Ana Will Ruin Overwatch 2--She Needs Nerfs


This *****.

Hmm, not sure why it censored ‘Amari’. Maybe I typed something else subconsciously!

She’s too strong. There is a reason why she’s in 95%+ OWL games; In fact there are about 10, and all of them point to her having way to much Versatility, QoL, and Overall Power.

I want to write a list, and to do that I feel I need a starting point. And for a starting point I think I should try and order her ridiculousness somehow but every part of her kit so broken in its own way that I just want to empty them out on the floor and gesture at them like Khaby Lame!

!!! :palms_up_together: !!!

She has one of (if not the?) highest single target healing figures in the role. But she has that despite being able to HITSCAN HEAL from across the map—literally—from a postition of safety.

She’s been given more ammo. This ammo, if it happens to hit a full HP target will just go straight through and keep trying to get value until it hits a wall or the backside of a TW-1.

She can still quickscope, for some reason, despite it negating some of the 60% movement penalty uptime that is presumably supposed to offset it.

She has 200HP and a small hitbox, with no penalty to movement speed–so despite being able to contribute massive healing from an insane distance, she doesn’t pay a single ‘price’ for that with basic effective health.

AntiNade has ruined matches and games for YEARS. It QUADRUPLE DIPS in its power by Dealing Damage AND Healing AND Applying AntiNade AND Applying a TEAM WIDE HEALING BOOST:

AntiNade is MAD. Moira has to PICK between Orbs. Lucio has to PICK between Healing and Speed. Zen uses BOTH of his slots to Apply Discord and Harmony. Bap’s Lamp has its own issues, but at least RegenBurst is less valuable in a more Spread Out Overwatch 2.

And it isn’t like AntiNade is some OG WoW Cooldown that takes 4 hours or 60 minutes to recharge. It’s 10 seconds! With a soon-to-be 3 (currently 4) second duration that is still long enough to guarantee a kill on almost anyone it hits. Moira’s short-lived Necrotic Orb didn’t stop healing. There was no real DANGER OF LOSS OF LIFE for anyone hit by it and that had a 16sec CD, DIDN’T affect allies, and a SMALLER SPLASH RADIUS compared to AntiNade.

I’ll pause here to say that I KNOW heroes are different. And Moira has survivability perks/elements that Ana doesn’t have. But my point further above highlights how much cotton-wooled, quality of life, benefit of the doubt Ana has been given DESPITE her kit being insane. And we’re not done yet!

Her bullets HIT ALLIES WITHOUT HITTING ALLIES! From the Wiki: “Projectile size is treated as 0.3 meters for allies, making it easier to heal. It is smaller for enemies.” A hero with the ability to quickscope hitscan across the map doesn’t even need to


And then there’s Sleep Dart. We’re trimming CC down, right, in OW2? It’s pretty much only for tanks. Except that doesn’t apply to Ana; and, of course, by not applying to Ana it doesn’t apply to the STRONGEST CC in the GAME. A 5sec duration, with before and after animations. In 6v6 it was dangerous; in 5v5 with no Off-Tank, no CC, and much less team peel? It’s a death sentence.

The combination of Sleep Dart and AntiNade is more powerful than any other combo in the game. For a small, infinite-range, 200hp sniper with one of the highest hps in the game to get BOTH of these abilities and to KEEP THEM INTACT in OW2 is ridiculous.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Ana can still YEEEEEEEEEEEET AntiNades in OW2.




now, perhaps you can see how mind-numbingly ridiculous this hero is.

“Oh, Haha, I threw that Grenade from SPAWN (which isn’t hard once you memorize the positioning!) and it flipped the fight completely!”

This is madness. This is absolutely ridiculous. That Ana can throw a grenade so far in the first place is stupid design, but the fact she doesn’t need Line of Sight OR REASONABLE PROXIMITY TO A FIGHT to have such a crazy impact is absurd.

Her shots and grenade go through full HP allies, who are easier to hit with her rifle by (bad) design, on top of quickscoping, on top of a linear projectile 5sec Sleep Dart, on top of a quad-dipping antinade.


It has a reticle. You can’t MISS IT. And you don’t even have to think about it because it heals allies for 250HP INSTANTLY… AND it benefits from Biotic Grenade +Healing if the target has been naded!

So many heroes have to track cooldowns just to make sure their ult doesn’t get shut down. Shatter, Beat, Whole Hog, Coal, Flux, Grav, etc and so on–across pretty much the rest of the roster. Ana USED to have to think carefully about when to Nano incase the target died or was at risk.

But like everything else, she’s been spaffed up the backside by GALLONS of Quality of Life Juice and as a result is ridiculously overpowered.

Unless Ana is reined in, Overwatch 2 (and especially OWL) will be miserable:

It’ll be horrible for tanks, constantly at risk of a Death Sentence Combo from a support 70m away. It’ll be horrible for other supports (who can’t compete on range, utility, or versatility.) It’ll be horrible for everyone.

Ana needs nerfs. She can’t be THAT effective, from THAT far away, with THAT versatility, with THOSE Utility Skills, and THAT Ultimate. With THAT HP and that hitbox… with ALLLLLLLL THOSSSSE Quality of Life Perks. Bullets and Nade going through allies. Bigger bullets for allied targets. NANO healing people.

Blizzard should START by limiting how far Ana can throw Nade AND ALSO by having Nade limit healing on affected enemies rather than outright deny it. From there, who knows. Maybe kill quickscoping.

Thanks for scanning or reading if you were THAT bored!

I genuinely, really, absolutely, HATE Ana.


