Dear Blizzard Entertainment,
You have bought me hours of entertainment throughout the past two years. I love Overwatch so much, I love all of the characters and I love this world you built. Please, don’t ruin it with Hammond.
The second Blizzard adds Hammond into the game, Overwatch, like Fortnite and Minecraft, will become a worthless, artistically lacking meme. If you add Hammond, you will prove to me, and everyone who plays this game, that you don’t care about making an interesting story or a fun character. You only care about memes, and making a meme character to pander to your braindead audience.
It wouldn’t kill your writers to make a character from scratch that is interesting. Moira is a prime example of this, she held absolutely no place in the lore until you showed her at BlizzCon but when she was revealed, we all saw the depth and complexity of her character.
Making Hammond a Mech Tank character would make absolutely no sense whatsoever. As genetically enhanced as he is, he isn’t human enough to fit into a mech made for humans. The Queen on the other hand is perfectly fit for the job, as not only is she human, but she is the mech fighting champion of Junkertown.
Some will argue that I should back off of you guys and let you make a meme of a character, but I refuse to stay silent and let this game degrade itself like Fortnite.
Please heed my advice and don’t add a character for the memes.
-Sincerely, Stringtheory
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he second Blizzard adds Hammond into the game, Overwatch, like Fortnite and Minecraft, will become a worthless, artistically lacking meme
Have yet to find sense in this statement. How can OW become like minecraft and forntie by adding genetically enchanced gorilla (which neither of those games have) to the game where there is already one genetically enchanced gorilla?
Please heed my advice and don’t add a character for the memes.
What memes? He is hinted at on the map he has relation to, just like junker queen. Therefore the queen is just as much memes
If he has a genius IQ, I’m fairly certain he could figure out how to fabricate something to work so he’d fit 
We have Doomfist, he has an interesting story and he’s a fun character.
A cowboy in a lifeguard uniform with a water gun walks in. “It’s hiiiigh tide.”
You are taking everything at face value, when I said OW will become like Minecraft or Fortnite, I didn’t mean gameplay wise, I meant they would achieve the same level of meme status as those games.
The Monkey is a meme dude, admit it, he’s just gonna follow Winston’s story but evil. People only like him not because of any depth in his character, but rather he’s a small cute evil space monkey. Queen has depth to her because she shows the horrors of humanity once it has reverted back to its primal era. Hammond is a monkey, who killed his mentors.
We don’t know if he has the same level of thinking as a human, he’s capable of thinking like a human, it doesn’t mean he thinks like a human.
While I too would rather JQ. They have been setting up Hammond for sometime now. So I am sure they have lore plans. Or its to make Winston less of a random anomaly.
It’s the best when a character becomes loved by their own merits, not by them just existing. McCree has become a beloved member of the roster because he makes people laugh at his cowboy style attitude. Hammond is loved by the community because god knows why, he’s just a litttle god damn i wish I could curse here monkey who we know nothing about
Don’t despair. Maybe the writers will surprise you.
He’s based off of a slightly racist character trope, he’s one of the most cookie cutter African Warlords ever made, except he has a big fist
I hope so, I hope they add all of the characters that can add some depth to the story before they add characters just because the community likes them.
We know nothing about him RIGHT NOW. You saying they can’t add some good lore and things later? 
I feel like people are complaining before the good stuff actually comes along. lol
Ok, he’s, a, monkey, a space monkey. We already know what happened in space, budget planet of the apes. We already have Winston to elaborate on that whole story. Roadhog is too silent to elaborate on the lore, and Junkrat is too crazy. Queen can show us the justification to why she is a tyrannical dictator.
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Hammond may be a space monkey but that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have gotten interesting when he came to Earth… lol
Myself personally would have loved JunkerQueen, love the Junkers, trust me I do.
But I believe they can do something interesting with Hammond.
Reaper Shrug Just feelsbad that he’s being judged so early based on the small information we already have before we know more about what he has been up to between then and now. xD
OW is opened to diverse heroes. We have genetic enhancehed gorillas, and maybe other monkeys. I wouldnt be surprised if the lore shows a submarine research center in which scientists and genetic enhanced dolphins collaborate for the good of science.
So, your letter makes sense, but not. Every hero needs explanation. Let developers explain us the story of hammond, or whatever incoming hero
Overwatch has always been about memes.
Symmetra’s “The cake is a lie” voice line.
Winston’s awkward shuffle dance.
Soldier 76’s Grillmaster skin.
Zenyatta’s Nutcracker skin.
Torbjorn’s voice lines. All of them.
The very concept of an enlightened robot monk.
Reaper’s shrug.
Ana’s candy.
The list goes on.
The game is meant to be enjoyable. Be that through gameplay, story, or simple jokes and humor.
And why does them making Hammond make it automatically uninteresting and unoriginal? They made Hammond in the first place, meme or not. Hammond was put into the game by them.