Ana has almost 100% pickrate. Every match, there is an Ana

Ana was a mediocre to a throw pick for years and the meta didnt change away from Zen Lucio until Brig released.

Turns out higher healing is only needed when you nerf or outright remove every other layer of survivability a team has! Funny how that works.

I love how according to forums Nade always hits 6 people and goes through shields and cant be DM’ed every single time.


Personally, I just find 100% healing reduction on a cooldown ability a bit much. Imagine if Lucio got 100% movement speed buff when using Amp It Up?

It sounds more fair for a single-target ultimate, in my eyes.

Almost as if you shouldn’t just yeet it randomly. It’s like crying that matrix eats tacvisor, when you should always kill the meka first and then press Q.

All you need to do is purple the right person and the fight’s over. You don’t need a WYKKYD SYKK 6 man anti to win a fight, you just need to make sure the tank can’t stay alive and you’ve basically won.

Turns out Ana fell out of meta when they hard nerfed her kit four times, from damage, anti duration, and nano effect. She came right back when they buffed nano and her damage. Also, Mercy/Zen was meta for almost two years before Brig…


I think she’s overpowered because her antiheal is too strong for how easy it is to use and her sleepdart is too effective on tanks. Additionally her ultimate is both exceptionally powerful and exceptionally easy to use while also having a multitude of situations where it’s useful and not taking that long to charge.

Anti heal should be not 100%, sleep dart is a trash ability that needs to be replaced, and her ultimate needs to heal a measly 100(which turns to 200 effectively because half damage)

Ana is too easy to play for how powerful she is


I mean, that kind of comparison is kinda silly because comparing a delayed, high cooldown projectile with a small aoe to a VERY big AoE effect with like half its cooldown… is honestly very short sighted.

This sounds like a ‘‘maybe they shouldnt have nerfed tank defensives so hard’’ problem more than a Ana problem.

Like ngl but maybe nerfing every single tank aside Rein and hog, who are weak to Ana as intended, was not a good idea. Specially nerfing the single tank in the game who has not only a self-cleanse but also an ally cleanse.


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Well, I actually agree with the latter part of the sentence. Discussing a character being OP without exploring why isn’t contributing anything. I fully agree with that. Because there’s a lot of different variations on OP, and everyone seems to get fixated on an idea that OP = unbeatable or unkillable, when in reality it’s a blanket term/classification for an entire range of issues and problems in the system. It’s like saying, “there’s a bee!”. Well, is it a honeybee? Hornet? Wasp? Bumble?

Well, because it was my focus, yes.

Yes. That precisely. Like you said earlier, statements without discussion exploring those statements isn’t helpful. I wanted your perspectives and solutions, because I love hearing people’s different approaches.

It used to be a common trope that people would group up together to discuss an idea or process, and they called it “brainstorming”. Because different people with different experiences having been involved in different situations and witnessing different solutions in their lives, all contribute varying (and sometimes conflicting) resolutions to an issue, but everyone gets to witness and learn from each other. If there’s going to be any value in having forums in the first place, it stems from that.

Well the entire point was to hear your stuff. What are you going to do to improve the situation, if you had control of the situation in the first place? The point isn’t for you to try and argue the fact that the situation exists in the first place.

…like you did right here. This is that unhelpful part. You telling the doctor that it’s entirely possible your child just runs at a higher body temp isn’t helping the situation.

No, because the crux of the matter is Ana being omnipresent due to being picked more than twice as much as the second-place support in three out of seven ranks, still highest by a wide margin in another three ranks, and tied for first-place in the final rank. Which means that whatever changes you propose here to alleviate the situation, they would have to make Moira’s pickrate go up by a factor of 2x to 11x across all ranks. Unless you’re genuinely godawful at balancing and have no faith in your own ideas, that’s not going to happen. And people complaining about trivial stuff isn’t the issue at play here. It’s people rightly pointing out a symptom of an issue and what you would do to remedy it.

