And the Ana apologists arrive to claim the hero with the highest pick rate for most of the last 2-3 years isn’t in any way broken and there is some other reason she is constantly picked. Hmm, right.
Or it could be that Ana is a fun and reliable SoloQ support with big impact and high mechani cal skill requirement. I dont disagree that antinade sometimes doesn’t feel good to play against, but there are a multitude of ways to play around that. There’s a multitude of ways to play around her entire kit much like the rest of the cast. Unless Ana is in a duel, all of her abilities require teamplay and team follow up.
Yeah, just had to sacrifice my other tank partner to the alter and rework several characters for a small reprieve from Ana.
Even though they gave her the new support passive which covers one of her intended weaknesses.
Brig is NOT a throw pick below Masters lmao where do you get that idea. Brig is literally a hard carry character at every rank if you know how to play her. It is just that many low elo players have no idea how to play her and either stay in the back and babysit for the entire game and never get Inspire up or they hard feed and die off cooldown.
People don’t play Junk and Pharah very often and the only one of those I consider a threat as a Brig player is Pharah. But there is usually someone on the team who can deal with the Pharah and I’m pretty good at keeping myself alive. If the Pharah is completely uncontested then yeah I will swap to Baptiste or something
Actually playing the game?
The only way she can do anything below Diamond is if you are a moron and play Genji into her. But without 95% accuracy widows or pesky Tracers in the way, you can actually pick the heroes that literally stomp her hard.
She is useless from bronze to low gold, easy to deny by basic gameplay Junkrats and Pharahs who people have problem countering. High gold to Diamond things are slightly easier but Junkrat and Pharah are still viable and make her near useless.
Brig only excels on Masters+ and pro-play’s stale and small DPS meta of hitscans and Tracer, specifially because none of her counterpicks are viable.
Funny because its completely the reverse. Low tiers play her like she is a flailbot that can tape the primary fire button and think they can get away with doing melee dps forever while Masters+ are peelers for Zenyatta that stay relatively away of the action unless they need to pop ult.
Honestly, its clear you dont what you are talking about or why Brig does what she does. Did you lose recently to a Brig?
she was never a must pick, otherwise gm players wouldn’t consistently complain about brig and bap much more than they would ana.
No meta was defined by her in a very long time.
Maybe not a “must pick” but always the top pick. That says something in itself. And no, it does not mean only that she was the most fun or we would see different DPS heroes at the top in that case than the boring hitscans that rotate in and out.
She should be easier to get to with one less tank in the beta. DPS will do DPS things so she’ll probably be prone to flanking.
must pick and strong pick aren’t the same thing and never were.
there are only 7 healers and 2 picks per team and they are all viable outside of moira
Except you basically need at least one tank to dive onto her to interfere with her ability to carry her team. That means your only tank is now gone to chase Ana in the backline.
Git gud at Dva, never worry about Ana again.
From the looks of it Dva will only get stronger in Ow 2.
Ana has double digit cooldowns. It takes team effort to protect her but any flanker or dive hybrid hero can take her out.
If she’s a problem in your matches you have the ability to pick a counter and deal with her.
That’s what it boils down to.
This game gives you snipers that out damage her because Ana can’t crit or tanks that can block her cc or her nade.
If she’s oppressive it’s a you problem.
Baptiste is a far more dangerous support than Ana.
If you are playing Roadhog, Reaper, or Moira then yeah Ana was built to counter/oppress you.
The rest of the roster has crit, burst dmg, mobility, cc, and other abilities to neutralize her kit or give her tough matchups.
Play heroes you lose to or watch help guides to understand the matchup
Interesting you mention that when one of the earlier posters was pointing out how you can cleanse her DoT and nade with Reaper / Moira. I think the only other hero who can cleanse is Zarya, so that means 2/3 of the heroes who can even deal with the anti nade are weak to Ana anyway. Mobility means nothing when Ana can CC you to sleep in the middle of a fight then throw a grenade that heals her team, boosts healing, deals area damage that kills low HP targets, and blocks all healing from the survivors. It basically nukes teamfights and she can throw one in from halfway across the map every 10 seconds.
Dude I am literally a brig main who has worked in T2/T3.
While it is true that her primary fire cannot heal and do damage, her anti-nade most definitely can.
His ability to pump out hitscan damage out of scope + vertical mobility + IF having near no delay when used as personal + only slightly less healing output than Ana make him an issue. Only way to deal with him is to out-hitscan him with a dps.
You nerf his damage and suddenly he is much more manageable.
Ana has been primarily a healer in OW2 so far.