Ana and Lucio need adjustments

Ana needs to have the heal on nanoboost reduced. It should heal for 75 HP maximum, not for 300. It should basically be an equivalent of a single dart of healing so that Ana doesn’t have to stop healing to apply nano. 300 HP essentially brings a tank from death to almost full HP. For how strong Ana’s kit is, nano right now is too powerful and promotes tank stacking. The design logic should be, strong basic kit, weaker ult. Which is how things were up until now. The heal on nano is almost an equivalent of a rez right now, and an unblockable one.

Ana’s pickrate is not healthy. It’s not that she’s a top pick only in GM, she’s the most picked support in every rank above and including gold. She’s also the 2nd most picked or the most picked hero overall in those ranks.

Lucio needs to have one of his two buffs reverted. Sound barrier either needs to get reverted or his aura nerf needs to get reverted. He was overbuffed. Not only can he connect frontline and backline more reliably now with the increased aura, but due to increased healing, his sound barrier also charges noticeably faster.

These 2 changes alone could dissipate GOATS.

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Not Lucio. Just Ana.
At first - nerf her nano heal to 150 or 200.
Second - i thought it could be good idea that Ana’s bionade healing buff is twice worse for non-Ana healing (so you couldn’t create mini-trans each 10 seconds with lucio and brigitte in a team)

Mentioning Ana nerfs in the forums usually doesn’t end well. Good luck.


Healing a hero’s health bar in HP is not the same as Rezzing, otherwise Rezzing wouldn’t be seen as an OP ability.

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It’s noticeably similar to res. That’s why people constantly reference it as an “erase” or “pseudo-res” ability that is near instant. Because it’s doing exactly what res does, but the target doesn’t have to die first, Ana doesn’t have to risk herself for 2s, and the ally who was healed to full has full mobility and control of their characters, as well as 50% increased damage and 50% reduced damage taken. Res makes the target wait 2.5s before they can do literally anything, leaving them 0.5s to readjust.

It’s literally a better, faster charging res, that can also be used offensively as old nano was. I personally mainly use it to save targets, so I’m always pseudo-ressing people.

There is a reason the most requested nerf I’ve seen is to nano. Because it is overtuned, just like a Resurrect ability.


Nano is imo better than rez as it not only saves most hero’s from the brink of death but the dmg resistance also means they have time to be further healed or to get out of the bad situation. The only thing stopping it from being completely OP is just how easy it is to target the wrong person because they step in front of you at the wrong time, especially in a crowded choke.

The other issue is it charges a bit fast for just how powerful it can be now. A lot of this is because ana can do dmg and heal with the same shot, making almost every bullet fired do SOMETHING to some one in most situations. Never mind the Grenade again able to hit up to 12 people, 6 to heal 6 to hurt in the optium situation.

Even in a more realistic setting your usually getting at least 3-4 people for 100 dmg or 100 health. In Goats this makes it insanely easy to get Nano super fast.

If nano is to be nerfed then I want all insta-kill moves and combos removed.


Ah, yes. It’s exactly the same as rez except for the fact that it literally isn’t. I get ya.

You’re not going to reliably charge Nano in less than thirty seconds.

Also, let’s not ignore the fact that Rez brings people back from the dead. Tracer pulse bombed your Zen? Ctrl + Z.

I’m not debating that. I’m debating the validity of a comparison between Nano and Rez. Claiming that Nano is OP and Rez is OP doesn’t mean that Nano = Rez.

Nano is nowhere close to rez. They’re literally not the same ability.

Is Trans a psuedo rez now? He instantly heals everyone to full for 6 seconds. Brig’s healthpack? Thats like a pseudo rez on e right? But better?

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I never said they were exactly the same or equal. I said noticeably similar. And Ana has the fastest charging ult. I get it in the first fight every single game I’ve ever played Ana…

Ana’s ultimate requires 1875 charge rate to achieve. She gains 1% of charge per 1 health healed, meaning 1875/75, Ana charges her ultimate in 25s WITHOUT bionade. Which actually makes this ultimate better, faster, and stronger than res (It is an ult, so that makes sense).


Anything that brings a target back from the brink of death near instantly, yes. They ARE NOT the same thing, but they act in a similar fashion. It’s just that one brings a target back from 0, the others prevent them from reaching 0, they receive no penalities for this, and they can be back to full health near instantly.

They are all basically burst heals. One just has A LOT of penalities tacked onto it, which is fair, because death just isn’t preventable at times, which gives res the upper hand in that situation.

Again, they are NOT the same, but each has a burst heal potential that brings targets back near instantly.

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Trans also has counterplay. Range, LOS, Anti, sniper-headshots, etc.

Whereas the only counterplay to Nano is to deliver 400 damage very quickly or at least 600 in case of a tank.

It also doesn’t have any drawbacks that Rez or Trans have. Zen doesn’t get to do anything else while Transing, he charges it longer + it has counterplay. Mercy has to commit herself to possibly get a rez. Whereas Ana simply fires nano on a tank that’s about to die, it draws all the aggro to him and then she can keep healing him. But every heal is essentially worth double due to damage resistance that gets applied. If she also nades it, then it’s basically worth 3 times.

Yes, and I’ve said that that’s total nonsense.

Burst heal + buff

Brought back to life.

Assuming she doesn’t stop shooting to reload, hits every single shot and every shot heals the full 75HP.

Totally a realistic scenario.

I’m not debating the balance of the ability, but comparing to to Rez is nonsensical.

No it wouldn’t. You could nerf Ana in to the ground and Zen would be picked in her spot always, as long as lucio can speed the team it wouldn’t change goats either.

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The change to Lucio + change to Ana would do it.

That nade could be absolutely broken. The anti nade is broken already…

Again, this is without bionade tacked on. Nade by itself can give Ana a considerable amount of ult charge, reducing that 25s nearly in half. Meaning, if done properly, Ana could receive her ult within 14s. And you really can’t miss on a tank unless you’re bad.

And again, I’m not disputing the differences of dead versus not dead. You are literally only caught up on somebody is dead for Resurrect, which I am not focused on.

Both act as burst heal potentials to reverse a near death/death situation, returning a target to full health. They’re both “burst heals” that give a spike of power. Nano is just better at it.

I’m ignoring the death aspect. I’m focusing on the amount of health received and the ability to reverse a near death experience, which is basically bringing them back to life just before they actually die. A target can have 1 health and nano just instantly fills them up. That in itself is basically a Resurrect. The target just didn’t reach 0 before it happened.

There’s no point in continuing the conversation if you’re ignoring the most fundamental aspects of one of the abilities.


Omg… because Resurrect can’t be used unless the target is dead. The nano can, but both BRING THE TARGET TO FULL HEALTH.

75 hp on nano? lol, no, just no. It should be nerfed to 200 at min. Also for those comparing rez and nano they are no where near the same. Rez is risky, very counterable often not worth it cause you often just favour healing. Nano is an ult that is instant, rarely gets interrupted, essentially gives extra hp and damage and can be used at any stage of the fight.

Saving someone from death and bringing a dead person back to life just isn’t the same, otherwise all good healers healing would be just like rez.