Ana's pickrate has halved

Ana’s pickrate has halved from 18% on the day the hog patch came out (10th of sep) to 9% on the 21st of September. Ana isn’t op she’s being phased out as you type just give it a little more time and you’ll be wanting her buffed again because you’ll realise discord is more annoying than nade

Source: trends tab in overbuff GM this month will show data points for daily pickrates :slight_smile:


Thank you! People on here are whining about her being the most picked “in every meta” and didn’t even give the meta a week to form :roll_eyes: Moira and Lucio are both rising and Ana is falling. In fact I think Lucio already passed her up? Yep he’s at 12% and still rising and Ana is at 10%.

Moira Lucio Winston Zar or Winston rush is the new meta and is just taking some time to form completely.

But according to these forums Moira is “ruined” by her changes and Ana is a “OP must pick that you have to pick in every match !!” :roll_eyes:


That and if you want to play a slower dive zen is just better, discord by itself completely cancels ana heals and he does 300dps on top of that, I think it’s just because a lot of people didn’t play last time zen and ana dive were competing


Where are you looking? For “All” this week she has 12.61%, GM is 11.61%?


Literally not possible, even with people trading ana around

top pickrate was around 16%

it is currently 13% on overbuff.

h ttps://

like, unless you’re looking at daily data, none of this is true.

and I think we all know that daily data is horrible to look at seeing as there have been days where bastion has had 100% winrates.


Can people stop looking at “this week” and look at the actual day by day pickrates? When a patch has only been live for a week it’s not really the most accurate stat to look at the broad overview.

No it was 18.61% on the 13th

No it is 10.21% and was 9.46% yesterday

OP is correct

With his less than 0.1% pickrate I don’t see how that’s suprising.


13.26% on the 13th

13% today, 12.5% yesterday

AND EVEN IF, you are looking at only GM, daily. Can we talk about how she still even HAS that high of a pickrate in a dive meta.

Her whole thing is that she should be countered by dive, her pickrate shouldn’t be any higher than 4%


Lmao you’re looking at “All Ranks” not GM…we are talking about the meta :skull: c’mon now OwU you’ve been on these forums too long to make this mistake

It’s not a dive meta it’s a rush meta. Just because Winston is picked doesn’t mean it’s dive.

Winston Zarya or Winston rush with Ashe/Reaper/Sombra/Tracer

Also Ana has ALWAYS been historically picked in dive even years back she’d be played on defense in dive and was picked more than Mercy in GM in dive before the Moth Rework.


you are looking at This month, make it go to This week

So look at a point of data vs. an average? No thanks, that sounds like terrible math.

With GM being such a small population, looking at averages over time is going to net you more meaningful data.

With “All” data, sure we can look at day to day. The population is large enough that the data is good. Yesterday, Ana was 12.32%, today she is 13%.

Over this month she went from a peak 14.5% to 13% today. A decrease to be sure, but definitely not half.

No, I’m definitely on This Week.


You should’ve specified that there’s no way for me to know that.

Winston, Zarya,, and WB are top picked tanks

Like we can make up new names for all kinds of things but it’s still just dive with different tanks.

God I’m getting flashbacks of people calling Reaper/Mei/Orisa “GOATS”

That’s literally so untrue its not even funny. During all of mercy-dive her pickrate was sub 3%, during first dive (season 1-5ish) she wasn’t picked with it at all, only used with triple tank.

Dive wasn’t meta before Moth meta

I don’t know how people always forget this but the most picked team comps were rein/zarya, literally the only time that we saw dive was in Pro games when people weren’t playing brig

The point is that she should be getting countered by the current meta, but she’s not.


Them saying 18.61% on sep 13 is true. but the 9% is not
its at 10.21%

Go to Ana hero, this week pickrate and GM.

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When we talk about meta and pickrates on here we are talking by GM by default. Just like we are talking by PC by default unless we explicitly say console.

Devs balance around GM, pickrates in GM are more representative of balance and meta than low and all ranks.

Yes…and it’s still rush. The comp isn’t WHO is picked it’s HOW they are played.

Also Zarya is the most meta offtank rn and she can bubble Ana for peel which is MUCH stronger than DM is, esp against Winston.

During Mercy dive her pickrate was sub 3% BECAUSE MERCY WAS OP WITH A 16% PICKRATE LMAOOOO did you conveniently not read this part:

Yes,it was? I’m…

Dive and Brawl were both meta and viable comps, just like they are right now.

Brig wasn’t…in the game before Moth meta?

What are you talking about

That is just false.

Dive was meta.
Winston dva was the two most tanks back at the time.
And To my knowledge, OWL never saw dive. they might have seen Moth Meta dive but thats about it.
Dive meta literally stayed longer than any meta up to 2017 when Goats got made and beat it by a large margin.

Dive was meta for around a year and half. (including moth meta)
Rein was genuine trash at the first half of DIve when they nerfed his hammer swing rate and ana was terrible back then.
So please stop making Hoax

Edit: to showcase why you are saying is just false. Brig DID NOT EXIST BACK AT MOTH META LMFAO

In original dive, it was Lucio Zen
Explain to me why Zen was meta, in a comp THAT LITERALLY COUNTER HIS EXISTENCE
I will tell you why, he fit the needs of the meta.
You gonna tell me Zen was not countered by dive back then? no?
Same thing with ana if she is meta. Which btw she isnt because according to her trends her pickrate is slowly dropping while moira lucio and zen are rising.
If ana was meta thats because she offers things that dive needs to function does not mean she does not get countered by it. She does get countered by it.

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I played against her in competitive elimination and she killed me, I still want her head

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it was about time lol.

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Rush and Dive are literally the same thing with TWO hero differences

  • Zarya,
  • a hitscan

It’s still double shield if its rein/sig instead of orisa/sig,

do you have a source? I can literally show you games from that time period where dive wasn’t being played.

Brig was added during moth meta

Brig was added in season 10, Mercy was reworked in season 7, moth meta LASTED until season 12, and then she was meta for a bit longer during double sniper.

Damage, Zen has damage. Not just that but focus fire.

Ana has very little damage, and other than sleep dart her other ability is AOE, healing reduction against a team comp that doesn’t have much healing in the first place (other than Ana). So unless the enemy has an Ana, there is no need for healing reduction… but by picking Ana then mirroring that pick becomes useful.

Brig release date: March 20, 2018

Season 11 release date: July 1st, 2018

Mercy was still the best support in season 11, that was still moth meta.


And those two difference make a big difference…

Zarya has strong anti-dive peel for Ana with Bubble and damage, stronger than did in OG dive, and the hitscan sits in the backline next to Ana and provides her with an extra layer of defense/pressure at her side to pressure off divers.

Mercy was reworked the first season of season 6. That’s 3 months you are missing. zzz

LOL no it didn’t it died in early Season 11 when she got her HPS nerfed, and dive had already died by early season 10 when the Brig introduction + Hanzo rework created hyper sustain Grav Dragon Rein Zar meta and Double Sniper.

You have such a bad understanding and knowledge of past balance and metas it’s astounding me.

    • Healing beam reduced from 60 healing per second to 50 healing per second

late(?) august, 2018

generally this is when moth meta was thought to be over. ROUGHLY. But keep in mind that it stuck around a bit longer because it was still useful for grav-dragon

Except she is only “phasing” out in GM, and in every other rank, her pickrate is increasing.

Are we going to ignore the obvious and how you are twisting the truth to manipulate the true picture?