damage and team utility)

(By team utility I mean abilities that provide more ways for damage to be done [like damage buff, discord orb, CC…] or provide more time alive for the team [like healing, barriers, mobility…])

Undo the Tank role and redistribute them in those roles, then Lock 222…

Real Overwatch is:

Main Tank
Off Tank
Hitscan DPS
Flex DPS
Main Support
Flex Support

(and yes, there will be games with 2 off tanks or 2 hitscans, but it’s still closer to real overwatch than the clown fiesta it is now)

Same goes for you.
I have a ton of MOBA experience (Heroes of the storm, playing in the top 1%) and teamfights in OW play very similar to HOTS.
The biggest difference between HOTS and OW: People in OW don’t know how to utilize team synergy and team work.

In 2-2-2 its a lot easier to access and learn it.
That’s the reason why most of the time a 2-2-2 with half decent coordination will beat any suboptimal comp.
DPS will benefit the most from 2-2-2, because DPS need space, peel, heal and support to be effective, it’s how the game is designed.


Psh, winning takes a back seat to never having to solo tank or solo heal ever again.

I’ve had plenty of games where we won, but by the end I was frustrated and stressed out from chasing after 4 dps with no backup. It’s not worth winning if you’re not having fun.

I’d rather lose in a 2-2-2 than win in a 4-1-1.



You guys in 80% will get DPS players who cant DPS and who cant get replaced, good luck with that :slight_smile:

They will rank down together with you.

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True, plus having 4 Damage with One Solo Tank and healer. You really can’t make that much space if any. Plus, Some heroes can get buffs or decent reworks like Brig for example. Which she really can’t be buff or potentially be reworked effectively without causing an major issue again.

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Most DPS players can’t play DPS anyway, so it’s fine.


Exactly lol

222 wont change anything but just skew hero balance extremely towards dps heroes.
Hanzo will habe 250 headshot storm arrows after some time, cause he is dps

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are you by any chance a ben shapiro fan :face_with_monocle:

even if i bought into this premise that there are other legitimate and doable ways to fix the multi dps problem, you’re failing to see the fact that 2-2-2 will fix the multi dps comp problem, regardless of whether it is the “best” way to go about it.

still waiting to hear your fax and logic. please, lecture me on how having 3 of a role on the same team is the peak of creativity and strategy, when pro teams admit that goats is all about unintended synergy as the result of power creep.

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I have no problems with the initial chaos. It will settle down and matches will be far more even

So you are one of those tank or support players that think they can just switch to DPS and do a better job at DPS , leaving your team without a healer of tank right?

It wont. Players who were stuck in plat still be stuck in plat. Its not teammates who wont let him go.

The exciting chaos after a big change is the best part.

Im a dps main, dps only

Nobody’s talking about magically climbing SR. Just having a better time playing.


So what are you salty about then?

Well right, you lost -> you angry.

You lost in 222 -> you still angry cause Mccree misses every shot, Ana busy damaging people, Lucio wall rides somewhere. What changes?

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