Ana & Moira are balanced, Mercy is too strong

I think if they do the Moira fix that is on the PTR correctly, and it currently isn’t correct as it created even more problems than it solved. Then it could be argued that her and Ana are relatively balanced against each other.

I am still of the opinion that Ana either needs some sort of dodge mechanic similar to the new one on Hanzo, or vertical movement to help her out. Or some self sustain that doesn’t use up her main group utility. So either some more mobility or sustain. Then she will be balanced.

As for Mercy, I think resurrect should just disappear from the game. It is the main reason she is in like 99% of all league comps. It is what breaks her and make her feel and seam OP to most people as that utility is just too good. I recommended in another discussion replacing her Resurrect with a new shield ability that worked like Moira’s orbs to a degree. So she activates it and either left clicks her team mate or right clicks herself to give a shield to absorb a moderate amount of damage for 1 target. This would be a fairly unique ability still for the supports, and depended on tuning and CD wouldn’t be as mandatory as Resurrect.


Bionade doesnt synergize with other supports?

Bionade is more shut down and self sustain.

It’s on an extensive CD which really makes it hard to synergize with other supports who’s “burst” healing is one like 1/2 the CD speed.


Biotic Grenade helps other Supports, the other Supports can’t help Ana without reducing their effectiveness.

Biotic Grenade is also supposed to be used offensively rather than being a strict healing ability, it’s also Ana’s self-sustain on a 12-second cooldown which makes it unwise to use to boost another Support’s healing.


In my opinion, bad balance is poisoning the support class. Here’s a post I made like 5 minutes ago:

If it isn’t a viability issue, and this powercreep has mostly happened since the rework, and if she’s unbalanced despite having the same kit for 5 months - what is it, if it isn’t her rework’s design?

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Okay? That’s their kit for their huge healing potential. They still have the potential to output double the rate of healing than Mercy. Also let’s not forget that Moira is literally a braindead version of Ana in terms of healing. They do the exact same healing except it’s so much easier on Moira than it is with Ana as well has having a pretty good escape tool and can be pretty good at 1v1s against flankers but no its always Mercy’s fault that Ana isn’t viable totally ignoring the fact Moira is just a better and way easier Ana

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Theory isn’t always great in practice. The average healing of both Moira and Ana speak for themselves. Both Moira and Ana can burst heal targets, you’re right, but that healing output is not sustainable. Moira even more so than Ana since she’s only as good as the enemy team allows her to be.

Basically their are a lot more factor’s to consider than just healing per second.


No kidding. Bastion is a great example of how theoretical output is meaningless when you get into the actual game.


Ana could be as strong as other healer if :

  • You give her pre-healing back ( yes this is important, period )
  • You let her heal through shield

Now if you want to make her must pick :

  • Give her anything to help surviving ( self healing passif, reload = put 50 hp healpack on the ground, climb wall etc … whatever )

It’s almost like Mercy players said this rework wasn’t going to fix any problems a year ago. :thinking:

Mercy was fine before the rework, just annoying but she was useless even if she could pull off a good res, the enemy could just save ults and use them. They should just make res on a meter and charged by a meter to make it more predictable and so she has to stay alive and work for it. It will make her played less and make her more fun for most players if they can remove or reduce the cast time as well. Just my 2 cents

This sounds like an ana Moira problem.

Maybe one day we will see rez as an ult again, where it belongs. It doesn’t even sound good, brings someone back to life?
On a cooldown?

It’s the equivalent of dragon blade on cooldown, or high noon.

Give mercy a reload mechanic, 150 hp, and valk as a normal ability, faster ga, farther ga, and res as an ult. There you go.

When one character is dominant over two others, it’s more likely the one dominant character is the problem - not the two others.


But it does synergize with other support healing.

It could however Ana’s synergy in general isn’t as great as Mercy or Zen’s sadly.

She actually syngergized amazingly well with Lucio but with his nerf and Sombra effectively shutting him down entirely makes it hard for her.

I hear she synergizes well with Brig but as do Zen and Mercy and sadly they just do her job better at the moment.

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I really don’t think Moira is much better off than Ana after the nerf on the PTR goes live.

I really don’t see why moira healing through barriers isn’t just a feature tbh.

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Probably because she’s balanced with Ana now.

Ana is just plain weak. I mean yeah she can do okay in healing numbers, but that isn’t saying a lot. A pure healing Lucio can do just as well in healing numbers, As can a Mercy.

The problem is that Ana brings almost nothing else to the table except her healing, where as Mercy brings resurrect, Lucio brings speed, and Zen/Moira bring some offense. After Ana’s damage nerf her damage is pretty much the worst in the game. Mercy’s pistol does better.