Remake it into something else. It’s ridiculous.
Why rework something that doesnt need a rework? Save that effort for Symmetra smh
All the people calling for Ana nerfs are always support players who are salty when any other support is nerfed because “Blizzard hates supports!” yet instead of asking for buffs to Mercy, Zen, Bap they are asking for Ana nerfs?
For what? So that every support can be mediocre?
I’m playing tank but ok. Complete immunity to healing should never happen.
Yet it has happened since Ana was added and wasnt such a big issue then.
Amazes me how ppl just seem to have a list of characters to cry about and they slowly take turns moving through it.
I think Ana just needs a small magazine size nerf… that’s all. Nade is fine
I just feel like the ammo buff she got two years ago allows her to be a little too forgiving in how she manages her primary resource (ammo), enabling her to spam tanks considerably more.
There’s been a huge power creep since ana was added. Nade is too strong now.
Which isnt Ana’s or nades fault.
Why wasn’t it ridiculous before? Ana isn’t a new hero?
Probably because of healing powercreep. Because of it, burst damage is a necessity, and when you completely nullify it, it can be a team sweep. And now that its being toned down, having Anti-nade with only one counter will look “unfair”, with that counter being the busted Immortality Field
Literally everyone wants other supports buffed.
Since the dawn of creation, support mains have been speaking out about buffs lol well, discount raid boss brigg and moth mercy, the 2 most broken entities to ever overwatch
And here we are, still ignored as Ana has a laughably high pickrate and Blizzard does nothing out of favoritism.
They could at least be consistent and nerf her as she dominates the game, but favoritism takes over rationality.
Nah I’ve seen tons of “nerf Ana” and “nerf nade” threads from support players. Tragique.
Because they clearly don’t want to risk support power creep
So be consistent and nerf a stale meta
BioNade has been a problematic ability since its inception.
Sure at Ana’s release, Nano was even more of a problem, but after that got nerfed, BioNade shaped metas.
It took Moth Mercy to push Ana away. Not nerfs. BioNade still needs to be made into an ability instead of a pocket ultimate on cooldown.
Anyone who says that doesn’t know what powercreep is. If people think buffing Mercy to 60 HPS and Zen to 30% discord (which are the most common requests) is powercreep when it was literally how their kits were for the first 3 years of the game…they need a dictionary.
This entire game has gone through power creep, 100% undeniable. The manner of which does not matter.
They like the state that supports/tanks are in which is generally weaker than post RQ whereas damage are generally stronger as a whole.
I don’t play Comp, but I get the argument I’ve heard and read here a few times (mostly just repeating what I’ve read about this often enough):
Ana is the only Support that can make the enemy team’s healing efforts null (especially in crucial moments, which a good Ana would always exploit).
On paper, and probably in practice it makes Ana a ‘must pick’ Support.
But the problem is not everyone wants to play Ana, even though they know inside that switching to her (especially if the enemy team has one) is objectively necessary (I.E. the best answer versus an enemy Ana wrecking up your team’s healing efforts is to have one too doing the same to them to ‘brute force’ a balance; similarly to how it is in good Widows Vs good Widows scenarios, you better hope someone on your team can also play her and wreck the other one just as often)
It is just one single ability, yeah? Not an Ult. Let’s see what it does:
- Damage to enemies
- Healing to allies
- Healing on self
- Block healing to enemies
- AoE effect on healing block to enemies
Sounds pretty damn good to me. In a scenario where Ana did not exist in the game yet, if people would give suggestions to a new Hero on the forums, and you’d see the exact description above as an Ability on a 10 seconds cooldown, everyone would lose their sh and call you crazy.
Let’s see it two different ways:
If today Ana was a new Hero coming out just now with this bio nade, would we see ‘Ana is broken’ / ‘Ana is OP’ threads by the hundreds every hour? You bet we would (which is a statement that goes to show that this bio nade has been a problem in the eyes of a lot of players apparently since a long time by now).
If another Support had the same ability but was maybe applied differently, then Ana suddenly wouldn’t be that much of a must pick anymore (except maybe for the very good aim and tracking players out there, maybe). Let’s say, if we had a slight rework for Zenyatta’s Orbs, and one of the Orbs would instead nullify healing on the enemy target from ANY source of healing possible and it’d last 4 seconds (and the Orb would never break away for those 4 seconds regardless of what happens to Zen), then guess what… people would play Zenyatta more because blocking healing is an absolutely crucial ability to have on your team. Same goes with Baptiste, if he had some new ability on his gun that would throw a debuff-style grenade then we’d see more Baptistes around (I genuinely don’t see many at least not in QP).
But with all this said, some people here only say this about Ana:
“She already has counters”.
“Send Winston on her!”.
Welp then, let’s forget about it, nothing happened, she’s fine. Never mind!
If you’re playing tank it’s literally your job to block it. Use your shield, DM, grasp, whatever. Hell just kill the ana if you’re playing ball.
I remember when she got the mag buff in the first place
Ana doesn’t need any changes.
Errrrr yeah it was a big issue when she was added, her nade was quite literally meta defining for about 9 months in season 3 lmao.
I think nade is fine, Js. It used to be categorically BUSTED.