Ana's pickrate has halved

No they literally balance primarly around masters, GM, and OWL. They outright said this last month when asked.

Just because they take lower ranks into consideration doesn’t mean they balance around it.

  1. They did try to buff Bastion a few months ago

  2. They already said some heroes are meant to be niche picks like Sym Bastion etc. and they fully expect they will never be super prevalent picks in high ranks

Reaper was a problem in high ranks too though at this time…like a BIG problem

I agree.
The devs did an excellent job in the last couple of months. They turned the game around by 180

Most tanks and supports are viable (just 2 heroes out of tanks and supports aren’t viable)
I can’t remember if we had such a diverse meta.

I really hope for the future of OW that the devs won’t listen to the whining.

Some people are really bitter, just look at the thread which was basically “I want revenge for Brig and Mercy, gut Ana”


You are projecting here and have not provided any valid form of counter to anyone with an opposing opinion

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well i’m an Orisa main so i can’t exactly say i like what they did to her (and i’m not a fan of the compensation buffs, they shifted her in a diretion i’m not a fan of), but yeah, most other patches were spot on and they FINALLY toned down the power creep across the board and went back to something closer to the launch state

yes, but the thing is that ana isn’t causing any problems in lower elos like reapr did

statistic says other healers are seeing more playtime, there’s a meta shift and that ana isn’t even meta in OWL, the people paid to win no matter what


Don’t think we have since like Season 4 tbh…It’s beautiful :pleading_face:

Oh trust me I feel you! I enjoy her more than Rein and she’s my go-to main tank. I wanted her to get 200-300 more shield HP since fortify and Sigma’s shield are all weak now but the Exp buffs should do something for her viability. I’m curious if they will put them through, but I’m glad she’s getting attention :slight_smile:

Yass I feel like I’m in old OW again, my friends and I who’ve been playing since year 1 together have been loving it. It feels like old times :smiley:


While I agree, cause you are correct, I do want to point out that lower ELOs are allowed to have their say as well. Primarily =! only.

Of course! I’m just saying the Devs won’t nerf a hero who is performing balanced in OWL and GM and masters just because they are picked a lot in low ranks. Because they would have nerfed Reinheart in the last few months if that was the case :joy:

9% is a fantastic place for her. Honestly I’m glad it’s lower. She really did dominate the game for just far too long

Been saying all along Ana’s totally balanced.

Now give Moira, Brig, and Bap some love please.

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i want to be more happy about it but it’s just a regular meta shift. Give it a few weeks and there will be an almost strict “play these six or lose”

of course they listen to lower elo players, but listening =/= act on it. They’ll intervene when something proves to be too much for them to handl (50% ifesteal reaper) and think how something would play there before making changes

Bap just got a buff and Moira got love 2 patches ago and is currently meta in OWL and GM and becoming more and more picked.

Brig is probs going to get reworked before she ever gets flat buffed and ruins the game again. You realize when Brig was strong before her recent nerfs that she made Mercy and Lucio (and to an extent Moira) useless, right? If you care about support viability you wouldn’t want her buffed again.

Isn’t this thread complete garbage?

Ana’s pick-rate is not 9%. As of this week her overall pick-rate is 12.62% (highest in the game) and her GM pick-rate is 11.35% (highest in the game).

It has dropped a lot but it is hilarious that she is still the #1 most picked hero in the entire game.

Even if it was 9%, that is still insanely high especially for a hero that should not be meta during dive!! If she was a balanced hero, she should be in niche status currently like Lucio and Mercy were a few months ago but alas, still #1.


We are in a Rush meta, not dive. With Winston Zarya and hitscan being really prevalent and also Reaper and Sombra coming into meta. I wish people would learn the meta before talking about it. We also have Dva Winston dive played sometimes but DM is much weaker than before so why would she smother Ana as much?

Also Ana was always pretty viable in dive even in 2016.

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It makes total sense she would be viable in dive, she is a long range hero. If your team is diving and their team is diving you can play ana alright. If they’re diving and your team isnt that can be an issue.

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I can agree with that.

However when Winston is the most picked tank and Tracer the most picked DPS, Ana should not be the most picked support!


Well people keep saying dive is ana”s weakness lol

the fact is that it’s dropping and if she was half as op as the forums like to say she is she’d be near 100%.
The fact that she’s losing ground daily and isn’t even meta in OWL should tell you she’s not op.

But of course, all we need to balance is see who has the highest pickrate and nerf /s

Ana enables winston, nano primal farming is an excellent strategy. Ana might even be objectively the best support to play with a winston as your main heal

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it is, but a good ana can still thrive in the meta.
Counter =/= instant loss

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And again, Zarya is the second most picked tank. Her bubble is amazing peel for Ana compared to Dva just Dming her occasionally like classic dive had