I love the whole look of it, I mean yea people wanted a Guardian Lion but this one still looks pretty nice
I think it’s just okay. Could’ve been better but not the worst thing I’ve ever seen.
Everything looks better than that-one-Ana’s skin, honestly.
Jk, it didn’t make me go “wow, I really want it” like Forest Spirit, but I would like to have it nonetheless.
I like it, didnt have a big wow factor to it like forest spirit of some of the guardian lion fan designs i’ve seen, but for a relatively simple skin I like it a lot. It’s quite eerie
here ya go! a tracer and brig skin too
(didnt know i was level 2 lol nice)
One that makes her look like someone put glue and a lot of feathers to her
I’ve been trying to find what the inspiration could’ve been and the closest thing I could get is that she’s supposed to be some type of Oni
Holy massive leak batman.
Looks ok for Epic.
It’s not an epic though
Again I’ll explain, her horns are removed in the skin, her supercharger looks different, it looks more like a traditional drum from China, where her armor is is sort of layered paper or fur or whatever. My point is, there’s too much detail for it to be only Epic
Wow someone else actually remembers that game? Thought I was the only one.
Any skin that removes her eyes is a meh for me
Any skin that make her look more like she is a killer robot is great for me.
It helps that Null Sector has guns on its face then
Yes it does, but still i wish she would talk differend using this one.
It’s interesting and bold if nothing else. It might grow on me in time.
I wish the Papier-mâché bits were red instead of white, but other than that I love it.