Ana unfair 80 dmg nerf + QOL changes

Yeah for sure. It is more about major clunky crap in her playstyle that heavily get in the way like a teammate blocking your nade putting it on high cool-down or rifle damage leaving targets with like 5 hp as they escape or kill you, because 70 dmg is just slightly not enough.

This, and just watching how the roster changes Ana over time and seeing what happens next. Your always on my threads, I appreciate the support, & replys that bump the thread / contribute.

Glanced through your drop downs and can I just say…

Needs a thread every day until they actually address it - whether it’s actually intended to be this way or not. This is probably one of the most obnoxious interactions - right up there with the grenade breaking on someone behind you. You’re already ‘punished’ by it being DoT, don’t need to make it worse.


Yeah many people unaware how broken armor vs Ana’s rifle damage. I never hear it mentioned and its like really, really, broken and brutal. Also as an aesthetic feel, it is very embarrassing for a sniper to be super weak against armor.

If I am not mistaken, armor takes off 5 points of damage for every 10 dmg or more. For Ana its broken working off every tick, not off per rifle shot.

So if im not wrong 4 ticks per 1 shot is 20 damage removed for 1 rifle damage shot. I just know it takes a lot off per 1 shot and no one in-game has to deal with this, but Ana.


There was an occasional thread when Brigi first went live in comp, and you’re not mistaken on the math. I don’t recall any thread about it prior to Brigi though it had to have been a problem before then… unless they did it as a stealth nerf?

doubt it, I assume its a broken mechanic about Ana developers are not aware of. Due to the idea that Ana’s rifle is DOT damage, and I can’t really think of someone else that has that type of tick damage.

So while armor may work off the idea of 5 damage off 10 dmg or more.

Ana probably has a mechanic that is tick damage, but it was not considered to compensate for armor. Blizzard often does this though with bugs / unintended mechanic, take forever to change them.

So I assume unless they see a thread like this that lists the major problem, it will probably take them forever to notice and address the problem, even though its big, but people are unaware as people in general usually consider Ana a healer and never think about it.

You sound like me when you said you make numerous post on the forums about Ana. I have too and when it comes to Ana I think they’re being bias to Ana. I made a post called WHY DO YOU HAVE A BACKBONE FOR THE WRONG REASONS? Using Ana as a prime example of how they mistreat her.

Ana is so weak now because people don’t take in the consideration of how much the game has changed and how much a lot of changes to most of her other characters she worked well with. Ana has a lot of indirects hits and the recent damage fall off buff is another hit to Ana.

When I made post about buffing Ana some would say oh that’s OP or Ana will bring back Triple Tank or will become OP again. It’s like they’re more scared of Ana then Mercy when Mercy has been destroying the game for over a year now.

Most of the changes I wanted for Ana was basically reverts.

  • 80 damage just like you want because 70 damage is too easy to counterplay.

  • Anti-Nade lasting 5 seconds and range back to 5mm since this was nerf because of the 100% healing boost that’s not even here anymore.

  • I wanted the speed boost to come back but that won’t happen because of the instant 300 HP Boost from Nano which I believe is even better than the speed boost.

  • I also wanted a healing passive where Ana heals 15 HPS for every shot landed on teammate.

  • A faster reload from 1.5 seconds to 1.25 seconds to reload.

I also wanted the Nano-Boost range to be increased to 200 meters just like how Deadeye got that buff because it makes no sense why you have to get out of high ground position to give the nanoboost.

Ana’s biggest problem is that her value doesn’t equal the reward of playing the hero especially when a lot more easier support heroes get tons more value. I consider Zenyatta a better sniper than Ana.

Look at all these indirect nerfs to Ana…

This is just too much for Ana to deal with.


Yeah, for guys like me and you I really hope we get the credit we deserve. It is just mentally exhausting, frustrating, sad, pissed off, and irritation. I just want to play the damn game. People give them the feedback they need, yet they don’t respond & capitalize off it end result being it heavily hurts the game.

Blizzard does tend to either have some ego or go through with a bad idea regardless of how crap it is. The less ego they have, and the more they communicate understand the community POV the better the game is.

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That’s exactly how I feel. It’s just mind blowing of how they don’t see the problem. I get frustrated more and more as I can’t play Ana as much as I want to even after getting so good with her. I do flex but damn man…I want my work I put in to have value.

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I think they clearly see the problem, but just don’t want to fix it for ‘reasons’. Which is probably worse than just being ignorant to what’s going wrong.


Yeah it makes no sense man. The only realistic way to get their attention is constant spam on bumping threads which is stupid.

If a person gives developer constant forum post that are in-depth and have some decent points made, then that should get some developers to comment and give their counter feedback whether they agree, disagree, have other plans, or change their mind later and agree with the player.

It is bull when a player invests time in a hero, posts decent feedback, and they inturn get a middle finger basically.


