Ana and Lucio need adjustments

Shouldn’t Moira be better for GOATS?

Yes, it also stops primal rage from upping Winston’s hp.

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That’s a DEV question really.
Still, once the meta shifts it’ll be mute.
They’re already working to nerf Goats anyway.

First: what favors Ana more than other main healers?
Second: How do you nerf GOATS without nerfing it key part that suddenly went meta right after it got serious balance change (unlike rein who just got his shatter fixed).
Third: “Meta favored” was Doomfist. But it doesn’t stopped blizz from nerfing him to the ground. So why Ana is any different?

That’s not how rez works.

Rez - target is dead

Literally everything else - target is not dead


Because nerfing her doesn’t necessarily end Goats. It only nerfs her. You’ll only supplant Ana from Goats and replace her with Moira.

Anyway what needs or doesn’t need nerfing is likely going to take multiple adjustments across the board – a combination of nerfs and buffs to various heroes. Personally I hardly think Ana’s part of that overall equation and subsequently won’t end up nerfed hard; but that’s just an opinion here.

Mostly what’s needed is deprecating the need for tanks to act as DPS and instead advance DPS heroes to fill the slots they’re supposed to. I think Goats is a DPS-vs-Tank problem and not necessarily whose doing the healing.

nerfing ana is a way to go to stop goats. Ana, lucio, zen. Prob some of brig also but she takes too much nerfs tho.

This is something i wanted from the start. Ana’s nade buff only counting for her own healing…

You can try… I think if you go that road you’ll find yourself whack-a-mole nerfing every support in this meta until the meta itself changes for the lack of sustain then you’ll find yourself nerfing those supports that best suit that other meta too. Then once those nerfs kick in and all supports are nicely nerfed you’ll find yourself without supports and tanks. It’s doable sure but you’ll definitely upset most of your base in the doing.

It’s a Tank-filling-as-DPS problem.

You have too many broken ults. Game changing ults broken the game because you can either wipe a whole team or heal everyone without any cost.

Brig, lucio, zen and nano are thoose kind of ults. You can’t kill nobody with zen/lucio and sort kind with brig ult. There is no DPS that can deal that amount of damage. The only one who could barely did it was doomfist and he was nerfed to the ground.

That let me think Blizzard is not worry about this trash meta nobody is enjoying.

Well I guess Brigitte has a rez every 6 seconds then.

They’re defensive ULTs for a reason.
Overwatch is a MOBA-esque first person shooter and not a straight up first-person-shooter. There are other FPS games out there without much support if any if you like.

What you’re hoping to achieve but eliminating defensive ULTs from the game runs counter to how the DEVs designed their game.

Here you’ll find ULTs that do both — save and destroy.

I understand perfeclty the concept of defensive ults. But lucio wasnt that strong and ana’s nanos wasnt as strong and brig was not here. All buffed at the same time and with brig. That was the starting point of goats.

Actually Ana’s nano used to be way stronger. That was back in the tank meta before she got nerfed hard.

Only recently did they add the heal because she was under powered.

It’s the answer they gave. If you asked the Ana community before this buff you would’ve seen many who would’ve preferred her having a better self heal or a wall climb instead.

What the DEVs sought to do was to leave her glaring weaknesses in and instead make her do what she already did better. Hence the heal on nano.

What the Ana’s of then wanted was a better self defense. She didn’t get that .

Again, for the millionth time, I was focused on the value. NOT the conditions in which to use it. Dear god, it’s like talking with a brick wall, even though the wall has been told by 3 different people what were implicating, yet it can still only focus on “is the target dead?”

Ana able the triple tank meta in the past and is one of the pieces of this goats meta. Tanks are not doing that much dps. In fact the dps of this meta is much more zen than any other. Just as is all about melee lot of times zarya/rein get the medals.

Ana was not at a good position but they buffed her way too much and then brig the crazy lucio ult with melee high substuain like brig. This meta is all about thoose healers.

You can have strong healers but this is way too much. Nothing dies in this meta, there is no dps that can do that amount of damage and we can buff any more the hitscans. And they nerfed doomfist that was a perfect piece to play this meta at least with one dps or even two with sombra. In that way It looks like genjis/tracers/widows can be meta for 10 seasons but sombra/doomfist not.

The thing is goats is even more dominant than dive, is the most dominant comp in the history of this game. If they are in goats you need to swtich to goats. If not, it’s GG.

I’m not saying ana’s community has the fault of the character. But they were pretty comfortable with making trash of doomfist tho.

Healing ults are overtunned and giving the life to this horrible meta.

People are calling it a “psuedo rez”, which is what MY ORIGINAL comment was about.

It is NOT a psuedo rez just because it can heal potentially low targets. Neither ability correspond to one another, and it DOES matter that one has the target LITERALLY DEAD while the other can “bring them back from the verge of death” which literally any burst healing ability can do.

Your argument breaks down to “preventing death” vs “literally bringing them back to life” and one being an EX ULTIMATE THAT IS POWERFUL AF and got so many penalties tacked onto it because of how powerful it was as an ABILITY, and the other being an ultimate that requires someone to be alive to even use.

Where did you get that from? O.o

His healing is still very much the same, as well as the ult charge rate.

The decay time on the shields is still the same, meaning wrong timing = wasted ult. They were very clear in their stance on the buff: Lúcio’s ult should be used to prevent burst damage (with RIP Tire given as one example).

You do realize the stronger version of GOATS doesn’t even use Ana right?

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God forbid an ultimate being stronger than a regular ability :joy:

Oh wow, Lucio finally passed Zen. I’m sure as soon as the GOATS meta is over, Zen will get his higher winrate back.

And yes, I completely agree that Zen is mostly balanced, but discord is OP. Honestly discord lacks counterplay. Zarya can bubble it, but then you just immediately get discorded again since there is no cooldown.

If the only counter to something is “just kill them 4head”, then I’d hardly say it’s proper counterplay.

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