Because the devs implied that to be a non-starter by doing the reverse of what you’d want. It’s like your boss telling you you’re not getting a raise, then two days later, you go and ask him for a raise. That’s already been discussed, you’re not getting a raise. What’s your next idea?

And it’s not that I’m personally shooting down the idea of reversing those nerfs, I’m just stating that ideas about reversing them are likely to not get any traction because it used to be the status quo in the first place, and they moved away from that. It’s fine if your solution is to simply reverse the nerfs that set this situation in motion - just say that is your preferred solution.

There’s lot of options on the table. But I asked you for yours, and you ended the discussion with saying that you don’t believe that jet fuel can melt steel beams and dismissed the discussion out of hand. We can’t have the discussion in an intelligent way when your response is < see no evil>[speak no evil]{hear no evil}.

I literally gave you my word that I wanted to hear your solutions on the matter, and your response was, “what problem?” How do you stand there and lament that people don’t rationally discuss issues then turn around and plug your ears when asked to be a part of that very discussion??


Oh and also they are changing the direction of the game but Ana is staying the same

Ana is the problem


Are they changing the direction of the game or are they changing the direction of a third of the game while the other 66% are just there?

Because so far it seems like the issues cropping up are more than the benefits so far.

And honestly? People are going to whine and complain about an Ana with nerfed utility but higher self-sufficiency anyways.

I want an Ana in every match. When I play tank, it’s frustrating having to depend on awful dps every match.

This is the crux of thing too.

Every Rein main hates Ana when she is the enemy.

Every Rein demands every single Nano too, and if there is no Nano Bot, well then pick it!

In the end, Ana is one of the biggest enablers of fat DPS hammerbot Rein players that go into forums to complain about every single thing that stops them from hammerbotting.

All you need to do is headshot the right person and the fight’s over.
All you need to do is hack the right person and the fight’s over.
All you need to do is wall off the right person and the fight’s over.
All you need to do is boop the right person and the fight’s over.
All you need to do is hook/combo the right person and the fight’s over.
All you need to do is bubble the right person and the fight’s over.

I mean, that’s what abilities and damage and heals are for. To target the right person at the right moment to create an advantage for your team. And just how headshots and hooks and hacks have counterplay so does nade, and just like some headshots/hooks/hacks result in kills while some are missed and some are blocked, so does nade.


She was the most picked hero by miles - and in most games. It’s not only that she is op that annoys people, it is her presence in almost every game.

I don’t even care about how strong Ana is, I just want to enjoy the tank role.

One ability. Ana has three different ways to close out a fight. Like, the issue isn’t that anti is good, it’s that she has anti, sleep, and nano on a single hero. If Zen had discord, resurrect, and lamp on a single kit, he too would be incredibly broken.


They are changing the direction of the game because every tank is seeing major changes, most damage characters are seeing big changes, and supports are going to need to refocus their efforts due to changes in team structure

The game direction is changing and Ana is not changing with it because “skill shot”

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It really wouldn’t lol. Bap is individually stronger, esp in high elo and almsot any high elo player would tell you that. Rein isn’t that insane rn at all but people play him a ton in casual ranks lol. Maybe, just think for a moment, that the reality is that people will play who they want because they are fun. Pick rates don’t equal strength lol.

Most people don’t mind her at all lol

Let’s not act like the Rein players are the bad guys here. Rein vs Rein encounters used to actually be enjoyed. Nowadays, you can basically play as badly as you like, and the victor will usually be whichever player has the more attentive Ana, and whoever has the Ana that is most capable of dumping her abilities into the enemy Rein to reduce agency further. She provides endless scenarios that Rein basically has no means to handle, as well as having the tools to cover the mistakes of her own Rein.

Unsurprisingly, nobody enjoys Rein anymore, and everyone plays Ana and tank queues throttle the game.


Well, when was the game in a more balanced state?