Ana needs a passive ability

After Hanzo’s upcoming rework which will certainly make him a more viable pick and increase his winrate, Ana will become the hero with the absolute lowest winrate in the game, according to overbuff stats.

The devs are aware of it, and it seems there are no simple tweaks that could solve that:

Ana players often complain about her current state (myself included) and generally ask for two things:

  • Better mobility to help her survive dive comps
  • Piercing shots to make her able to heal allies through enemy shields

I think both of those suggestions are excessive.
Zen is god-tier right now even though he has no mobility. And it’s a good thing that shields create “safe spaces” that not only protect your team from damage but also cut enemy divers from being remotely healed.

What I think Ana really needs is a passive ability to help her face dive comps. And honestly, considering how cluttered her kit already his, a passive may be the only reasonable choice left.

Here’s what I think: let her take advantage of healthpacks in a different way than other characters. Letting Sombra hijack them for her team was an interesting idea. Let Ana have a different interaction with them, in a way that would increase her survivability against dives without systematically wasting a 'nade.
E.g. a pack heals her over time instead of instantly… or she gets temporary shield when overhealed by a pack… or she can “save up” one pack and it’s triggered when she takes damage… or a pack gives her 'nade back…
All of this should be balanced with proper cooldowns of course, so you don’t end up constantly playing on packs. But for once Ana players could play back away from their team (as a sniper should) and know they could seek temporary safety in healthpacks instead of automatically rushing to their Reinhardt.

What do you think?

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A lunge move on spacebar like Hanzo is getting and/or Mercy 1.0 Regen is all I’d want.

She should have some sort of mobility, like a wall climb or grapple.


An old woman climbing walls and using grappling hooks.


If they’re gonna implement this don’t forget a voice line which says “BAYONARA [FEMALE DOGS]” when she uses it in Ana’s native language.

just cuz she’s a sniper and sight is important for her. it would be strange, I agree, but helpful

Her passive should be that when she throws her nade out and isnt in the radius, she will still get the 100 heal, but without the health boost unless she is actually in the radius and just reduce the cool down to 8 seconds. Also make it where the cooldown start immediately when she throws it. Not when it explodes.

it already starts when you throw it

I like the idea of getting a small health boost after grabbing a health pack. It fits with her theme of a quick over-time boost. Maybe she can get 50 armor from a small pack and 75 from a large pack that cannot regenerate through heals or stack with other pack bonuses.

Could have sworn it doesnt start till the nade hits something.

A sniper on the ground what a joke

not sure how to respond to this or what the tone is but ok i guess

BMIm saying how can one he a sniper and have 0 escape abilities

Thats like being a pilot and your plane has no wings

And the other sad part is snipers are supposed to be away from their team in the back line not directly behind them but further back on tops of things offering recon support but ana can’t do none of that because she can’t get away from flankers or people that junp onto her so the real question is why is she even a sniper to begin with if youe going to be hugging the butts of your teams to begin with, your at point blank so why in the gods earth do you need a sniper for? might as well turn it into a pistol instead because you can’t face dive if you choose to isolate yourself in the distance they should just delete her cause she just a waste of people time honestly the whole point of being a sniper is to eliminate your target and gtfo of there but in her case heal her team mates from a distance and offer support by taking out low hp target idk any sniper that stays in the same spot after killing someome they know your position so you need to relocate and I don’t think freaking walking is the best option.

that’s what I was saying… so yes, a sniper can have escape abilities

I think They should give her a passive
that let’s her leave a trail of Candy to bait out the enemy team.

To be fair though it’s not like she’s out to get kills like Widowmaker. Normally she’ll hanging behind the team. I’d say to give more survivability with a passive instead of an escape ability. Since technically the Sleep Dart can be used to bail from a Winston jumping on you.