I really don’t care about his right click for this argument. You said to rework mercy’s ult to mass rez that would function like deadeye. We’ve already explained several times why that’s a bad idea. We’ve already explained why mass rez is bad.
You countered that with “but seagull said…so they reworked…” Does mass rez not have those issues?
sounds like it to me.
how very mature of you o wise man.
Nice m8 really sells its that you weren’t talking down to me.
nice of you to resort to insults because you cant debate me properly.
Its 1 idea of many and its just an example 
and ive explained why its not and you ignore me.
this is why its getting reworked 
The heck I was just joking XD .Also if you scroll up,you will se my arguments which you ignored.
Scroll up.Or is your scroll mouse button broken.
Im asking what comment you want me to answer.
I have otherwise commented on and answered any and all comments that I had notifications for from you.
hmmm and everything you asked I answered too aswell,except that last one where I was making a joke.Peculiar.
I have no idea what comment your talking about.
if I missed it you likely didn’t reply it to me.
quit being passive aggressive.
usually jokes are followed up by /s and as you can see since its text context and tone aren’t gleamed easily.
that’s like form etiquette 101
It’s not quite the original rework. As using Rez consumes a third of the Ult each time. And using it would put it on Cooldown once Valk ended.
Still a tempo Rez. No one wants that. Tempo rez is the main problem that everyone hates and mercy got Nerf even your idea is reducing time in Valkyrie for each rez, it’s still a tempo Rez and just waste an ultimate. Remind that tempo Rex is worse than mass Rez because mercy will only Rez tank again and again. And when she rez tank 3 times guess what? You need to do damage 1800 or more but mercy just press E. Since it’s season 10 and everyone plays 3 tanks 3 supports.