AMA responses Feb 21

Yeah, it’s quite rude that they don’t answer every single of the 1k+ questions.

No, they are IGNORING any question about Mercy, if you don’t want to see it… it’s the pure reality, they answer everything, except what has to do with her.

Proof they don’t actually play the game in pub q?

Yeah right. It takes you at least a day to do the arcade one. Meanwhile it could take all week just to do the other one no thanks to the matchmaking. The only horrible arcade ones are push or control only maps which absolutely will waste your time.

GEEEE I sure that dev could enlighten me what the “quite counterable” strategy to a masters+ widow on long sight line maps is besides switching to widow.

Its ok though, we are just humans remembering the bad more than the good. Nothing wrong with widow at all. Especially in this seasons horrible map pool.


It takes me weeks just to muster up the will to even enter the arcade :smile:

15 wins in Unranked is pretty easy though.


On behalf of everyone that hates this matchmaking please shut up.

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I am also one of those people :slight_smile:

My opinion is unchanged. 15 wins is easy.


they didn’t say anything that was of value or that we didn’t know already


I thought that with the Overwatch 2, they wanted to leave behind the Counterwatch.

But now they basically said “learn to counter Widow”


For the record, you shouldn’t go into AMAs like this expecting them to spill loads of spicy new info about future updates lol

If they had important info to give they’d give it in a more official place like a dev blog

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Ok so a bit of explanation why we have metal MMR players in the middle of GM average lobbies. Let’s hope we get this in the game ASAP rocky

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I don’t think AMAs are a good format for communication. The devs usually choose the fluff questions and ignore questions that are more controversial (and more important). I much prefer the blog posts and streamer interviews.


So did they ever end up answering the question about Mercy or…

Coin Line is by far the easiest in Bounty Hunter.
There’s only 6 people in the match,leavers are guaranteed from my experience.
You just pick Echo,kill steal the bounty and get free duplicate.Can’t think of the last time I lost in this gamemode.

Not yet, but they are still answering questions so who knows

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Their PRIMARY goal? This is a legitimately insane way to balance the game. This is like balancing a single player game around speedrunners as the PRIMARY goal. Their vision for this game is a disaster.


No, they’re not answering anything to do with Mercy, they’re ignoring a huge player base…


You will get a Mercy response and a change during the mid season patch, and you will like it. Until then, have fun waiting.

Yours truly,

The Development Team

Well they can’t balance their eSport around gold lobbies.