Players in Diamond and below have no idea how to use Ana properly…I would assume this will transfer over when OW2 is released…She’s easily countered and easily disposed of in lower ranks unless you’re a complete muppet and have no common sense


ana doesn’t really need nerfs, she just need changes so that playing tank into her doesn’t make me want to smash my monitor


More complaints about the support with an OW2 winrate lower even than Mercy (and ending with the lowest console winrate of all heroes, following Orisa’s buffs)?

Her potency can be unfun for tanks, yes, but she’s not exactly overpowered on the whole at typical player levels.


I Loled so hard at this.

But on the other hand - I would trade you sleep dart for any other defensive ability once its on 15 sec cooldown in ow2 - and especially for deflect - because I hate genji on the other hand.


Make Ana cycle between DPS+Anti Heal Nade, or Heal+Amp Nade.

Boom, hero instantly less oppressive and loses her 6 in 1 BS ability.


Junkrat needs to hit the gym more.

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That feel when people literally ignore the fact that Ana has the second worst non-mirrored winrate of any support in OW2 before the game is even fully launched

So powerful!


I dont think you can base everything off winrate alone, especially in beta testing


Lol. Ow2 has few shields . Snipers counter Ana . No shields = headshot on Ana .

Th change people would like to have with Ana is an adjustment of her character to be less aggravating to play against with compensation buffs. What I would like to see is some adjustment to antinade to be less feast or famine. Do something like make it a flat 75% reduction OR a decaying antiheal. It starts at 100%, then decays to 0% antihealing over its time duration. Antinade is really reminiscent of cauterize in paladins and that’s what made me quit the game. I only care about Ana in a way because shes the most popular support you pretty much always have one in the game that you can’t escape her.

The final part is something to make sleep dart less feast or famine too. The move on its own is pretty much death for Ana or death for the attacker. In reality its effective a kill on a lot of heroes.

The problem is I don’t’ know what the compensation buff should be on sleep dart to give Ana her sort of anti-dive counter while also being more gradual in its approach. Maybe rather than a flat out stun its like a paralysis + damage mitigation on an enemy. You stun the target, but make it really hard to kill during the stun duration meaning you are actually incentivized to run away to get to your team. Not try to use it as a chance to say I’ll kill this target now.


Really, that just speaks to the poor quality of her design.

All the most oppressive heroes feel more powerful than they are, Doom and Mei were called OP the moment they saw any gameplay, despite usually being weak.

The CC crew being introduced into the game was a mistake tbh. There’s a reason why they’re all being reworked for OW2.

This makes 0 sense with the history of the support role

Ana’s abilities have remained almost fully untouched since they nerfed her Grenade to it’s 50% heal bonus, 4 second duration back in 2017.

And through that entire time, we’ve had countless supports be the top spot despite Ana’s abilities. How can she be “oppressive” when she has come and gone with the changes around her with 0 changes to her.

We went from Zen/ Lucio, to Mercy, to Moira, or Baptiste all without changes to Grenade or Sleep Dart

Also CC has been around since day 1? Mei, Cassidy, Roadhog?


Leave Ana alone please.

The fun of having a support character that takes a bit more skill than most of the support characters and having the ability to make impactful plays with aim and skill rather than just being in the area or ulting is why I love playing her when I want to play support. Same for Zen and Bap.

Keep supports fun and rewarding and people like me will keep playing them.


Actually with junker queen added she is in 0% of contenders matches so im guessing this contenders goats will xfer over to owl when it starts back up so saying she is strong cuz owl uses her is a bad argument about to be beaten into dust.

Can you ppl shut up about ana already tho for real? She was already nerfed a lot in ow2. If you dont know this dont make posts like this. Saying she needs nerfed again before the game is even finished is stupid. Grow up and stop crying. You ever think that good players play ana? Maybe they arent good players because they play ana?

I know every hero that has a little success sends ppl into a fenzy screaming to nerf them into oblivion because it will make youre gameplay easier but this has got to stop. You ppl need go grow up already and accept good players know when to use their cds for their abilities and where to position. The hero doesnt matter so much. They could nerf every hero except yours just like you want. It still wont make you good.


I mean I don’t think it’s a coincidence that those 3 also get a lot of hate. Hard CC death combos are just bleh.

Nearby topics : Supports are weak man, we have no utility or carry potential. Can you find each other pls =)

Ok, if we cant base it on winrate, what can we base it on? OWL is far too tiny of a % to look to. We shouldn’t nerf someone just for being popular.

I 100% agree with you, but Blizzard has opted to make more Mercy like heroes for some god forsaken reason. Its gonna be up to us flex support players to keep this role alive.

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Oppressiveness isn’t a statement on the strength of a hero, it’s a statement on the feeling people have when fighting the hero, as well as a perception of strength.

Strength makes heroes feel oppressive for sure, but it’s not limited to that.

Other examples would include designs that are:

-oriented around hard counters
-oriented around agency reduction (or CC)
-frequently interacts with players that were not interacting back (worse still, if the enemy could not interact even if they chose to)

It’s why you see more Pharah complaints than her power level would suggest. Same with Doomfist, or Mei, or even Widowmaker.

Ana is a particularly bad design because she hardcounters some heroes, dishes out agency reducing abilities nonstop, and spends most of the game bullying tanks that can’t interact with Ana even if they chose to try to. People will naturally perceive her to be more powerful than she really is.

Being oppressive doesn’t inherently make her meta, though, but it will generally make her overplayed (people like to play oppressive heroes).

It basically all boils down to things observed decades ago with Robin Walker’s creation of TF2’s sniper. He had blog posts very shortly after launch detailing inherent flaws of such a design (although at least he had the good sense to not give him CC. The Scout had TF2’s version of the sleepdart, and its mechanics are one of the few mechanics outright removed from the game, and rightly so.)