Ana is still blatantly OP

I die way more to Mei isolating me from my team than I do from anti. The other reason is going too far unintentionally breaking LoS with my support around the corner.

93.75 HPS is pretty high. Then she can increase it to 140.625 with a defensive nade for 4 seconds with a 60 hp burst heal. Then she’s got another massive 250 hp burst heal on her ult if she needs it. Plus, Nano’s damage resistance halves incoming damage but not incoming healing, so that lets her healing essentially count for double for the duration. So… effectively around 280 effective HPS if she stacks both.

How is that not high healing?


Grandma passive: slower movement speed, takes damage from jumping


Honestly, I think Ana is fairly well balanced for her kit, difficulty to play, and obvious weaknesses. Giving her more indirect nerfs would be a little better. For example, not being able to completely gut roadhog on two abilities both with a stun AND an anti-heal.

Kiriko could be a more directed anti-Ana counter, but you’d have to do something like lower Suzu cooldown to like 8-10sec. Remove the immortality aspect of it.

At present, Kiriko mitigates Ana’s impact, but you still have a revolving CC application that is at a higher rate than Kiriko. Sleep dart can equal a kill. Even if you Suzu the sleep the damage is already done. Whatever ability that hero was about to use is negated.

Bionade is already effectively 1:3 bionades will go through uncleansed.

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I unironically feel Ana is one of the more balanced heroes in the game. It’s 5 v 5 and other random changes over time that is throwing things off balance, not Ana herself.

You don’t have another tank to shield or bubble. Zarya CDs being out of sync with Ana is also not an Ana issue. Sometimes a player is forced onto Ana because there is too much sustain on the enemy team. None of these things are an Ana issue, it’s a Blizz balancing issue.


Honestly, I’ve been saying this since the dawn of time: they should revert the healing nerf to nade and then nerf anti specifically.

They need to address Ana getting to have 3 ultimates that are basically on CDs otherwise she will always have the support role in a chokehold.

Not just high; it’s the highest overall output in the game, even including Illari since she has the resource that massively diminishes how much healing she does on average (and that is a good thing)


Mercy is slot machine hero, you are there to play matchmaking rng without agency over your game. Sure you can be better at surviving and pocketing people but in the end if your team doesn’t get kills with all that pocket you are doing then you lose. Other supports have much more agency over their wins.

She is the hardest solo queue hero to climb with and the easiest to get boosted at. Solo q Mercy is a roulette, maybe you get lucky :slight_smile:


All dps orientated supports are beyond OP. They need to tone them down

Not in my skillful hands


No, she is picked a lot because everything she does is amazing. Great heals with infinite range. Ultimate which combos with pretty much any composition in the game, so your ult is always worth farming regardless of what you are playing with. Sleep dart which is the hardest shutdown in the game. Anti-nade which is easy to land and wins teamfights on it’s own. Her damage is good enough to be threatening as well and has inifnite range.

The only weakness Ana has is her lack of mobility. Pretty small price to pay for so many benefits. It’s hard to think of composition where Ana is bad for your team.


this is like 99% of the reason whenever i switch off mercy. i will damage boost all my teammates to try and find someone who can hit their shots. if they cant, then any amount of boost is useless, might as well pick ana or kiriko and have tons of damage or utility on top of better healing.

Kiriko was literally built to have a counter on the support role to ana. It was originally going to be for moira but the gave it to a new hero.

Ya im sorry both healing and damage are so high that if aomeone goes ana they have an insanly higher chance of winning up here in masters/low gm lobbies. The only way to play against a ana is to go ana because kiriko cant kepe up with anti because its a 10 second cool down and she has 2 things to mess eith oyur tank sleep the only hard cc out side thank which shoukd be removed and anti that makes tank and supports role enert for 30% of the game if used off cool down and you xant even cleanse it wiht hp packs like other effects like fire. Ana has been op for years but shes the only hero the devs protect


94 healing per second with 100% accuracy. No one has 100% accuracy, average accuracy for Ana hovers at 55%, so in reality, the average healing rate for Ana is around 50 healing per second. Which is pretty average healing, and below average healing rate.

You need to understand that Ana isn’t built around healing over time. She, like Baptiste, is based around burst-healing. One shot, equals 70 healing. You miss that shot, no one gets healed. There’s no partial healing, no half second healing, no quarter second healing. There’s just a 70 heal shot, or nothing.

Now, Ana has Biotic Grenade which is a secondary healing source (and another burst heal), that heals those caught in its effect for 60 healing, and gives them a buff in healing output. This benefits all healing sources, by primary benefits Ana the most. Having this extra healing is what keeps Ana on par with all other Support healers.

Yes, Ana has a very forgiving aim when it comes to healing. But all Supports have very forgiving healing requirements or mechanical demands. This is somewhat irrelevant, but Ana is still required to aim her shots, and a miss can be bad for her or her ally. High-ranking Ana players like Ana, because they have good aim and can make her work. Everyone else, tends to struggle, and she falls into the lower-to-middle in the healing ranges.

