Ana is the most picked hero in GM

This is weird. I’m glad Ana is seeing more usage, but I don’t think a straight healing nerf to Mercy was the way to do it. It didn’t change Mercy’s skill cap; It just made her worse at her primary job. It’s rez that needs the tweak. Good for Ana all the same, though.


Mercy is still he best pick with snipers and other pocket heroes like Pharah, Junkrat and McCree. Moira still excels in hard tank compositions. Zenyatta still works in most Dive comps and Anti-Dive comps (Orisa Roadhog).

Ana should have the highest skill cap of the supports because her value is simply the hardest to use. Mercy is designed to be more dominant when players can’t correctly use Ana’s kit, and that is what we’re seeing emerge.

Mercy is not as hard as any of the other supports (except probably Moira) so why should she have the highest potential value? It didn’t make sense from a design perspective at all.

If they want to one-trick Mercy, they will probably fall out of GM. One-tricking any hero will have a negative effect on your SR to an extent.

Mercy is still viable in comps that center around snipers or other pocket heroes like McCree, Junkrat and Pharah. During the Mercy meta, Mercy and Zenyatta were picked more than 90% of the time.

They still can. There are GM Symmetra and Torbjorn one-tricks. If people want to one-trick Mercy or any other support, they still can.

If a hero is the only reason you’re Top 500, you don’t deserve Top 500.

Luckily, almost all Mercy players in Top 500 aren’t one-tricks and are capable of playing at least Lucio.

He isn’t dead at all. Mercy will still be run with McCree, 10hps isn’t going to kill that incredible synergy. McCree has more firepower than Soldier: 76, that is why he is so much flimsier.

She should be the dominant support. Not a must-pick. Mercy is retreating to sniper + pocket comps (which is a lot of comps to be fair) and Moira still strongly holds tank comps. If anything, all that has changed is that Ana has taken over most Dive comps and GM players think she is the default hero choice. Ana isn’t that much better than any of the other supports, it just depends on the map. On Junkertown for example, Mercy is easily the better choice.

Tank comps

Dive, especially on Offense.

Pick her if they pick Tracer. She isn’t really a support.

He will be used alongside Ana in pro play, but he will only see significant use in the higher tiers (which is fine).

Mercy, a hero who simply doesn’t have the same skillshot potential, should not be the dominant hero in GM. She is still a good pick, just niche.

Yes it does. Orisa + Roadhog would probably be the weakest tanks, and they’re still incredible dominant depending on the map.

I would say the Dive tanks might need some reigning in, but solo q players aren’t good enough at them to justify it (even in low GM Rein Zarya is still the #1 tank duo).

People always tend to focus on the negatives…


Still a trash tier support on console.

Where did I mention console?

As in Illios, the one map they’re good one /s
In all seriousness, I more meant balancing tanks in relation to the rest of the game. The whole role has kind of been reduced to door mats.

Hopefully they won’t nerf Ana anymore and just buff the others for a more even playing field.

Now with the Mercy Healing nerf we only have two main healers

lol Ana won’t ever get a meta on console no matter what because she’s horrible here.

What do you call McCree + Mercy?


Tanks are not doormats in any way, shape or form. Tanks are extremely important.

After all, London Spitfire won off of amazing tank play from Gesture.

As for Orisa comps, they’re great on Sanctum, Well, all of Junkertown, r66 A, King’s Row A, Dorado A, ToA A, Hanamura A, Rialto A, Blizzard World A, Eichenwalde A, Hollywood A, and Horizon A. They’re even viable on Oasis University and Volskaya A.

So yeah, if you disregard all of those maps they could appear pretty bad.

you mean every 2cp point a defense, several hybrid defenses, almost the entirety of junkertown, dorado a, and route 66 a

Don’t know what school has to do with simple overwatch logic but with your brain it was probably the only one way you saw to insult about.

The argument is straight that Moira is not just an M1 holder also she has to track and aim her secondary and primary fire, her primary fire acts even like a projectile makes it so that you won’t even heal genji’s when you heal them without predicting where they go.

I also don’t get what “tons of utility” has to do anything with skill difference it is just how heros are built.

Ana is definetely easier than Widow and McCree also than Tracer and probably Doomfist/Genji.
I believe Zenyatta requires even more Skill than Ana but they’re about par actually.

On top of that Moira has to manage her Fade and Orb’s to get maximum value out of them because when Moira fades she’s an easier target than Ana and flankers/dps in general know that.

Resource management is also needed and sometimes even frontlinling because of that, while Ana can simpely reload.

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No hero should.


Exactly. You trade out the devil for a monster? It’ll bite you in the butt after a while.

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Yeah, having a dominating hero is just a sign of lack of balance.

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It’s not okay for a mercy one-trick or any one-trick to be in top 500. If people can one-trick to top 500 with one hero, it means that hero is overtuned… case in point as it was with tracer and as it is with hanzo right now.

Nice and thoughtful.


That isn’t true. There are Reaper, Symmetra and Torbjorn one-tricks in T500.

and props to them, but they are the exception… not the rule.

Guess this is why most Ana mains preferred old, underpowered Mercy. At least Ana was actually being picked way more in high ranks than Mercy.

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Tanks are important but weak, and the map thing was a joke, although I still think Orisa is pretty map restricted.