Ana is simple, mercy is complex

I’m expecting a bit of “hue hue hue your wrong” so if your going to do that please read this first instead of just skipping by, thank you

Ana is probably the most simple healer
(other than maybe brig) in the game.
When I say simple I don’t mean easy I mean simple.

Ana’s kit has no alternative options or desisions you need to make, if there’s a problem you probably have a one or two step awnser.

A teammates half health? Heal them! Are they being killed atm? Nade and heal. Are they 1 health being pressured? Nano them!
A hero like mercy (I don’t think mercy is harder than Ana) has options, if someone is being killed and pressured it might not even be worth healing them as they might die anyways, although farming them for your ult might be a good idea, however this might feed dps and tank ults.
If someone is dead let them die, be patient and look for a fast flank, try to res? You might die though.

Each problem Ana has, has a simple awnser, if your being killed sleep dart or call for help. With mercy you may just say “use guardian angel” but which guardian angel!?
A bounce, glide, hop, wall ga, enemy GA (given the situation probably not), you get to point!

With mercy it is what do you do, with Ana it’s how do you do it.

An option for mercy might be one step but ten different options, while with Ana it maybe one set option but making sure that you do it the right way.

Mercy is not harder than Ana, but in every way I can think of she is more complex.


This is a summary of Mercys gameplay. No matter which decision she makes, her team dies anyways because her healing is crap.


I feel like this argument could be made for all the heres tho, even mercy for the same reasons. Someone’s taking damage, heal them. Someone’s doing damage, damage boost them. Someone’s attacking you, GA away. Its true for all the heroes that they have a bare minimum that they can do which is pretty much what their kit tells you to do, but the players themselves who can do extra things and each thing better with that kit is what makes people better at that hero, Ana, mercy, and all heroes included.


Okay but what are the alternatives for ana, nade for dmg or heal? Boost for damage or heal, my point is that Ana makes many fewer choices than we’ll, most of the other supports.

I can play this game too.

Mercy is simple. You hold left click, and hit shift whenever an enemy is near you.

Ana is complex. You have to carefully use your abilities because you have to know when to use them and it’s not just when they’re off cooldown; you have to aim your healing, nades, and sleep dart; you have to have good positioning or you’ll just get dove over and over again and feed; and you have to call out to teammates because you can’t heal them through barriers or walls.

Mercy is easier than Ana, and Ana is more complex in every way.


You can chose to assist your dps in killing someone and have sleep dart priority stuff like that. The point is that all heroes are simple, yet complex in there own different ways.

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Fair enough, I don’t think your argument is valid as your showing how I played mercy in season 2 but alright sure


No. Stop. Ana’s and Mercy’s sets of options are totally different.

Mercy’s are about which one to use on whom: Do you heal so they can survive and deal more damage or do you boost so they can kill they enemy so that they don’t die from damage and then heal them. Or…as you said…don’t put yourself in a vulnerable position and rez later.

Ana’s are about how to use them. Do you heal you teammate so they don’t die from the next damage or do you use the shot to deal damage and kill the enemy before they get the chance to deal that damage. Do you use nade to anti? Or heal boost? Or save it for self-preservation knowing there’s a winston.


They’re both simple and complex in different ways and I really wish people would stop putting down the other healer in favor of their preferred one. It’s tired.


Ever since this post my life has never known peace

Snakes have started to manifest in my house physically


Ana is my favorite healer, I can’t play her on this account though because I suck at her ; - ;, I talk about mercy more because she has a whole lot of issues

I disagree.


I agree Mercy is by far harder to play.

Too many people get drawn in by the simplicity of her healing lasso.

…“and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself”


makes me remember that “Mercy is as hard as Widowmaker” thread


So… Ana is simple yet too hard for you to play? And comparing her to Mercy no less. Wow. Ana has no 1 click escapes, needs to aim every ability, and every ability needs to have its cooldown managed. Also considering when to reload is very important as it totally takes down your healing for the time it’s being done.

But “go off” I guess.


you hvae 1 hp and your tank has 1 hp and your enemy tank is getting healied.

1_ nade yourself
2_ nade your tank.
3_ nade your enemy tank.
4_ get close to your tank and nade both (assuming there is no threat)

1_heal him
2_heal him
3_heal him
4_ شفيه (heal him in arabic)


What you’re proving here is the problem of mercy’s healing. “well they’ll probably die anyway. Might as well let them and bail out”. On top of forgetting that Ana’s team (mainly the the flankers) will not always be in LOS and the complexity comes from predictive positioning and quick decisions. Will she give up high ground to save this person?

You’re arguing complexity when what you’re proving here is mercy has reliant mobility while Ana does not.

What you’re also doing is oversimplifying Ana’s kit. Go ahead and argue that mercy is complex. What you don’t have to do is down play and bias about another hero to make your point somehow worth more.

Sleep dart, nano, and grenade have multiple usages. Is that not how you’re arguing complexity for GA?

Sleep dart: self defence, ult shutdown, play enabler. Is she going to use it for self defence? Or catch the pharah with her pants down? Ana can’t spam sleep dart; it’s on a 12s cd so obviously she has less chances to use it which doesn’t make it simpler.

Nano: denfensive or offensive. Will it keep the fight going or end it? Who has ult? Who’s important.

Grenade: self heal/self defence, burst heal/healing amp, anti. Once again a choice but she has more options which can also leave vulnerability. Depending on the game, these choices can be forced with greater consiquences.

Final verdict: click bait title, arguements using fallacy and bias.


So, what you’re telling me is you don’t know how to play Ana? Got it.


No. ‘You’re’ wrong. Continue.