This does not mean she’s a bad character, or anything like that. It’s just an objective statement. Understanding her limits and where she really sits help better the conversation around her. Far too many players tend to overestimate her capabilities.

It is not. The highest overall healing output comes from Moira at 140 healing per target with Coalescence, Transcendence at 300 healing per target, Valkyrie healing at 60 healing per target, and Tree of Life with an instant 150 healing per target.

Illari, has nowhere near close to the healing outputs of the top healers. Not understanding that Illari is a healing over time Support hero with a strict aim requirement on her RMB.

Illari’s RMB is not burst healing. That’s not “click a button and instantly get 120 healing”, no. That’s hold RMB, aim on the target persistently for one second and then reach up to 120 healing. The target moves, or goes out of range, or you can’t maintain even 50% accuracy on that beam? You don’t get 120 healing, you get proportional to how accurate your shot was in that span of time. If it’s 50% in one second, you restored 60 healing. Less than that, less healing.

Until you hit a wall, or a barrier. Ana does have great range, but it is important to be objective about this.

Sure, Nanoboost Mercy and see how her healing improves. Unlike Kitsune Rush, Nanoboost has no effect on healing power. Nanoboost is great for defense, and the added healing is a nice bonus, but is barely changing many break points these days, except for a handful of Tanks and Damage-role heroes.

Which is fine, Death Blossom, Rampage, Overclock, Tactical Visor, Barrage, Dragonblade, Annihilation are all good choices and benefit pretty well from it. Even Captive Sun seems like it could be a useful choice.

Stuns work just as well. And EMP/Hack still feel like better choices.

Her damage is pretty solid, with great range, not infinite.

Ana has several weaknesses, most of these are related to her healing rates, and most of these are covered by the co-Support. Additionally, any other weaknesses that Ana has are more or less tied to the challenging nature of Ana’s design. She more mechanically intensive compared to most Supports, Biotic Grenade is still difficult to land on many long range or middle range targets. Likewise, Sleep. Barriers and other defensive abilities are an obstruction to maximizing any of her abilities, damage and healing. And, as stated, her lack of mobility prevents her from avoiding these sorts of elements.

Again, most of these weaknesses are easily covered by other Supports. Wherein Ana cannot reach an ally or target, the Co-Support would be able to, reducing the stress that Ana has to deal with in trying to keep everyone alive.

This is false.

Because to some people anything that says “sniper” must equal pure raw skill, absolute masterclass, big-brain fivehead. Anything that’s not “sniper” is baby trash and needs to be thrown away to make way for the abject purity of sniping.

Nah, suzu cleanses several other things beyond nade. You will unsurprisingly see Kiriko played in games where Ana is not played in the opposing team, because Suzu has great value beyond cleaning nades.

Just as, if anti nade was reworked to not have anti- in it at all, would suzu be useless? Not at all. It would still be a top-tier ability.
And Kiriko as well would remain top tier.

Of course we believe that you are not, one thing I noticed in this forum is that half of those who complain are low elo and the other half complain about Blizzard be a bad company(that’s me) , and you seem to me to be the first option since you say things like:

Information is what we have, “may” is the word that does not contest arguments, but I agree that these numbers are not accurate.

7 characters can “remove” the effect, 15 can somehow avoid, block, clean, eat the ability, and incredible as it may seem, you didn’t mention the number of characters that “rely heavily on health packs”, 4? Doom, Ball, Tracer and Sombra, I believe they are, the rest can use, and should use more, but those that “relieve heavily on health packs” I believe are these, and honestly the two tanks that "relieve heavily on health packs, " they have no way of removing negative effects, well Doom has ult, but I want to see the Doom that has ult for every negative effect that is placed on it.

7 characters can take it remove and only one is a tank(Zarya , again not counting doom) 15 can avoid it, which I think is a good number, so I don’t think Ana needs to be nerfed, but as there are people who complain about the anti-healing effects, Heal packs remove effects I think is a valid solution, as I would encourage them to use them, instead of complaining that the support is strong or that the team’s support doesn’t heal.

They’ll never nerf her. They’ve made it known she’s their favorite. Every nerf has been accompanied by compensation buffs. Buffs to compete with Roadhog were only partially reverted.

I hate to say it, she’s never getting changed. She’s always going to hold this game by the nuts.


Get GM on Mercy then.

Because she’s always mirrored in high elo(excluded stats) and in low elo tier lists don’t even matter. That’s not a good argument.

Yeah, I’m not trying to contest it here.

And while they might not be accurate, they are the only ones we have right now.

I’m not sure I’d qualify Doom as being heavily reliant on health packs. Wrecking Ball, is obvious. Tracer uses them, but also has Recall for healing. Sombra would definitely be more reliant on them.

Doomfist has an ultimate, and that his way of clearing it. Zenyatta clears it the same way with his Ultimate.

They remove damage over time effects, and I don’t see any reason why they can’t remove additional debuffs like Anti-Healing.

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