Ana's pickrate has halved

We are in a Rush meta, not dive. With Winston Zarya and hitscan being really prevalent and also Reaper and Sombra coming into meta. I wish people would learn the meta before talking about it. We also have Dva Winston dive played sometimes but DM is much weaker than before so why would she smother Ana as much?

Also Ana was always pretty viable in dive even in 2016.

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It makes total sense she would be viable in dive, she is a long range hero. If your team is diving and their team is diving you can play ana alright. If they’re diving and your team isnt that can be an issue.

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I can agree with that.

However when Winston is the most picked tank and Tracer the most picked DPS, Ana should not be the most picked support!


Well people keep saying dive is ana”s weakness lol

the fact is that it’s dropping and if she was half as op as the forums like to say she is she’d be near 100%.
The fact that she’s losing ground daily and isn’t even meta in OWL should tell you she’s not op.

But of course, all we need to balance is see who has the highest pickrate and nerf /s

Ana enables winston, nano primal farming is an excellent strategy. Ana might even be objectively the best support to play with a winston as your main heal

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it is, but a good ana can still thrive in the meta.
Counter =/= instant loss

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And again, Zarya is the second most picked tank. Her bubble is amazing peel for Ana compared to Dva just Dming her occasionally like classic dive had

They wont. Not to sound condescending but a large majority of the playerbase are too dumb to understand both how valuable and tough to fight against zen and lucios kits are and how ridiculously easy it is to use them. They do everything so passively that it flies under the radar but a purple teammate that can’t be healed is right in their face.

You’ll notice for example how Mercys DB was “OP and oppressive” here during hog meta. That is because they paid attention to the blue umbilical chord that was attached to the sniper. But when they get discorded and melted within seconds it’s just less noticeable how much impact discord had in that moment.


She is weak “to” dive but also strong “in” dive. So yes dive is her weakness if you play it against her and her team is not playing dive

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Yea it’s the whole brig genji thing good together and against if the other team doesn’t have (before all her recent nerfs anyways)

It is her weakness. But not if she gets peel.

Just like how it’s Zen’s weakness. But not if he gets peel. Hence why he was the most meta support in Dive for years despite it being his weakness.

You guys need to realize OW isn’t played in a vacuum, especially in 2-2-2. Every flex support (Ana, Zen) in high ranks has a main support (Mercy, Lucio, Brig) to peel for them.

Yes ^

Especially when both teams run Ana or Zen, and both have a diveable backline. It mirrors.

That’s why Moira Lucio rush has become meta in OWL. Because Moira Lucio aren’t a diveable backline. So your team can just full force rush at the enemy and run them over.

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Because I cannot think of a harder counter to Ana than Tracer.

She is probably the hardest target to hit sleep on in the entire game. She can cleanse herself of nade effects via her rewind and Ana suffers massively from damage thresholds.

Ana dealing 70 damage per shot means it requires 3 shots to kill a Tracer, the same as a 200HP hero.

What was done to brig was tragic, but she also dominated much harder than Ana “dominates”. Ana doesnt dominate shes just reasonably impactful in a lot of different scenarios due to her diverse playstyle options, other supports would be better picks in a lot of scenarios (zen / mercy is insane right now)

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I spend all game babysitting my Ana or Zen as Mercy or Lucio or Brig so they can do their job.

If a week isnt enough time, why is cherry picking a single day enough info by itself?

Today its already back up to 10.5


thats comepletely false…

Dive was still prominent and Winston in particular and dva was picked across most of the ranks.
Dive did not fade untill the introduction of brig and making sniper’s only weakness, near negligle making them rise up again.

Widows grapple becoming better, Hanzo literally being a hitscan sniper with a mobility ability and one of the best dps ability coz it could shred a tank in 2 seconds (not a Joke btw)
thats why dive faded out but thats mostly thanks to Brig 1.0 and every other iteration after her.
Also do note. Zen NEVER got dropped out of dive. it was lucio with Mercy’s rework.
Zen was still the best off healer to be run with her and Lucio was just there as third healer.

not really.
Zen was countered. it depended solely on Zen’s ability to stay alive using his orbs and the enemy teams coordinated push.

Her pickrate went from 14.55 on September 6th to 13.01% today
Thats a 1.55% drop. for All All.

in Gm
it went from 18.61% on sept 13th to 10.21%
thats a 8.4% drop. I am pretty sure she is just not meta at this point but you know
“SHE IS OP, AND A MUST PICK IN GM” whatever nonesense the forum spreads still happens

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Tracer is a pretty hard counter to ana, but its also not an immediate loss. Which is good balance imo, its an encounter definitely not in anas favor but she can still pop off if shes skilled enough. Peak gameplay right there, I actually enjoy playing into tracers because its the hardest and most exhilarating thing to play and I respect their skills because imo tracer is a hard hero. So you have two difficult heros who both have tools against each other going at it, its great fun even though its the anas loss a good portion of the time

Ana should be safe from nerfs anyways she’s the gold standard.

At worst they will say she is overperforming in the lower elos(she isn’t) if that ever happens and decrease the size of her healing hit box from 0.3 down to 0.2

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This omg thank you, dont nerf her just make her harder to play if anything needs to change.