"Ana has a healthy winrate" or "IDK what statistics is"

Pick or win rates?

If you’re not in GM go watch a Gm streamer- I’d say this seems about right. Ana is basically in every game on both sides right now.

Adding them up, I get ~120% for GM from the last three months for pickrate for all modes, and comp is way way over 100%. Seems pretty off.

Yeah, I get 212% for three months comp GM. Maybe I’m not inputting something correctly, but seems pretty far over 100%.

All skill tiers this month only comes out to 96%.

Maybe Overbuff just sucks.

Sorry, typo. Pick rate.

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I have no energy left for you all guys, and the replies are a lot too.

The thread was removed and restored from by the forum staff again. It’s so funny that people who insult me all the time also false flag me for “harassment and violence” while I never insult anyone directly. You can have your opinions being disagreed with and it doesn’t mean you need to false flag me because you are so desperate. Grow up already, seriously. Anyone who false flagged me, your pathetic attempt was a fail again.

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Without words <. >

Days later, I still don’t understand how %4.44 is meaningful or proves Ana is picked a lot.
I know everyone else knows what I’m saying already but understanding/misunderstanding math and just throwing calculations on a board doesn’t mean it’s right at all.

I think it pretty much does. It’s “fun” other way to check your own stats maybe but thats about it.
And to add to the stats, I havent had a successful profile update in months with any of my accounts - and I’m sure im not the only one.
It also showed completely wrong numbers on some accounts, like playtime way off in some heroes that i barely played.

Ana and Mercy have a 5% higher pickrate to winrate ratio than ANY other hero in the game. They both need nerfs. When a character has a 49%-50% winrate and a 10% pickrate which is 5% higher than ANY OTHER HEROES that shows a PROBLEM.

Actually Ana has an 11% pickrate which is even more absurd.