Ana, Soldier, Roadhog, and Zarya sound bugs

I’ve experienced lots of sound bugs with Ana’s primary and scoped fire, Roadhog’s secondary fire, Soldier’s primary fire, and Zarya’s primary and secondary fire.
I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I posted this just to know if it’s just me.


I’m having the same issue as described above by alice. Thought it was my computer or game. I scanned and repaired game files, and restarted computer. No luck. Hopefully this is fixed soon.


Its the Same with Lucio’s Right click. its really loud lol

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Same problem here . all the audios seem really high and out of sync compared to other SFX of the game . its really annoying


I played with Roadhog yesterday, also noticed the bug in sound with his secondary fire. Something like a noisy burst of sound when the scrap bullet scatters.

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I heard someone say that it primarily effects people with low Master Volume, and that the SXF is taken as if the master volume is at default 100, which is why it’s so loud.

I haven’t tried to put my master volume up as of right now, but this seemed like a logical place to start in terms of discussing this sound bug.

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It’s really annoying… Makes playing Ana for example really unbearable.


Same problem here. I’m main Roadhog, and almost deaf with this sound glitch.

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Same, way too high! Tested on roadhog