Ana's pickrate has halved

You are saying this as if the whole game isn’t being played in that environment.

…fun? Maybe they have fun with her as she’s a FPS hero with lots of aim-based tools in her toolkit? Just like Mercy is the second most popular pick in low ranks all the time because she’s super fun/loved by her playerbase and also has a non-aim kit.

She is though. She’s always been a fan favorite support. She’s the ONLY support who is entirely aim based in her healing up until Bap was released and his kit doesn’t not feel as fluid and FPS-y as Ana’s.

My bias as what…a Mercy main who plays all supports and cares about balance and the health of the game and doesn’t want Ana gutted just bc you guys are bitter about Brig?

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As far as I’m aware, the user you are replying to and the OP of this thread started this thread using that data to back up that Ana is healthy. Hypocrisy much?

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, fun, fun fun. Then why have Zen and Bap been at the bottom of the barrel for literal months? When they are more aim intensive than she is?


u wot she’s always been beloved by high skill players

the point is that you complain about ana being op in a rank where ana can’t get value out of her kit due to lack of skill and team followup. And ana needs both of those to even be a nuisance.
Nade at those rank is barely a nuisance since no one ever capitlizes on it and ana heals very little bcause she either can’t aim or wastes shot on tanks instead of doing actual prioritization.

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Yep. Like I just said, Bap’s kit and healing doesn’t feel as fluid or FPS-y as Ana. Trying to heal with projectile nades is not as fun or rewarding for most FPS players as Ana’s htscan sniper darts. Nade and sleep are also more interesting than a shift AoE heal or Immortality field every 25 seconds.

And Zen hasn’t been viable until very, very recently because he got 30% discord back and then his damage buffed and then they nerfed support healing and DPS creep which made him relevant again (Same with Mercy).

And yet low ranks still perceive him as bad and don’t pick him and come on here asking for buffs to have 2 healing orbs and other stupid suggestions.

Because they have no idea what they are talking about.

Yeah I’m a Mercy main but even I know how much people LOVE Ana. Saying she’s not popular is just a flat out lie lmao.

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The same high “skill” players that make less of the ow population? Lucio and Mercy are miles ahead of her in terms of being fan favourites lmfao

ana is popular a lot in high ranks, i don’t see why this is something you can’t wrap your head around it.
What does the low population of those ranks even entails to you?

  1. Lots of Mercy’s fanbase left when she lost mass rez and got nerfed a lot bc they are bitter and only liked hiding and pressing Q to get a glory moment, but she’s still very popular, yes

  2. Lucio is popular, yes, but OFF HEALERS as a whole are not popular picks in low ranks at all. Mercy, Ana, and Moira have been the top picks for the last few years consistently because LOW RANKS PERCEIVE THE NEED FOR HIGH HEALING > UTILITY. They’d sooner run two main healers than run an off and main healer.

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It might be that shes the only support who isnt mind numbingly boring to play. Personal opinion so no arguing that with me, I’ll play her when shes trash unless they make Baptiste better then I’ll play him because hes about as fun. If I can’t play those two I’ll play zen because those are the 3 support heros with any significant aim requirements (lucio is too but I dislike his aim style). People play Ana because she rewards aim more than any support, go figure that someone like myself who like fps games would want to play the more fps oriented hero.

Except you said that she is fun because you can be FPS-y with her, Bap and Zen both provide that sort of playstyle and if anything, it is more encouraged with them than it is with Ana.

Bap is far more difficult due to the recoil that he is, meaning you have to learn the patterns and you literally get optimal value with zen by killing things.

Fun is not a matter in this subject when people have been complaining about having to play Ana. Fun is subjective, it’s not statistical. The stats show that Ana is on a rise in all ranks again, and that’s that.

There is something there that is holding players stuck playing her across all ranks even when they don’t get that much value out of healing with her.

If you chose to ignore that, then that’s on you, but stop trying to argue with others who DO see an issue with it.

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Ok, cool. You find her fun, but that’s subjective.

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my issue with people is that they bring up pickrates and STOP there. Statistical data is objective, but it’s something you need to know how to properly read to derive any meaningful extrapolation.
Otherwise you just get flawed logics like people thinking vaccines cause autism. Most people here barely know the difference between main tank and off tank and you think they can read pickrates?

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Lucio has one of the most active fanbases and if I’m not mistaken, he has the LARGEST Reddit for mains out of all heroes currently. Despite Mercy players leaving, she is still very popular and probably one of the most OTP’d heroes in the support roster.

This argument is pretty stupid though, as there’s not many stats to prove or disprove anything.


she’s popular in high ranks and low ranks play what they perceive is “the best” even when they can’t play them.
Like people playing dive way back when but just picking winston dva lucio doesn’t make it “dive”

you’re the one that wasted so much time hanging on this thing

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No, they don’t. Bap’s nade healing and shift AoE auto-aim heal and IF, and Zen with his auto-aim healing and orbs and projectile DPS does not at all compare to the FPS-nature of Ana’s hitscan sniper healing and damage darts, projectile sleepdart skillshot, and projectile skillshot nade.

Don’t play her then. You don’t have to to win. Not even in high ranks, and certainly not in low ranks.

Y’all are free to have an issue with it but the Devs aren’t going to change it, and if they do it’ll be extremely minor. She’s fallen out of meta in OWL entirely and is falling GM, they’d be crazy to hard nerf her at all.

Ana is far more FPS-y than bap or zen, all bap has is his rifle. his nades are boring to aim and his abilities are a snooze fest. Zen is fantastic, I am so glad he is more usable again but he is not a main healer and ana is so I play ana because thats what I like. You dismissing this information is willful ignorance, I am telling you I personally will play ana even if she has 6 bullets and all her cooldowns are on 20s because she is FUN TO PLAY, unlike the majority of the support roster which feel like moba heros played from an fps view. Sure overwatch is a moba of sorts but it is absolutely an fps before that

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So that’s why she is and has been a top pick for all ranks regardless of meta? Even when OWL And GM were playing Bap, zen and brig, the other ranks were STILL playing Ana. Any more excuses?

I’m not dismissing this info, YOURE just adding in more factors that weren’t relevant to the conversation at all whilst inserting yourself in an argument despite asking to not be argued with.

ok, if she’s so op why the top dogs literally paid to win don’t play her?
And exactly what is so much of a problem with her at low ranks? You are complaining about stuff that’s only really a problem assuming perfect play