Most likely they have some ego and dont want to go back on their mistakes and rather just go through with the bad idea. Cause really, what is their ego gonna say if they revert 80 damage on Ana? “we were wrong” no, doubt it. They never do that where they say “we were wrong”

This or they have a really awful view of pick-rates and win-rates that don’t describe much. Meaning if people rant on a thread often, because of pickrate and not liking a hero, they are more likely to listen to that rather than an Ana player posting when her pickrate is average and saying the balance she needs.

So they listen to spam & tainted stats over a player with some experience on the class.


^ This is the real reason. I believe they don’t know what they’re doing. But being ignored is basically saying F you.

Yeah I know which is why I have to support my post that I made to make sure people can see and understand. The balancing logic hasn’t been making sense at all.

basically yeah.

You cant make the excuse “there a lot of players on the forum we don’t see some stuff” when a dude has 3000 posts on the old forum discussing Ana, never getting a developer reply, and basically the difference between rants of pickrate or logic & reason from the player who actually plays the class. (On the old forums I replied to every response I got on my Ana threads gave in-depth fair and respectable feedback, and no dev comment. It was insulting and cruel to me).

Jeff Kaplan was like “man I know what its like to say somethings bad about the game, and not get a developer to reply when I was younger”

Yet that same garbage is happening to me. Waiting on 80 damage forever.

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I’d take a nice general, frequently updated hah, post about their standings on each character with a rebuttal to common complaints/questions/suggestions. Would be nice to have a bit more explanation on the whys and whats of some of the things done/not done.

I mean I think they should just start replying and giving some back in forth feedback with threads that have in-depth balance feedback.

because the main poster & people on the thread who supported it deserve some replys.

It would feel brutally unfair if a person with 3000 posts on a hero about balance never got a reply or some counter feedback while they just make some random thread where people out of nowhere can ask questions.

I saw that balance thread with heavy in-depth feedback FINALLY get developer response that was like “no we don’t agree” and I was like man… that dude has been posting for ages to get a reply, and thats what they get? A person who actually plays the class and understands it well got upvoted like crazy. Like wow. Sucks. Then later they rework adding rockets cause of ego.

…but I don’t know much about, I know a lot about Ana. I just trust in general people who play, understand, and know details about the heroes they play will usually have the best feedback.

Dva is actually better than before. The problem is all the counterplay heroes to heroes like Dva are all considered unfun so they are kept weak. Because for some reason unfun = unbalanced. I hate the new dva more than matrix dva because I played counters to that annoying style of just hold matrix.

I believe Dva shouldn’t be able to shoot and fly and having those missiles makes it worst still.

I mean I don’t remember the details too well, but I just know that poster was on and on the forum constantly posting feedback, and to watch devs just be like no finally sucked. Then later they add rockets for a random reason that did not address their concerns.

point is like there is a difference between a player who loves the class & will post in-depth balance feedback from their understanding compared to rant threads cause unfun = unbalanced, must nerf, lets rant in crowds and spam. Just look at Brigitte, imagine someone who actually likes that class.

and then we see rant threads trash talking pickrate get balance changes, but when the player who plays the role talks about feedback it is ignored brutally.

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Once a thread or post has enough momentum in it, I don’t think a lot of dev responses would be really accepted by the community since it either wouldn’t be ‘enough’ of a response or they’d be held at their word - and when that didn’t come to fruition exactly as described, the forums would riot about how they were lied to.

Seeing how players react to some changes, I’d personally be worried about any kind of reply post. It would probably be much simpler to take a generic question and give an answer on their own. Perhaps a bit less satisfying, but less likely to cause problems I would think.

It’s because Unfun/Oppressive is looked at more than anything. But Mercy is a character who amplifies all the Unfun/Oppressive and she is Unfun/Oppressive herself yet they ignore the failure of the Mercy’s rework because of ego and not to mention of being a cash cow.

Mercy is too popular to stand against the community. Remember what they said during the Seagull interview?

“If we nerf Mercy we have to fight against the internet.”

Some people believe they were probably joking but I sure don’t.

I think if they just had some devs stop in within the week and just spend a few hours replying to posts with some back and forth feedback.

Their replys would feel less like god replys, and more like human replys w/ possible mistakes made.

The only reason they get a huge backlash is because they reply so little. So little to the point some youtuber makes a big deal about it on video. Their feedback, balance cycle is soooooooooooo slow. Thats one of the problems I see.

You only get a backlash from the community, because its this build up of player feedback that goes unnoticed. I’d probably be super upset with my 3000+ posts about Ana to see a developer tell me “shes a healer not a dps”

This is probably the most crippling thing. People might freak out less on every change if change happened in a day or a week rather than months.

It also seems like there’s been less and less dev replies as we go. And i can’t blame them really, I’ve seen the posts that want so-and-so dev fired because obviously one person is responsible for everything that happens. :\

There’s been decent backlash for things they haven’t even done (yet) because they’d given a guess-timate time frame before. Like with some of Reins fixes. “They said April but here we are…” Though I’m not excusing some of the … cute remarks as replies for something viewed, and demonstrated, as broken. I would think that’s a bit more infuriating than no reply - to feel mocked, almost.