Ana Mythic Weapon

Probably unpopular opinion but it’s not really anything impressive and amazing. Especially for something that costs as much as it does.
I like the shooting audio and all the effects are nice, even tho. it takes a lot of healing/damage for all the effects to appear. The gun spin is cool, but that’s something majority will forget about just few days later.
My biggest issue is the weapon model itself. It just does not look impressive at all, especially for a Mythic weapon. I had Ana in my team with the weapon equipped and you can literally barely notice it in the game, it looks very similar to her Haroeris weapon.

I am not saying that it’s bad, but it’s pretty underwhelming overall. Also weapons being tied to a single hero in this game and the price of the weapon make it very, very hard to justify buying this at the same price as a full Mythic skin with all the customizations and stuff.


Huh? That’s, like, the only reason to even use her mythic.


As usual its garbage. I said it before and will say it again, these weapon skins do not go with any skins and feel out of place, the spin emote with the gun should be in the base game, and every hero in the game should have one. Im not paying this. Its so bad. Paying one full mythic skin give you more content anyways, its so braindead.

It’s more meh-thic than mythic. :smile:


Only Ana players understand the incredible BM value of that fidget spinner. Fidget spinner+sleep dart and tbag for max disrespect


not to mention everyone was supposed to have something like this and then they made it mythic weapons only so they could make money off of it

Not unpopular opinion. I think that 80 prismas is too high for a weapon without customization, mythic skin is better in every way. I miss nade and sleep effects… It’s just a meh-thic gun

I also find the weapon not worth it, but not for this reason. I don’t care much about how I look to others. That’s what mythic skins are used for. But mythic weapons are supposed to enhance the first person experience.

My issue is that there are not enough effects in first person.
For example, there is no special animation for saving a teammate, although saving teammates probably happens as often as killing enemies, and is more satisfying for Ana players.

There is no saves/kills streak animation.

I also would have liked to have special effects for hitting a grenade or a sleep.

The general consensus is that the mythic weapons are not worth $80 in their current state.

Unfortunately, cosmetics not being worth their prices has been a reality since the launch of OW2. So nothing new here, just the same old mediocrity.

I use gun spin to bait out deflects lul

It doesn’t really stand out on most skins tbh. She already has so many incredible skins, and a mythic at that… it’s hard to contend. Just another drop in the bucket.

It definitely needs more. I would not spend $40 on that and I play a LOT of Ana. I saved my BP prisms for it and it is pretty underwhelming. Can teammates even see the death effects?

Funny. I like everything, except audio. I miss the healing feedback sound and that high pitch is not pleasant to listen to for a long time.
I find Ana´s gun very nice, cause she has some very good epic skins, that needed only a better gun to be perfect. And with gold skin, this one is neat.

Same here, she is my 3rd most played hero. And no, only the player with that weapon equipped can see the kill effect. Same for Rein’s Mythic hammer kill effect.

which actually sucks.

I like the sounds it makes. It’s more of the audio and the flourish animation than the actual gun visual tbh

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My friend told me he really liked it. I do not. I hate it. It looks like a crappy gun imo. Like a knockoff golden gun or something. Like tracer’s second mythic skin second tier weapon.

Also, for forty dollars I could buy TWO TO FOUR VIDEOGAMES. Why would I spend that kind of money on a singular skin?

That is some absolute BS. What’s even the point of buying it if no one else can see the kill effect? I mean yeah, I can understand there are a lot of effects and visuals in the game already but seriously?

I do really like the kill effect on this one too though. So satisfying.

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ngl the Rein one is pretty underwhelming too (still have it maxed out tho). It’s better than Ana’s but not worth 80 prisms. There’s no reason for these things to be any more than 50 prisms maxed out, but if they were only 20-30 for the base form we wouldn’t get that sweet FOMO of not getting both mythics so people will feel compelled to buy Prisms.

Even the little “floating orb in the middle” is something her Mythic skin’s base weapon already does. Honestly I like the mythic 1st gun more than this thing in just about every way.