Ana doesn't do 75hps

So single rez as an ult? And some crippled version of Valk on E?

mass rez my dude.

a rework is what I want.

Its so depressing that a Bronze Mercy can outheal a GM Ana.

If I was an Ana main I would be raging.


Yeah I write you off now.

The paradigm is 1 button press = 1 rez. Not 1 button press = 1-5 rez. Now you’re just basically rendering the entire reason and effort behind the rework completely irrelevant.

No mass rez. Move on plz.

That isn’t true at all. Resurrect could be made risky by giving it a 3+ second cast, and Valkyrie could have its ridiculous 15 second duration reigned in to ~12 seconds. There are absolutely options here.

Useless ult.

You will die. There was a reason she was given invuln.

Smh. People really forget how it all went down it seems

Give it los checks,a small cast time and till be fine.

its an ult so it should understandablely do just as much as the other dps ults that can kill entire teams.

They said no to a revert but they said nothing about another rework that brings back mass rez :man_shrugging:

you do that and fix the other healers with buffs and qol fixes and the healers will be fine.

1 - Nobody has 100%accuracy
2 -

3- She has one healing ball almost each time the last one dissapear. (also multiple target)

I meant Resurrect on cooldown

Grenade can do more healing and it amps.

I mean sure, but that’s also kind of ridiculous to think that devs would ever take it to those extremes.

It’s useless then. Invuln was given for a reason.

Mass rez is dead and gone, god bless. Move on plz.

Ah my bad friend. I’m just so used to people being like “throw an LOS and cast time on it! It’s fine!” No. It’s not. Lol.

Then come up with something better.


Anything that involves 1 button press = 1 rez. I’m willing to consider that.

As far as 1 button press can equal anything from 1 to 5 people being rezzed, no, I won’t consider that. As moving away from that was the entire point of the rework.

That’s easy:

  • Instant single rez during Valk on Q, no rez outside of Valk.
  • 50 healing per second on Cadeuseus staff, down from 60.

Well that is what it takes when you give Resurrect on cooldown and a free ability to a hero.

why are we touching her healing when its not even the issue? lol

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Because the issue is too much utility+healing+survival.

And they aren’t going to touch Valk+Rez+Boost, and nerfing her survival would hurt low ranks too much.So that just leaves healing.

Ana thread talking aboujt Mercy fml

Currently, post rework, Mercy’s kit is still just offering far too much value in all areas. So, we must then consider what to adjust from there. We can’t really go any further as far as rez on E goes, so we have to either rework it (NO MASS REZ) or tune the other elements of her kit to bring her back in line with the rest of the supports.

This is not a difficult concept to grasp. Just because prerework numbers like her GA CD, or HPS, or damage boost, etc, wasn’t a problem, doesn’t mean they are exempt from being adjusted when it comes to tuning CURRENT POST REWORK MERCY. All cards are on the table.


then touch only rez.

no need to touch the rest of her kit.