It kind of screws you over if all you’re looking for are the new Anniversary event items. Otherwise this is arguably better than ever since all skins/emotes/whatevers are unlocked.
I like everything being unlocked considering my level.
It kind of screws you over if all you’re looking for are the new Anniversary event items. Otherwise this is arguably better than ever since all skins/emotes/whatevers are unlocked.
I like everything being unlocked considering my level.
Like I said, the anni legendaries are separate from the other event legendaries, and one is guaranteed per box. Basically, the only thing you have to really worry about is whether a legendary or a rare will drop from the guaranteed anniversary item, not whether an anniversary legendary will drop in lieu of a Winter Wonderland legendary.
that’s pretty much the entire point of this thread, IF you want the new items. Otherwise its fine for those who missed past events.
Event item drop rates have always been horrible. I’m calling it now someone’s gonna buy 50 lootboxes and get nothing and write a poste about it.
To get more money blizz should just implement a way to buy gold to use on skins. But that won’t happen becaie money.
^This is correct…
one event specific ITEM, not event LEGENDARY is guaranteed.
With one guaranteed anniversary item per box, you still have a decent chance of getting an anniversary legendary
Another ungrateful troll.
At least they are giving you the chance to get items you can no longer get and yet you are not happy?
I swear people will try to find ANYTHING to be unhappy about regardless of what Blizzard tries.
I personally very happy that Blizzard being kind by allowing us to get past event items, dont need to wait for a whole year to get that chinese new year skin that you missed… but ofc there’s always some dude who just need to complain anyway.
Cant please everyone i guess.
Anything is better than straight dupes i’ve been getting all week. I’ve seriously gotten one item that wasn’t a dupe n the last week.
But I want new legendary DF so badly, meanwhile I’ll get Archive Reaper-2 instead …
Just example why this situation sux bolls. Blizz always doing soemthing to pi ss their comunity
Dude, I got 4 new legendaries from this event, DF, Bastion, Junkrat, Brig and 7 more legendaries from previous events with the new epic 76 and 1 epic rein from Halloween and 1100 coins. My luck is popping off. (50 boxes to support the game worth it).
This is the correct take.
Is it confirmed that the anni event items are seperate to everything else or are past event items still going to fall into that gauranteed item per lootbox??
If the latter, Its good and bad, great if youve got everything but the new stuff because you pool of stuff you dont have is smaller. Sucks if youre missing loads or a new player because youre going to be getting sprays for days.
He means the loot pool is more diluted.
The cynic in me agrees with him. Many players have got lots of items unlocked by now, nearly everything they want. So bringing back old stuff they weren’t able to unlock yet is a good way to prevent them getting items they want, and sell more lootboxes.
But there’s also a part of me that believes they just wanted the event to be cool.
And the main part of me doesn’t care, I’ve already got nice unlockables for every character.
If it doesn’t effect gameplay, anything new is icing on the cake shrug. I really dont have that collector mindset though
Also, people will always complain I just want everyone to get along and be happy.
This is the biggest money maker event for Blizzard with loot box sales. They were not going to make the loot box item ratio easier to the customer. They want people to spend lots of cash on this game along with extended playtime earning more boxes.
Welcome to the business model of loot boxes and gaming.
Glass half full… of whiskey that is, and only because you consumed the first 1/2 already.
Nope. Legendary s are all on their own separate loot table meaning past event legendary - current event legendary and normal non event legendary items will not influence each-other’s drop-rates. In fact this triples the chances of us getting a legendary item.
Non legendary past event items share the same lootpool as regular non event items right now and do not affect the rate of anniversary event items drooping at all.